#! bash # Check for unsupported TERM variable if ! tput init &> /dev/null; then echo "Warning! TERM=$TERM unsupported, using TERM=xterm" export TERM=xterm fi # Fancy PS1 with revision control status for git, hg, svn [ -r /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh ] && source /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh function my_git_ps1 { find_up_recurse .git || return GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=1 \ GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=1 \ __git_ps1 2> /dev/null } function my_hg_ps1 { find_up_recurse .hg || return b="$(hg branch 2>/dev/null)" || return s="$(hg status | cut -c1 | sort -u | tr -d " \n")" echo -n " ($b" [ -n "$s" ] && echo -n " $s" echo -n ")" } function my_svn_ps1 { find_up_recurse .svn || return s="$(svn status --ignore-externals 2>/dev/null | cut -c1 | sort -u | tr -d " \n")" [ -z "$s" ] && return echo -n " ($s)" } if [ -z "$debian_chroot" -a -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot) fi PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}' PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[00;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[00;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]' PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[00;36m\]$(my_git_ps1 ; my_hg_ps1 ; my_svn_ps1)\[\033[00m\]' PS1="$PS1"'\n\$ ' # ls colours eval $(TERM=xterm dircolors 2> /dev/null) if [ "${DARKTERM:-1}" -eq 1 ]; then # Sets colour scheme in apps like Vim export COLORFGBG="15;0" # Bold ls colours LS_COLORS="$(echo "${LS_COLORS}" | sed 's/00;/01;/g')" LSCOLORS="ExFxCxDxBxEGEDABAGACAD" # BSD ls PS1="$(echo "${PS1}" | sed 's/00;/01;/g')" else # Sets colour scheme in apps like Vim export COLORFGBG="0;15" # Unbold ls colours LS_COLORS="$(echo "${LS_COLORS}" | sed 's/01;/00;/g')" LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad" # BSD ls fi # xterm titlebar displays 'hostname:workingdir' if tput hs || tput tsl &> /dev/null; then PROMPT_COMMAND='tput tsl; echo -n "$(hostname| cut -d. -f1):${PWD/$HOME/~}"; tput fsl;' fi # screen window displays current command case "${TERM}" in screen*) PROMPT_COMMAND="$PROMPT_COMMAND echo -ne '\033k\033\\'" ;; esac # Useful aliases alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias ll='ls -hlF' alias la='ls -ha' alias l='ls -halF' alias f='find . -iname' alias webshare='python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; SimpleHTTPServer.test()"' alias rm='rm -i' alias less='less -R' alias grep='grep --color=auto --exclude "*.svn-base"' alias scp='scp -o ControlPath=none' alias bc='bc -ql' alias vv='vncviewer -encodings "tight hextile copyrect"' alias watch='watch -n1' alias sudo='sudo ' # ability to use aliases with sudo alias sudosu='sudo su -l -s /bin/bash' alias _psresources='ps -weo pid,user:16,%cpu,%mem,stat,start_time,bsdtime,args' alias pscpu='_psresources --sort -%cpu|less -S' alias psmem='_psresources --sort -%mem|less -S' alias pstree='ps --forest -weo pid,user:16,args --sort start_time|less -S' alias pstime='ps -weo pid,user:16,lstart,args --sort start_time|less -S' # Colorful man pages function man { env \ LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;38;5;74m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[04;38;5;146m' \ LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' \ man "$@" } # Usage: mcd somedir # Creates the directory if it doesn't exist, and changes into it function mcd { mkdir -p "${1}" && cd "${1}" } # Usage: vimf somefile # Does a recursive search of the current directory for somefile, then edits it function vimf { find . -iname "${1}" -exec vim '{}' + } # Sets the nice and ionice priorities for the current shell to the lowest values function slowshell { ionice -c 3 -p $$ renice -n 19 -p $$ } # Bash should check the terminal size after every command terminates shopt -s checkwinsize # Don't attempt to tab-complete an empty line shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion # Display return codes on error function print_exit_code { _exit_msg="\033[01;33mexit code: $?\033[00m" if [ -z "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}" ]; then echo -e "$_exit_msg" fi unset _exit_msg } trap print_exit_code ERR # Local customisations [ -r "${HOME}/.bash/interactive_local" ] && source "${HOME}/.bash/interactive_local" # Load bash completion if available [ -r "/etc/bash_completion" ] && source "/etc/bash_completion"