# vim: set ft=sh: # Default directory to save the downloaded torrents. directory = ~/downloads # Default session directory. Make sure you don't run multiple instance # of rtorrent using the same session directory. Perhaps using a # relative path? session = ~/session # Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited. download_rate = 1000 upload_rate = 0 # The ip address reported to the tracker. ip = ###schedule = ip_tick,0,1800,ip=home.delx.net.au # Port range to use for listening. port_range = 7100-7100 # Start opening ports at a random position within the port range. port_random = yes # Try to use encryption encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry # Check hash for finished torrents. Might be usefull until the bug is # fixed that causes lack of diskspace not to be properly reported. check_hash = yes # Set whetever the client should try to connect to UDP trackers. use_udp_trackers = yes # Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been deleted. schedule = watch_directory,5,5,load_start=~/watch/*.torrent schedule = tied_directory,5,5,start_tied= schedule = untied_directory,5,5,close_untied= # Move when finished #system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,move_complete,"execute=cp,-u,$d.get_base_path=,/data/video/NewTorrents/;d.set_directory=/data/video/NewTorrents/" # Close torrents when diskspace is low. schedule = low_diskspace,5,60,close_low_diskspace=100M # Stop torrents when reaching upload ratio in percent, when also reaching total # upload in bytes, or when reaching final upload ratio in percent. ###ratio.enable= ###ratio.min.set=100 ###ratio.max.set=300 ###ratio.upload.set=20M ###system.method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, d.close=, d.erase= ###schedule = ratio,60,60,"stop_on_ratio=200,200M" # Severe throttling during peak period #schedule = peak_throttle1,12:00:00,24:00:00,"upload_rate=6" #schedule = peak_throttle1,12:00:00,24:00:00,"download_rate=32" #schedule = offpeak_throttle1,02:00:00,24:00:00,"upload_rate=16" #schedule = offpeak_throttle2,02:00:00,24:00:00,"download_rate=128"