This is a set of configuration files for a bunch of Unix apps I use regularly. The way I usually use this is as follows. Change the lines as appropriate for your system. Install Mercurial: $ sudo apt-get install mercurial Change into your home directory and make a clone of the repository: $ cd $ hg clone .hgdotfiles-computername Make a backup of any existing files: $ mkdir backup $ mv .bash* .ssh .vim* .Xresources .xscreensaver .screenrc .inputrc .ssh backup Symlink the config files into your home directory: $ for f in $(ls -A .hgdotfiles-computername); do ln -s .hgdotfiles-computername/$i .; done $ rm .hg .hgignore You're done now. You probably want to move your ssh keys back into ~/.ssh (which now links to ~/.hgdotfiles-computername/.ssh), as well as add a few machine specific configs to the bash init scripts. Create files in ~/.bash called environment_local, interactive_local, etc to do this. Also, learn how to use Mercurial and use it to version control other configure files of yours. For OSX/BSD you probably want to look at Here are some good Mercurial tutorials: