;;; chess-ai.el --- A native Emacs Lisp Chess playing module ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Mario Lang ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; This file implements simple negamax and quiescence search for chess ;; positions. Contrary to other engine modules, it does not delegate position ;; evaluation to an external program, it directly tries to calculate move ;; evaluations in Emacs Lisp. ;; See `chess-ai-best-move' for programmatic access. ;; Use "C-u M-x chess RET ai RET" to play against this engine. ;;; Code: (require 'chess) (require 'chess-common) (require 'chess-pos) (require 'chess-ply) (require 'cl-lib) (defgroup chess-ai () "A simple chess engine written in Emacs Lisp. This module does not allow for configuring search time used to calculate reply moves. You can only specify the search depth (see `chess-ai-depth')." :group 'chess) (defcustom chess-ai-depth 2 "The default search depth used to prune the search tree. If `chess-ai-quiescence' is non-nil, quiescence search will be performed after the ply depth limit has been reached." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-quiescence-depth 2 "Search depth for quiescence search." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-pawn-value 100 "Value of a Pawn." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-knight-value 300 "Value of a Knight." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-bishop-value 300 "Value of a Bishop." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-rook-value 500 "Value of a Rook." :group 'chess-ai :type 'intger) (defcustom chess-ai-queen-value 900 "Value of a Queen." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-passed-pawn 50 "Extra score for a passed Pawn." :group 'chess-ai :type 'integer) (defcustom chess-ai-mobility t "Non-nil if piece mobility should be considered during static evaluation." :group 'chess-ai :type 'boolean) (defcustom chess-ai-quiescence t "Non-nil if quiescence search should be performed." :group 'chess-ai :type 'boolean) ;;;; Static evaluation (defun chess-ai-eval-static (position) "Calculate the static score for POSITION." (cl-assert (vectorp position)) (let ((v 0) (status (chess-pos-status position))) (if (eq status :checkmate) -32767 (if (eq status :stalemate) 0 (let (white-queens black-queens white-rooks black-rooks white-bishops black-bishops white-knights black-knights white-pawns black-pawns) (dotimes (i 64) (let ((piece (aref position i))) (unless (= piece ? ) (cond ((= piece ?P) (push i white-pawns) (cl-incf v chess-ai-pawn-value)) ((= piece ?p) (push i black-pawns) (cl-decf v chess-ai-pawn-value)) ((= piece ?Q) (push i white-queens) (cl-incf v chess-ai-queen-value)) ((= piece ?q) (push i black-queens) (cl-decf v chess-ai-queen-value)) ((= piece ?R) (push i white-rooks) (cl-incf v chess-ai-rook-value)) ((= piece ?r) (push i black-rooks) (cl-decf v chess-ai-rook-value)) ((= piece ?B) (push i white-bishops) (cl-incf v chess-ai-bishop-value)) ((= piece ?b) (push i black-bishops) (cl-decf v chess-ai-bishop-value)) ((= piece ?N) (push i white-knights) (cl-incf v chess-ai-knight-value)) ((= piece ?n) (push i black-knights) (cl-decf v chess-ai-knight-value)))))) ;; Reward passed Pawns (when (and white-pawns (< (length black-pawns) 7)) (setq v (+ v (* (length (chess-pos-passed-pawns position t white-pawns)) chess-ai-passed-pawn)))) (when (and black-pawns (< (length white-pawns) 7)) (setq v (- v (* (length (chess-pos-passed-pawns position nil black-pawns)) chess-ai-passed-pawn)))) ;; Mobility (when chess-ai-mobility (setq v (+ v (- (+ (if white-queens (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?Q :candidates white-queens)) 0) (if white-rooks (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?R :candidates white-rooks)) 0) (if white-bishops (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?B :candidates white-bishops)) 0) (if white-knights (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?N :candidates white-knights)) 0)) (+ (if black-queens (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?q :candidates black-queens)) 0) (if black-rooks (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?r :candidates black-rooks)) 0) (if black-bishops (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?b :candidates black-bishops)) 0) (if black-knights (length (chess-legal-plies position :piece ?n :candidates black-knights)) 0)))))) (if (chess-pos-side-to-move position) v (- v))))))) ;;;; Move ordering (defun chess-ai-plies (position &optional capture-only) "Return an ordered list of all legal plies for POSITION. Move ordering is rather naive at the moment. Capturing moves come first, the rest is sorted according to the square index." (let* ((side-to-move (chess-pos-side-to-move position)) (plies (chess-legal-plies position :color side-to-move))) (if (not capture-only) (cl-sort plies (lambda (a b) (let ((l '(?Q ?R ?B ?N ?P ? )) (p1 (cadr (chess-ply-changes a))) (p2 (cadr (chess-ply-changes b)))) (or (< (length (memq (chess-pos-piece position p1) l)) (length (memq (chess-pos-piece position p2) l))) (funcall (if side-to-move #'< #'>) p1 p2))))) (cl-delete-if (lambda (ply) (= (chess-pos-piece position (cadr (chess-ply-changes ply))) ? )) plies)))) ;;;; Searching (defun chess-ai-quiescence (position depth achievable cutoff eval-fn) "Try to find a quiet position by evaluating only capturing moves." (let ((stand-pat (funcall eval-fn position))) (if (>= stand-pat cutoff) cutoff (when (> stand-pat achievable) (setq achievable stand-pat)) (if (zerop depth) achievable (cl-loop for ply in (chess-ai-plies position t) for value = (- (chess-ai-quiescence (chess-ply-next-pos ply) (1- depth) (- cutoff) (- achievable) eval-fn)) when (> value achievable) do (setq achievable value) until (>= achievable cutoff)) achievable)))) (defun chess-ai-search (position depth achievable cutoff eval-fn) (if (zerop depth) (if chess-ai-quiescence (chess-ai-quiescence position chess-ai-quiescence-depth achievable cutoff eval-fn) (funcall eval-fn position)) (let ((plies (chess-ai-plies position))) (if (null plies) (funcall eval-fn position) (cl-loop for ply in plies for value = (- (chess-ai-search (chess-ply-next-pos ply) (1- depth) (- cutoff) (- achievable) eval-fn)) when (> value achievable) do (setq achievable value) until (>= achievable cutoff)) achievable)))) (defun chess-ai-legal-plies (position depth) "Return a sorted list of legal plies for POSITION with scores calculated DEPTH plies deep." (cl-sort (mapcar (lambda (ply) (chess-ply-set-keyword ply :score (- (chess-ai-search (chess-ply-next-pos ply) (1- depth) (1+ most-negative-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum #'chess-ai-eval-static))) ply) (chess-legal-plies position :color (chess-pos-side-to-move position))) (lambda (lhs rhs) (> (chess-ply-keyword lhs :score) (chess-ply-keyword rhs :score))))) (defun chess-ai-eval (position depth achievable cutoff eval-fn) "Evaluate POSITION using a simple negamax search algorithm using at least DEPTH plies. If `chess-ai-quiescence' is non-nil additionally only capturing moves are examined until a quiet position is reached. EVAL-FN is called for all leave nodes of the resulting tree. A `cons' cell is returned where `cdr' is the supposedly best move from POSITION and `car' is the score of that move. If there is no legal move from POSITION \(or DEPTH is 0), `cdr' will be nil." (let ((chess-ply-allow-interactive-query nil)) (if (zerop depth) (cons (funcall eval-fn position) nil) (let ((plies (let ((chess-ai-mobility nil) (chess-ai-quiescence nil)) (chess-ai-legal-plies position 2)))) (if (null plies) (cons (funcall eval-fn position) nil) (let* ((best-ply (car plies)) (progress (make-progress-reporter (format "Thinking... (%s) " (chess-ply-to-algebraic best-ply)) 0 (length plies)))) (cl-loop for i from 1 for ply in plies do (let ((value (- (chess-ai-search (chess-ply-next-pos ply) (1- depth) (- cutoff) (- achievable) eval-fn)))) (progress-reporter-update progress i) (accept-process-output nil 0.05) (when (> value achievable) (setq achievable value best-ply ply) (progress-reporter-force-update progress i (format "Thinking... (%s {cp=%d}) " (chess-ply-to-algebraic best-ply) achievable)))) until (>= achievable cutoff)) (progress-reporter-done progress) (cons achievable best-ply))))))) (defun chess-ai-best-move (position depth) "Find the best move for POSITION using `chess-ai-eval' with DEPTH." (cdr (chess-ai-eval position depth (1+ most-negative-fixnum) most-positive-fixnum #'chess-ai-eval-static))) (defun chess-ai-handler (game event &rest args) (unless chess-engine-handling-event (cond ((eq event 'initialize) (setq chess-engine-opponent-name "Emacs AI") t) ((eq event 'new) (chess-engine-set-position nil)) ((eq event 'move) (when (= 1 (chess-game-index game)) (chess-game-set-tag game "White" chess-full-name) (chess-game-set-tag game "Black" chess-engine-opponent-name)) (when (chess-game-over-p game) (chess-game-set-data game 'active nil))) ((eq event 'post-move) (unless (chess-game-over-p game) (let (chess-display-handling-event) (funcall chess-engine-response-handler 'move (chess-ai-best-move (chess-engine-position nil) chess-ai-depth))))) (t (apply 'chess-common-handler game event args))))) (provide 'chess-ai) ;;; chess-ai.el ends here