Feature work remaining 2.0 annotations chatting 2.x display/database tie-in analysis/highlight tools bughouse/crazyhouse ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotlist - TAB in chess-pgn-mode at move 1 thinks O-O and O-O-O are legal moves. - Make a command binding (for reading NG articles and such) which will assume there is a PGN game under point and will read it as such and jump to the move before cursor; right now, C-c C-c in chess-pgn requires that the buffer be in pgn-mode - Move chess-assert-can-move into chess-display-move - Allow an "index N" command to the network protocol, so two people can review a game together - Make ( create variations in a display, and { begin an annotation. " or ; will begin a chat string. - Have C-p and C-n move forward and backward plies, and C-f and C-b move into and out of variations - Make chess-display-create use require, not chess.el - PGN files aren't sendable via IRC yet; I will have to convert ^J into ^K or something. - Polish chess-input.el - Find a way that regexp-alist entries that only need to fire once are only scanned once. - Make any game-modifying commands in a display use C-c C-? - Complete the ICS12 parser, based on Mario's comments - Add support for ICS observing - Use server-side sockets in chess-network, if Emacs supports it - Allow ASCII displays to use a separate frame - Still need to test many areas: position editing - Add chess-game-strip-annotations, for removing all annotations from a game object - Let the user specify a default size for the chess-images display - Resize the chess board on a window resize event, if possible. - In chess-ics.el, setup a completion function based on handles - Break chess-legal-plies into two parts, one of which would be the inverse of chess-search-position, and would live in chess-pos.el - Have elp.el not instrument defsubst functions; it obscures the results too much - Mario reports that using chess-plain and chess-link, he ends up with impossible positions being displayed (with too many pieces, bishops of the same color, etc). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To-do List - Copy some of ics.el's nicer functionality into chess-ics.el - Need to implement the "50 moves after irreversible" draw rule - The game should go inactive once I lose by stalemate/checkmate - When a clock runs down, indicate this in the modeline, and all the user to call-flag in order to win on time - Detect draw/resign/abort/retract, etc., from ICS and common engines - in chess-engine-filter and chess-ics-filter, if an error is encountered, skip that line so the same error isn't triggered again - SPACE to pass, then try to move (against an engine) fails saying: it's not our turn to move - Add support for adjournments; also, implement this is such a way that an e-mail or postal game is basically a game that's adjourned after every move; use BBDB if available - Allow databases to return a game moniker, which can be used to reference that game again - There needs to be much more robustness; it's too easy to get the game into an unplayable state right now - Break my dependency on cl - Use more asserts throughout the code - Read-only mode needs to be more vigorous. There's nothing preventing the user from using M-x commands. - Complete chess-pgn-mode's automatic entry, using chess-input, and making space/return perform the move - Use MIME attachments (application/x-chess-pgn) for sending e-mail chess games back and forth. - In edit mode, mouse-2 and mouse-3 should provide a drop-down list of pieces the square can be set to. Cursor movement is really not the best for chess-images. I still need to figure out how best to handle cursor-type with that display. - Implement engine options; then, in chess-puzzle set the option that tells the engine not to resign. - Remote displays are horribly insecure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Training features - Allow the opponent to give hints. - Add a warning mode that will use the results of an analysis to warn the user (and ask for confirmation) before doing something that might lead to an inferior position. - Add a chess tutor program, to teach people how to play chess ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis features - Add an engine function for obtaining an evaluation of the current position. Then, allow M-x chess to startup a non-game oriented engine, solely for the purpose of submitting position evaluations, and displaying the result in the modeline. (Also, look at crafty's kibitzing feature). - Add a Map command, that will colorize the squares depending on whether they are reachable by either side. Green if reachable by you, Red if by your opponent, and blue if by both. With a prefix argument, colorize only the squares that have pieces on them. This is a stable modes that remains in effect until turned off. It also requires the ability to pass a color to the chessboard highlighting routine. - Using gnuplot-mode, allow evaluation trends to be plotted - Add an analyze command that will indicate which pieces are defended, how well, which are attacked, which moves would increase defense/attack/both, etc. Basically, everything that can be known about the current board, and one move ahead (on both sides). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE FINAL RELEASE port the code to XEmacs profile mem profile docstring texi elint checkdoc