;;; gpr-grammar-wy.el --- Generated parser support file ;; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; ;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . (require 'wisi) (require 'semantic/lex) (require 'wisi-compile) (defconst gpr-grammar-wy--keyword-table (semantic-lex-make-keyword-table '( ("abstract" . ABSTRACT) ("aggregate" . AGGREGATE) ("case" . CASE) ("configuration" . CONFIGURATION) ("end" . END) ("external" . EXTERNAL) ("external_as_list" . EXTERNAL_AS_LIST) ("for" . FOR) ("is" . IS) ("(" . LEFT_PAREN) ("library" . LIBRARY) ("null" . NULL) ("others" . OTHERS) ("package" . PACKAGE) ("project" . PROJECT) (")" . RIGHT_PAREN) ("standard" . STANDARD) ("type" . TYPE) ("use" . USE) ("when" . WHEN) ("with" . WITH) ) nil) "Table of language keywords.") (defconst gpr-grammar-wy--token-table (semantic-lex-make-type-table '( ("punctuation" (AMPERSAND . "&") (COLON . ":") (COLON_EQUALS . ":=") (COMMA . ",") (DOT . ".") (EQUAL_GREATER . "=>") (QUOTE . "'") (SEMICOLON . ";") (VERTICAL_BAR . "|") ) ("symbol" (IDENTIFIER) ) ("string-double" (STRING_LITERAL) ) ) nil) "Table of language tokens.") (defconst gpr-grammar-wy--parse-table (wisi-compile-grammar '((AMPERSAND COLON COLON_EQUALS COMMA DOT EQUAL_GREATER QUOTE SEMICOLON VERTICAL_BAR IDENTIFIER STRING_LITERAL ABSTRACT AGGREGATE CASE CONFIGURATION END EXTERNAL EXTERNAL_AS_LIST FOR IS LEFT_PAREN LIBRARY NULL OTHERS PACKAGE PROJECT RIGHT_PAREN STANDARD TYPE USE WHEN WITH ) ((attribute_declaration ((FOR IDENTIFIER USE expression SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 3 'statement-other 5 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 3 4))) ((FOR IDENTIFIER LEFT_PAREN STRING_LITERAL RIGHT_PAREN USE expression SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 3 'open-paren 5 'close-paren 6 'statement-other 8 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 6 7)))) (attribute_prefix ((PROJECT )) ((name ))) (attribute_reference ((attribute_prefix QUOTE IDENTIFIER )) ((attribute_prefix QUOTE IDENTIFIER LEFT_PAREN STRING_LITERAL RIGHT_PAREN ) (wisi-statement-action 4 'open-paren 6 'close-paren))) (case_statement ((CASE name IS case_items END CASE SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 3 'block-start 5 'block-end 7 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 3 4)))) (case_item ((WHEN discrete_choice_list EQUAL_GREATER declarative_items ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'block-middle 3 'block-start) (wisi-containing-action 3 4)))) (case_items (()) ((case_item )) ((case_items case_item ))) (compilation_unit ((context_clause_opt project_qualifier_opt project_declaration_opt ))) (context_clause ((with_clause )) ((context_clause with_clause ))) (context_clause_opt (()) ((context_clause ))) (declarative_item ((simple_declarative_item )) ((typed_string_declaration )) ((package_declaration ))) (declarative_items (()) ((declarative_item )) ((declarative_items declarative_item ))) (discrete_choice (()) ((STRING_LITERAL )) ((OTHERS ))) (discrete_choice_list ((discrete_choice )) ((discrete_choice_list VERTICAL_BAR discrete_choice ))) (expression ((term )) ((expression AMPERSAND term ))) (external_value ((EXTERNAL LEFT_PAREN string_list RIGHT_PAREN ) (wisi-statement-action 2 'open-paren 4 'close-paren)) ((EXTERNAL_AS_LIST LEFT_PAREN string_list RIGHT_PAREN ) (wisi-statement-action 2 'open-paren 4 'close-paren))) (identifier_opt (()) ((IDENTIFIER ))) (name ((identifier_opt )) ((name DOT IDENTIFIER ))) (project_declaration_opt (()) ((simple_project_declaration ))) (package_declaration ((package_spec ))) (package_spec ((PACKAGE identifier_opt IS simple_declarative_items END identifier_opt SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 3 'block-start 5 'block-end 7 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 3 4)))) (project_qualifier_opt (()) ((ABSTRACT )) ((STANDARD )) ((AGGREGATE )) ((AGGREGATE LIBRARY )) ((LIBRARY )) ((CONFIGURATION ))) (simple_declarative_item ((IDENTIFIER COLON_EQUALS expression SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 4 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 1 3))) ((IDENTIFIER COLON IDENTIFIER COLON_EQUALS expression SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 6 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 1 5))) ((attribute_declaration )) ((case_statement )) ((NULL SEMICOLON ) (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 2 'statement-end))) (simple_declarative_items (()) ((simple_declarative_item )) ((simple_declarative_items simple_declarative_item ))) (simple_project_declaration ((PROJECT identifier_opt IS declarative_items END identifier_opt SEMICOLON ) (progn (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 3 'block-start 5 'block-end 7 'statement-end) (wisi-containing-action 3 4)))) (string_expression ((string_primary )) ((string_expression AMPERSAND string_primary ))) (string_primary ((STRING_LITERAL )) ((name )) ((external_value )) ((attribute_reference ))) (string_list ((string_expression )) ((string_list COMMA string_expression ))) (term ((string_expression )) ((LEFT_PAREN RIGHT_PAREN )) ((LEFT_PAREN string_list RIGHT_PAREN ) (wisi-statement-action 1 'open-paren 3 'close-paren))) (typed_string_declaration ((TYPE IDENTIFIER IS LEFT_PAREN string_list RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON ) (wisi-statement-action 1 'statement-start 4 'open-paren 6 'close-paren 7 'statement-end))) (with_clause ((WITH string_list SEMICOLON )))) [((default . error) (ABSTRACT . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (AGGREGATE . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (CONFIGURATION . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (LIBRARY . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (STANDARD . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (PROJECT . (context_clause_opt . 0)) ($EOI . (context_clause_opt . 0)) (WITH . 7)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 1)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 1))) ((default . error) (LIBRARY . 30) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 3)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 3))) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 6)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 6))) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 5)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 5))) ((default . error) (IS . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 2)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 2))) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) ($EOI . 15)) ((default . error) (ABSTRACT . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (AGGREGATE . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (CONFIGURATION . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (LIBRARY . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (STANDARD . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (PROJECT . (context_clause_opt . 1)) ($EOI . (context_clause_opt . 1)) (WITH . 7)) ((default . error) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 0)) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 0)) (ABSTRACT . 1) (STANDARD . 6) (AGGREGATE . 2) (LIBRARY . 4) (CONFIGURATION . 3)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_declaration_opt . 1))) ((default . error) ($EOI . (context_clause . 0)) (PROJECT . (context_clause . 0)) (STANDARD . (context_clause . 0)) (LIBRARY . (context_clause . 0)) (CONFIGURATION . (context_clause . 0)) (AGGREGATE . (context_clause . 0)) (ABSTRACT . (context_clause . 0)) (WITH . (context_clause . 0))) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_declaration_opt . 0)) (PROJECT . 5)) ((default . error) (WITH . (context_clause . 1)) (ABSTRACT . (context_clause . 1)) (AGGREGATE . (context_clause . 1)) (CONFIGURATION . (context_clause . 1)) (LIBRARY . (context_clause . 1)) (STANDARD . (context_clause . 1)) (PROJECT . (context_clause . 1)) ($EOI . (context_clause . 1))) ((default . error) ($EOI . accept) (WITH . accept) (WHEN . accept) (USE . accept) (TYPE . accept) (STANDARD . accept) (RIGHT_PAREN . accept) (PROJECT . accept) (PACKAGE . accept) (OTHERS . accept) (NULL . accept) (LIBRARY . accept) (LEFT_PAREN . accept) (IS . accept) (FOR . accept) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . accept) (EXTERNAL . accept) (END . accept) (CONFIGURATION . accept) (CASE . accept) (AGGREGATE . accept) (ABSTRACT . accept) (STRING_LITERAL . accept) (IDENTIFIER . accept) (VERTICAL_BAR . accept) (SEMICOLON . accept) (QUOTE . accept) (EQUAL_GREATER . accept) (DOT . accept) (COMMA . accept) (COLON_EQUALS . accept) (COLON . accept) (AMPERSAND . accept)) ((default . error) (IS . (identifier_opt . 1)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 1)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 1)) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 1)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 1))) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_primary . 0)) (COMMA . (string_primary . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (string_primary . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (string_primary . 0))) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 38)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 37)) ((default . error) (QUOTE . (attribute_prefix . 0))) ((default . error) (QUOTE . 36)) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_primary . 3)) (COMMA . (string_primary . 3)) (AMPERSAND . (string_primary . 3)) (SEMICOLON . (string_primary . 3))) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_primary . 2)) (COMMA . (string_primary . 2)) (AMPERSAND . (string_primary . 2)) (SEMICOLON . (string_primary . 2))) ((default . error) (IS . (name . 0)) (COMMA . (name . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (name . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (name . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (name . 0)) (DOT . (name . 0)) (QUOTE . (name . 0))) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_primary . 1)) (COMMA . (string_primary . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (string_primary . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (string_primary . 1)) (DOT . 35) (QUOTE . (attribute_prefix . 1))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (string_list . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_list . 0)) (COMMA . (string_list . 0)) (AMPERSAND . 34)) ((default . error) (COMMA . (string_expression . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_expression . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (string_expression . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (string_expression . 0))) ((default . error) (COMMA . 32) (SEMICOLON . 33)) ((default . error) (IS . 31)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (project_qualifier_opt . 4)) (PROJECT . (project_qualifier_opt . 4))) ((default . error) (END . (declarative_items . 0)) (TYPE . ((declarative_items . 0) 51)) (IDENTIFIER . ((declarative_items . 0) 46)) (NULL . ((declarative_items . 0) 49)) (CASE . ((declarative_items . 0) 47)) (FOR . ((declarative_items . 0) 48)) (PACKAGE . ((declarative_items . 0) 50))) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (WITH . (with_clause . 0)) (ABSTRACT . (with_clause . 0)) (AGGREGATE . (with_clause . 0)) (CONFIGURATION . (with_clause . 0)) (LIBRARY . (with_clause . 0)) (STANDARD . (with_clause . 0)) (PROJECT . (with_clause . 0)) ($EOI . (with_clause . 0))) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (IDENTIFIER . 43)) ((default . error) (IDENTIFIER . 42)) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (compilation_unit . 0))) ((default . error) (COMMA . 32) (RIGHT_PAREN . 71)) ((default . error) (COMMA . 32) (RIGHT_PAREN . 70)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 69) (COMMA . (attribute_reference . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (attribute_reference . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (attribute_reference . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (attribute_reference . 0))) ((default . error) (IS . (name . 1)) (COMMA . (name . 1)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (name . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (name . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (name . 1)) (DOT . (name . 1)) (QUOTE . (name . 1))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (string_expression . 1)) (COMMA . (string_expression . 1)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_expression . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (string_expression . 1))) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . 34) (RIGHT_PAREN . (string_list . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (string_list . 1)) (COMMA . (string_list . 1))) ((default . error) (COLON . 67) (COLON_EQUALS . 68)) ((default . error) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IS . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16)) ((default . error) (IDENTIFIER . 65)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . 64)) ((default . error) (IS . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16)) ((default . error) (IDENTIFIER . 62)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (END . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (PACKAGE . (simple_declarative_item . 2)) (TYPE . (simple_declarative_item . 2))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (END . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (PACKAGE . (simple_declarative_item . 3)) (TYPE . (simple_declarative_item . 3))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (declarative_items . 1)) (END . (declarative_items . 1)) (IDENTIFIER . (declarative_items . 1)) (CASE . (declarative_items . 1)) (FOR . (declarative_items . 1)) (NULL . (declarative_items . 1)) (PACKAGE . (declarative_items . 1)) (TYPE . (declarative_items . 1))) ((default . error) (END . 60) (TYPE . 51) (IDENTIFIER . 46) (NULL . 49) (CASE . 47) (FOR . 48) (PACKAGE . 50)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (declarative_item . 2)) (END . (declarative_item . 2)) (TYPE . (declarative_item . 2)) (PACKAGE . (declarative_item . 2)) (NULL . (declarative_item . 2)) (FOR . (declarative_item . 2)) (CASE . (declarative_item . 2)) (IDENTIFIER . (declarative_item . 2))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (package_declaration . 0)) (END . (package_declaration . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (package_declaration . 0)) (CASE . (package_declaration . 0)) (FOR . (package_declaration . 0)) (NULL . (package_declaration . 0)) (PACKAGE . (package_declaration . 0)) (TYPE . (package_declaration . 0))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (declarative_item . 0)) (END . (declarative_item . 0)) (TYPE . (declarative_item . 0)) (PACKAGE . (declarative_item . 0)) (NULL . (declarative_item . 0)) (FOR . (declarative_item . 0)) (CASE . (declarative_item . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (declarative_item . 0))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (declarative_item . 1)) (END . (declarative_item . 1)) (TYPE . (declarative_item . 1)) (PACKAGE . (declarative_item . 1)) (NULL . (declarative_item . 1)) (FOR . (declarative_item . 1)) (CASE . (declarative_item . 1)) (IDENTIFIER . (declarative_item . 1))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (declarative_items . 2)) (TYPE . (declarative_items . 2)) (PACKAGE . (declarative_items . 2)) (NULL . (declarative_items . 2)) (FOR . (declarative_items . 2)) (CASE . (declarative_items . 2)) (IDENTIFIER . (declarative_items . 2)) (END . (declarative_items . 2))) ((default . error) (IS . 82)) ((default . error) (IS . 81)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (TYPE . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (PACKAGE . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_item . 4)) (END . (simple_declarative_item . 4))) ((default . error) (USE . 80) (LEFT_PAREN . 79)) ((default . error) (DOT . 35) (IS . 78)) ((default . error) (IDENTIFIER . 77)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 73) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 72)) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . (external_value . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (external_value . 1)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (external_value . 1)) (COMMA . (external_value . 1))) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . (external_value . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (external_value . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (external_value . 0)) (COMMA . (external_value . 0))) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . 98)) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . ( 96 (identifier_opt . 0))) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . 94) (SEMICOLON . 95)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (term . 0)) (AMPERSAND . ((term . 0) 34))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (expression . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (expression . 0))) ((default . error) (COLON_EQUALS . 93)) ((default . error) (END . (case_items . 0)) (WHEN . ((case_items . 0) 90))) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 89)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 73) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (END . (simple_declarative_items . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . ((simple_declarative_items . 0) 46)) (NULL . ((simple_declarative_items . 0) 49)) (CASE . ((simple_declarative_items . 0) 47)) (FOR . ((simple_declarative_items . 0) 48))) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 85)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . 84)) ((default . error) ($EOI . (simple_project_declaration . 0))) ((default . error) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (identifier_opt . 0)) (COMMA . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (END . (simple_declarative_items . 1)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_items . 1)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_items . 1)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_items . 1)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_items . 1))) ((default . error) (END . 110) (IDENTIFIER . 46) (NULL . 49) (CASE . 47) (FOR . 48)) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . 94) (SEMICOLON . 109)) ((default . error) (RIGHT_PAREN . 108)) ((default . error) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice . 0)) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice . 0)) (STRING_LITERAL . 104) (OTHERS . 105)) ((default . error) (END . (case_items . 1)) (WHEN . (case_items . 1))) ((default . error) (END . 102) (WHEN . 90)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 73) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 73) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (TYPE . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (PACKAGE . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_item . 0)) (END . (simple_declarative_item . 0))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (term . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (term . 1))) ((default . error) (COMMA . 32) (RIGHT_PAREN . 99)) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . (attribute_reference . 1)) (SEMICOLON . (attribute_reference . 1)) (RIGHT_PAREN . (attribute_reference . 1)) (COMMA . (attribute_reference . 1))) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . (term . 2)) (SEMICOLON . (term . 2))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (expression . 1)) (AMPERSAND . (expression . 1))) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . 94) (SEMICOLON . 119)) ((default . error) (CASE . 118)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (case_items . 2)) (END . (case_items . 2))) ((default . error) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice . 1)) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice . 1))) ((default . error) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice . 2)) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice . 2))) ((default . error) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice_list . 0)) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice_list . 0))) ((default . error) (VERTICAL_BAR . 117) (EQUAL_GREATER . 116)) ((default . error) (USE . 115)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (END . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (TYPE . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (PACKAGE . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (NULL . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (FOR . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (CASE . (attribute_declaration . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (attribute_declaration . 0))) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16)) ((default . error) (NULL . (simple_declarative_items . 2)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_items . 2)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_items . 2)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_items . 2)) (END . (simple_declarative_items . 2))) ((default . error) (COMMA . 32) (RIGHT_PAREN . 113)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . 125)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . 124)) ((default . error) (LEFT_PAREN . 73) (STRING_LITERAL . 17) (EXTERNAL . 18) (EXTERNAL_AS_LIST . 19) (DOT . (identifier_opt . 0)) (AMPERSAND . (identifier_opt . 0)) (SEMICOLON . (identifier_opt . 0)) (QUOTE . (identifier_opt . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . 16) (PROJECT . 20)) ((default . error) (END . (declarative_items . 0)) (WHEN . (declarative_items . 0)) (TYPE . ((declarative_items . 0) 51)) (IDENTIFIER . ((declarative_items . 0) 46)) (NULL . ((declarative_items . 0) 49)) (CASE . ((declarative_items . 0) 47)) (FOR . ((declarative_items . 0) 48)) (PACKAGE . ((declarative_items . 0) 50))) ((default . error) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice . 0)) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice . 0)) (STRING_LITERAL . 104) (OTHERS . 105)) ((default . error) (SEMICOLON . 120)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (TYPE . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (PACKAGE . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (NULL . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (FOR . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (CASE . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (IDENTIFIER . (simple_declarative_item . 1)) (END . (simple_declarative_item . 1))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (case_statement . 0)) (END . (case_statement . 0)) (TYPE . (case_statement . 0)) (PACKAGE . (case_statement . 0)) (NULL . (case_statement . 0)) (FOR . (case_statement . 0)) (CASE . (case_statement . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (case_statement . 0))) ((default . error) (EQUAL_GREATER . (discrete_choice_list . 1)) (VERTICAL_BAR . (discrete_choice_list . 1))) ((default . error) (END . (case_item . 0)) (WHEN . (case_item . 0)) (TYPE . 51) (IDENTIFIER . 46) (NULL . 49) (CASE . 47) (FOR . 48) (PACKAGE . 50)) ((default . error) (AMPERSAND . 94) (SEMICOLON . 126)) ((default . error) (WHEN . (package_spec . 0)) (END . (package_spec . 0)) (TYPE . (package_spec . 0)) (PACKAGE . (package_spec . 0)) (NULL . (package_spec . 0)) (FOR . (package_spec . 0)) (CASE . (package_spec . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (package_spec . 0))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (END . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (IDENTIFIER . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (CASE . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (FOR . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (NULL . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (PACKAGE . (typed_string_declaration . 0)) (TYPE . (typed_string_declaration . 0))) ((default . error) (WHEN . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (IDENTIFIER . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (CASE . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (FOR . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (NULL . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (PACKAGE . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (TYPE . (attribute_declaration . 1)) (END . (attribute_declaration . 1)))] [((compilation_unit . 8)(context_clause . 9)(context_clause_opt . 10)(simple_project_declaration . 11)(with_clause . 12)) nil nil nil nil ((identifier_opt . 29)) nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 26)(string_primary . 27)(string_list . 28)) nil ((with_clause . 14)) ((project_qualifier_opt . 13)) nil nil ((project_declaration_opt . 39)(simple_project_declaration . 11)) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(declarative_item . 54)(declarative_items . 55)(package_declaration . 56)(package_spec . 57)(simple_declarative_item . 58)(typed_string_declaration . 59)) ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 45)(string_primary . 27)) nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_primary . 44)) nil nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 26)(string_primary . 27)(string_list . 41)) ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 26)(string_primary . 27)(string_list . 40)) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ((identifier_opt . 24)(name . 66)) nil nil ((identifier_opt . 63)) nil nil nil nil ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(declarative_item . 61)(package_declaration . 56)(package_spec . 57)(simple_declarative_item . 58)(typed_string_declaration . 59)) nil nil nil nil ((identifier_opt . 83)) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(expression . 74)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 75)(string_primary . 27)(term . 76)) nil nil nil nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 26)(string_primary . 27)(string_list . 97)) nil nil nil nil ((case_item . 91)(case_items . 92)) nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(expression . 88)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 75)(string_primary . 27)(term . 76)) ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(simple_declarative_item . 86)(simple_declarative_items . 87)) nil nil nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 26)(string_primary . 27)(string_list . 112)) nil ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(simple_declarative_item . 111)) nil nil ((discrete_choice . 106)(discrete_choice_list . 107)) nil ((case_item . 103)) ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(expression . 101)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 75)(string_primary . 27)(term . 76)) ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 75)(string_primary . 27)(term . 100)) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil ((identifier_opt . 114)) nil nil nil nil ((attribute_prefix . 21)(attribute_reference . 22)(expression . 123)(external_value . 23)(identifier_opt . 24)(name . 25)(string_expression . 75)(string_primary . 27)(term . 76)) ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(declarative_item . 54)(declarative_items . 122)(package_declaration . 56)(package_spec . 57)(simple_declarative_item . 58)(typed_string_declaration . 59)) ((discrete_choice . 121)) nil nil nil nil ((attribute_declaration . 52)(case_statement . 53)(declarative_item . 61)(package_declaration . 56)(package_spec . 57)(simple_declarative_item . 58)(typed_string_declaration . 59)) nil nil nil nil])) "Parser table.") (provide 'gpr-grammar-wy) ;; end of file