#!/usr/bin/perl -w # If the above path is incorrect for your system, # FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS in README. # # mkall # $Id: mkall,v 1.18 2007/02/23 05:14:59 johnh Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 1996 by John Heidemann. # Comments to . # # This file is under the Gnu Public License, version 2. # For details see the COPYING which accompanies this distribution. # sub usage { print STDOUT <= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '-?')); my($perl) = &find_perl_binary; # xxx: currently rawindex generates @subjects that index uses. # Should remove this dependency. my(@subjects) = (); &make_rawindex; &make_index; &make_index_cache; &make_prevnext; &make_mknew_cache; &fix_perms; exit 0; sub find_perl_binary { my($perl) = $^X; return $perl if (-x $perl); $perl = $Config{'installbin'} . "/perl"; return $perl if (-x $perl); # If we can't find perl, then we assume the user's set the #! lines correctly. return ''; } sub run_over_all_notes { my($cmd, $user_cmd_name) = @_; open(CMD, "| $cmd") || die ("$0: cannot run $user_cmd_name.\n"); foreach (glob "$::notes{'int_glob'}/$::notes{'file_glob'}") { print CMD "$_\n"; }; close CMD; if ($? >> 8) { die "$0: $user_cmd_name failed."; }; } # # rawindex # # # The main thing that happens here is we find and sort the notes entries. # We do the sorting in perl because the system sort is less portable # (wrt stability, for example). # sub make_rawindex { chdir ($::notes{'dir'}) || die "$0: cannot cd to $::notes{'dir'}.\n"; # if (-f "rawindex") { # rename('rawindex', 'rawindex~') || die "$0: cannot rename rawindex.\n"; # }; # my($sed_arg) = '"s@' . $::notes{home} . '@/~@"'; # system(< rawindex # END # if ($? >> 8) { # rename('rawindex', 'rawindex.bad'); # rename('rawindex~', 'rawindex'); # die "$0: rawindex pipeline failed."; # }; # # xxx: eventually this will overflow the buffer and we'll need to # do something like xargs. However, in 10 years of use this hasn't happened # for me yet. run_over_all_notes("$perl $::notes{'bin_dir'}/mkrawindex -X >prerawindex", "mkrawindex"); # open (IF, "$perl $::notes{'bin_dir'}/mkrawindex $::notes{'dir'}/$::notes{'int_glob'}/$::notes{'file_glob'} |") || die "$0: cannot run mkrawindex\n"; # binmode IF; open(IF, "rawindex+") || die "$0: cannot write to rawindex+\n"; binmode OF; my($internal_marker) = chr(1); foreach () { chomp; s@$::notes{'home'}@/~@; my($left, $right) = /^([^#]+)\#(.*)$/; push(@subjects, "${right}${internal_marker}${left}"); }; close IF; @subjects = sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } @subjects; foreach (0..$#subjects) { my($left, $right) = ($subjects[$_] =~ /^(.+)${internal_marker}(.*)$/); $subjects[$_] = "$right#$left"; print OF "$subjects[$_]\n"; }; close OF; if (-f 'rawindex') { rename('rawindex', 'rawindex~') || die "$0: rename rawindex{,~} failed.\n"; }; rename('rawindex+', 'rawindex') || die "$0: rename rawindex{+,} failed.\n"; } # # index # sub make_index { if (-f 'index') { rename('index', 'index~') || die "$0: rename index{,~} failed.\n"; }; open (OF, "| $perl $::notes{'bin_dir'}/mkindex > index") || die "$0: cannot run mkindex.\n"; binmode OF; my($last); foreach (@subjects) { if (!defined($last) || $last ne uc($_)) { print OF "$_\n"; $last = uc($_); }; }; close OF; if ($? >> 8) { rename('index', 'index.bad') || warn "$0: recovery rename index{,.bad} failed.\n"; rename('index~', 'index') || warn "$0: recovery rename index{~,} failed.\n"; die "$0: index pipeline failed."; }; } # # index_cache.el # # Yes, the code should probably be compiled, # but compilation time doesn't seem to be the problem. # sub make_index_cache { if (-f 'index_cache.el') { rename('index_cache.el', 'index_cache.el~') || die "$0: rename index_cache.el{,~} failed.\n"; }; system(< index_cache.el END # emacs -batch --eval '(byte-compile-file "index_cache.el")' 2>&1 | grep -v 'free variable' if ($? >> 8) { rename('index_cache.el', 'index_cache.el.bad') || warn "$0: reanme index_cache.el{,.bad} failed.\n"; rename('index_cache.el~', 'index_cache.el') || warn "$0: rename index_cache.el{~,} failed.\n"; unlink('index_cache.elc') if (-f 'index_cache.elc'); die "$0: index pipeline failed."; }; # # Bug found by Klaus Zeitler : # if we generate index_cache.el in less than a second, # it won't be considered up-to-date. # if (-M 'index' == -M 'index_cache.el') { # We're too fast---stall and update the file sleep(1); # stall system('touch index_cache.el'); # "update" }; } # # prevnext # sub make_prevnext { run_over_all_notes("$perl $::notes{'bin_dir'}/mkprevnext -X ./rawindex", "mkprevnext"); } # # mknew cache # sub make_mknew_cache { my($todays_file) = &epoch_to_pathname(time); system(<./mknew.cache END } # # fix permissions # sub fix_perms { my($perm); foreach (glob("*"), glob("*/*")) { my($mode) = (stat($_))[2]; if ($mode & 0077) { chmod (($mode & 0700), $_) || warn "$0: could not chmod $_.\n"; }; }; }