This directory contains most of the source code of the GNU ELPA packages. Each directory in here corresponds to a package, which can be either a single-file package or a multifile package. A nightly cron job refreshes the GNU ELPA archive from this repository. This cron job only creates a new package when the "version" (as specified in the foo-pkg.el or in the "Version:" header) of a package is modified. This means that you can safely work on the next version here without worrying about the unstable code making it to GNU ELPA, and simply update the "version" when you want to release the new code. * Format Each package should follow the ELPA packaging conventions, but there are some differences due to the way the deployment script creates the packages and the web-pages from this source code: - Multi-file packages can put the package metadata in the main .el file in the format used for single-file packages, in which case the script will auto-generate the -pkg.el file. - the "URL:" header (or :url property) can be used to specify the home page of the package, if it's maintained externally. - A "News:" section (or "NEWS" file) can/should be used to list the user-visible changes of each version. - The "Package-Type: simple" header can be used to force the creation of a single-file package even when there are several Elisp files in the source (the other files will simply be ignored). * External branches Some packages are maintained in external branches. These should be appropriately listed in the `externals-list' file. There are two different cases: subtrees and externals. In both cases, a copy of the code is kept in the `elpa' repository and should be sync'd with the upstream every once in a while. This copy may include local changes, tho ideally these should be kept to a minimum. In the `subtree' case, the copy of the code is kept here in the corresponding `packages/' directory. You should be able to "git merge -s subtree" from the upstream branch. In the `external' case, the copy of the code is not kept here but in the `externals/' branch in the `elpa' repository. You can check out all the external packages into the `packages' directory with the command: make externals