;;; websocket-functional-test.el --- Simple functional testing ;; Copyright (c) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Usage: emacs -batch -Q -L . -l websocket-functional-test.el ;; ;; Note: this functional tests requires that you have python with the ;; Tornado web server. See http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/ for ;; information on aquiring. (require 'tls) ;; tests a particular bug we had on emacs 23 (setq debug-on-error t) (require 'websocket) (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Local server test ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (message "Testing with local server") (setq websocket-debug t) (defvar wstest-server-buffer (get-buffer-create "*wstest-server*")) (defvar wstest-server-name "wstest-server") (defvar wstest-server-proc (start-process wstest-server-name wstest-server-buffer "python" "testserver.py" "--log_to_stderr" "--logging=debug")) (sleep-for 1) (defvar wstest-msgs nil) (defvar wstest-closed nil) (message "Opening the websocket") (defvar wstest-ws (websocket-open "ws://" :on-message (lambda (websocket frame) (push (websocket-frame-payload frame) wstest-msgs) (message "ws frame: %S" (websocket-frame-payload frame)) (error "Test error (expected)")) :on-close (lambda (websocket) (setq wstest-closed t)))) (defun wstest-pop-to-debug () "Open websocket log buffer. Not used in testing. Just for debugging." (interactive) (pop-to-buffer (websocket-get-debug-buffer-create wstest-ws))) (sleep-for 0.1) (assert (websocket-openp wstest-ws)) (assert (null wstest-msgs)) (websocket-send-text wstest-ws "Hi!") (sleep-for 0.1) (assert (equal (car wstest-msgs) "You said: Hi!")) (setf (websocket-on-error wstest-ws) (lambda (ws type err))) (websocket-send-text wstest-ws "Hi after error!") (sleep-for 0.1) (assert (equal (car wstest-msgs) "You said: Hi after error!")) (websocket-close wstest-ws) (assert (null (websocket-openp wstest-ws))) (stop-process wstest-server-proc) (kill-process wstest-server-proc) ;; Make sure the processes are closed. This happens asynchronously, ;; so let's wait for it. (sleep-for 1) (assert (null (process-list)) t) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Remote server test, with wss ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (when (>= (string-to-int (substring emacs-version 0 2)) 24) (message "Testing with wss://echo.websocket.org") (setq wstest-ws (websocket-open "wss://echo.websocket.org" :on-open (lambda (websocket) (message "Websocket opened")) :on-message (lambda (websocket frame) (push (websocket-frame-payload frame) wstest-msgs) (message "ws frame: %S" (websocket-frame-payload frame))) :on-close (lambda (websocket) (message "Websocket closed") (setq wstest-closed t))) wstest-msgs nil) (sleep-for 0.3) (assert (websocket-openp wstest-ws)) (assert (null wstest-msgs)) (websocket-send-text wstest-ws "Hi!") (sleep-for 0.3) (assert (equal (car wstest-msgs) "Hi!")) (websocket-close wstest-ws)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Local client and server ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (message "Testing with emacs websocket server.") (message "If this does not pass, make sure your firewall allows the connection.") (setq wstest-closed nil) (setq server-conn (websocket-server 9998 :on-message (lambda (ws frame) (message "Server received text!") (websocket-send-text ws (websocket-frame-payload frame))) :on-open (lambda (websocket) "Client connection opened!") :on-close (lambda (websocket) (setq wstest-closed t)))) (setq wstest-msgs nil wstest-ws (websocket-open "ws://localhost:9998" :on-message (lambda (websocket frame) (push (websocket-frame-payload frame) wstest-msgs) (message "ws frame: %S" (websocket-frame-payload frame))))) (assert (websocket-openp wstest-ws)) (websocket-send-text wstest-ws "Hi to self!") (sleep-for 0.3) (assert (equal (car wstest-msgs) "Hi to self!")) (websocket-server-close server-conn) (assert wstest-closed) (websocket-close wstest-ws) (sleep-for 1) (assert (null (process-list)) t) (message "\nAll tests passed!\n")