;;; hydra-examples.el --- Some applications for Hydra ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Oleh Krehel ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; These are the sample Hydras. ;; ;; If you want to use them plainly, set `hydra-examples-verbatim' to t ;; before requiring this file. But it's probably better to only look ;; at them and use them as templates for building your own. ;;; Code: (require 'hydra) ;;* Examples ;;** Example 1: text scale (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "") "zoom" ("g" text-scale-increase "in") ("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))) ;; This example generates three commands: ;; ;; `hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase' ;; `hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease' ;; `hydra-zoom/body' ;; ;; In addition, two of them are bound like this: ;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd " g") 'hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase) ;; (global-set-key (kbd " l") 'hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease) ;; ;; Note that you can substitute `global-map' with e.g. `emacs-lisp-mode-map' if you need. ;; The functions generated will be the same, except the binding code will change to: ;; ;; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [f2 103] ;; (function hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase)) ;; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [f2 108] ;; (function hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease)) ;;** Example 2: move window splitter (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (defhydra hydra-splitter (global-map "C-M-s") "splitter" ("h" hydra-move-splitter-left) ("j" hydra-move-splitter-down) ("k" hydra-move-splitter-up) ("l" hydra-move-splitter-right))) ;;** Example 3: jump to error (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (defhydra hydra-error (global-map "M-g") "goto-error" ("h" first-error "first") ("j" next-error "next") ("k" previous-error "prev") ("v" recenter-top-bottom "recenter") ("q" nil "quit"))) ;; This example introduces only one new thing: since the command ;; passed to the "q" head is nil, it will quit the Hydra without doing ;; anything. Heads that quit the Hydra instead of continuing are ;; referred to as having blue :color. All the other heads have red ;; :color, unless other is specified. ;;** Example 4: toggle rarely used modes (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") (defhydra hydra-toggle (:color blue) "toggle" ("a" abbrev-mode "abbrev") ("d" toggle-debug-on-error "debug") ("f" auto-fill-mode "fill") ("t" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate") ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace") ("q" nil "cancel")))) ;; Note that in this case, `defhydra' returns the `hydra-toggle/body' ;; symbol, which is then passed to `global-set-key'. ;; ;; Another new thing is that both the keymap and the body prefix are ;; skipped. This means that `defhydra' will bind nothing - that's why ;; `global-set-key' is necessary. ;; ;; One more new thing is that you can assign a :color to the body. All ;; heads will inherit this color. The code above is very much equivalent to: ;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v a") 'abbrev-mode) ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v d") 'toggle-debug-on-error) ;; ;; The differences are: ;; ;; * You get a hint immediately after "C-c C-v" ;; * You can cancel and call a command immediately, e.g. "C-c C-v C-n" ;; is equivalent to "C-n" with Hydra approach, while it will error ;; that "C-c C-v C-n" isn't bound with the usual approach. ;;** Example 5: mini-vi (defun hydra-vi/pre () (set-cursor-color "#e52b50")) (defun hydra-vi/post () (set-cursor-color "#ffffff")) (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (global-set-key (kbd "C-z") (defhydra hydra-vi (:pre hydra-vi/pre :post hydra-vi/post :color amaranth) "vi" ("l" forward-char) ("h" backward-char) ("j" next-line) ("k" previous-line) ("m" set-mark-command "mark") ("a" move-beginning-of-line "beg") ("e" move-end-of-line "end") ("d" delete-region "del" :color blue) ("y" kill-ring-save "yank" :color blue) ("q" nil "quit")))) ;; This example introduces :color amaranth. It's similar to red, ;; except while you can quit red with any binding which isn't a Hydra ;; head, you can quit amaranth only with a blue head. So you can quit ;; this mode only with "d", "y", "q" or "C-g". ;; ;; Another novelty are the :pre and :post handlers. :pre will be ;; called before each command, while :post will be called when the ;; Hydra quits. In this case, they're used to override the cursor ;; color while Hydra is active. ;;** Example 6: selective global bind (when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim) (defhydra hydra-next-error (global-map "C-x") "next-error" ("`" next-error "next") ("j" next-error "next" :bind nil) ("k" previous-error "previous" :bind nil))) ;; This example will bind "C-x `" in `global-map', but it will not ;; bind "C-x j" and "C-x k". ;; You can still "C-x `jjk" though. ;;* Windmove helpers (require 'windmove) (defun hydra-move-splitter-left (arg) "Move window splitter left." (interactive "p") (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around)) (windmove-find-other-window 'right)) (shrink-window-horizontally arg) (enlarge-window-horizontally arg))) (defun hydra-move-splitter-right (arg) "Move window splitter right." (interactive "p") (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around)) (windmove-find-other-window 'right)) (enlarge-window-horizontally arg) (shrink-window-horizontally arg))) (defun hydra-move-splitter-up (arg) "Move window splitter up." (interactive "p") (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around)) (windmove-find-other-window 'up)) (enlarge-window arg) (shrink-window arg))) (defun hydra-move-splitter-down (arg) "Move window splitter down." (interactive "p") (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around)) (windmove-find-other-window 'up)) (shrink-window arg) (enlarge-window arg))) ;;* Obsoletes (defvar hydra-example-text-scale '(("g" text-scale-increase "zoom in") ("l" text-scale-decrease "zoom out")) "A two-headed hydra for text scale manipulation.") (make-obsolete-variable 'hydra-example-text-scale "Don't use `hydra-example-text-scale', just write your own `defhydra' using hydra-examples.el as a template" "0.9.0") (defvar hydra-example-move-window-splitter '(("h" hydra-move-splitter-left) ("j" hydra-move-splitter-down) ("k" hydra-move-splitter-up) ("l" hydra-move-splitter-right)) "A four-headed hydra for the window splitter manipulation. Works best if you have not more than 4 windows.") (make-obsolete-variable 'hydra-example-move-window-splitter "Don't use `hydra-example-move-window-splitter', just write your own `defhydra' using hydra-examples.el as a template" "0.9.0") (defvar hydra-example-goto-error '(("h" first-error "first") ("j" next-error "next") ("k" previous-error "prev")) "A three-headed hydra for jumping between \"errors\". Useful for e.g. `occur', `rgrep' and the like.") (make-obsolete-variable 'hydra-example-goto-error "Don't use `hydra-example-goto-error', just write your own `defhydra' using hydra-examples.el as a template" "0.9.0") (defvar hydra-example-windmove '(("h" windmove-left) ("j" windmove-down) ("k" windmove-up) ("l" windmove-right)) "A four-headed hydra for `windmove'.") (make-obsolete-variable 'hydra-example-windmove "Don't use `hydra-example-windmove', just write your own `defhydra' using hydra-examples.el as a template" "0.9.0") (provide 'hydra-examples) ;;; hydra-examples.el ends here