;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Convert a ply to/from standard chess algebraic notation ;; ;; A thing to deal with in chess is algebraic move notation, such as ;; Nxf3+. (I leave description of this notation to better manuals ;; than this). This notation is a shorthand way of representing where ;; a piece is moving from and to, by specifying the piece is involved, ;; where it's going, and whether or not a capture or check is ;; involved. ;; ;; You can convert from algebraic notation to a ply (one pair in most ;; cases, but two for a castle) using the following function (NOTE: ;; POSITION determines which side is on move (by calling ;; `chess-pos-side-to-move')): ;; ;; (chess-algebraic-to-ply POSITION STRING) ;; ;; The function also checks if a move is legal, and will raise an ;; error if not. ;; ;; To convert from a ply to algebraic notation, use: ;; ;; (chess-ply-to-algebraic PLY) ;; ;; Castling is determined by the movement of both a king and a rook. ;; ;; Lastly, there is a regexp for quickly checking if a string is in ;; algebraic notation or not, or searching out algebraic strings in a ;; buffer: ;; ;; chess-algebraic-regexp ;; (defconst chess-algebraic-pieces-regexp "[RNBKQ]") (defconst chess-algebraic-regexp (format (concat "\\(" "O-O\\(-O\\)?\\|" "\\(%s?\\)" "\\([a-h]?[1-8]?\\)" "\\([x-]?\\)" "\\([a-h][1-8]\\)" "\\(=\\(%s\\)\\)?" "\\)" "\\([#+]\\)?") chess-algebraic-pieces-regexp chess-algebraic-pieces-regexp) "A regular expression that matches all possible algebraic moves. This regexp handles both long and short form.") (defconst chess-algebraic-regexp-entire (concat chess-algebraic-regexp "$")) (chess-message-catalog 'english '((clarify-piece . "Clarify piece to move by rank or file") (could-not-clarify . "Could not determine which piece to use") (could-not-diff . "Could not differentiate piece") (no-candidates . "There are no candidate moves for '%s'"))) (defun chess-algebraic-to-ply (position move &optional trust) "Convert the algebraic notation MOVE for POSITION to a ply." (assert (vectorp position)) (assert (stringp move)) (when (string-match chess-algebraic-regexp-entire move) (let ((color (chess-pos-side-to-move position)) (mate (match-string 9 move)) (piece (aref move 0)) changes long-style) (if (eq piece ?O) (setq changes (chess-ply-castling-changes position (= (length (match-string 1 move)) 5))) (let ((promotion (match-string 8 move))) (setq changes (let ((source (match-string 4 move)) (target (chess-coord-to-index (match-string 6 move)))) (if (and source (= (length source) 2)) (prog1 (list (chess-coord-to-index source) target) (setq long-style t)) (if (= (length source) 0) (setq source nil) (setq source (aref source 0))) (let (candidates which) (unless (< piece ?a) (setq source piece piece ?P)) ;; we must use our knowledge of how pieces can ;; move, to determine which piece is meant by the ;; piece indicator (if (setq candidates (chess-search-position position target (if color piece (downcase piece)))) (if (= (length candidates) 1) (list (car candidates) target) (if (null source) (chess-error 'clarify-piece) (nconc changes (list :which source)) (while candidates (if (if (>= source ?a) (eq (chess-index-file (car candidates)) (- source ?a)) (eq (chess-index-rank (car candidates)) (- 7 (- source ?1)))) (setq which (car candidates) candidates nil) (setq candidates (cdr candidates)))) (if (null which) (chess-error 'could-not-clarify) (list which target)))) (chess-error 'no-candidates move)))))) (if promotion (nconc changes (list :promote (aref promotion 0)))))) (when changes (when trust (if mate (nconc changes (list (if (equal mate "#") :checkmate :check))))) (unless long-style (nconc changes (list :san move))) (apply 'chess-ply-create position trust changes))))) (defsubst chess-ply--move-text (ply long) (or (and (chess-ply-keyword ply :castle) "O-O") (and (chess-ply-keyword ply :long-castle) "O-O-O") (let* ((pos (chess-ply-pos ply)) (from (chess-ply-source ply)) (to (chess-ply-target ply)) (from-piece (chess-pos-piece pos from)) (color (chess-pos-side-to-move pos)) (rank 0) (file 0) (from-rank (/ from 8)) (from-file (mod from 8)) (differentiator (chess-ply-keyword ply :which))) (unless differentiator (let ((candidates (chess-search-position pos to from-piece))) (when (> (length candidates) 1) (dolist (candidate candidates) (if (= (/ candidate 8) from-rank) (setq rank (1+ rank))) (if (= (mod candidate 8) from-file) (setq file (1+ file)))) (cond ((= file 1) (setq differentiator (+ from-file ?a))) ((= rank 1) (setq differentiator (+ (- 7 from-rank) ?1))) (t (chess-error 'could-not-diff))) (chess-ply-set-keyword ply :which differentiator)))) (concat (unless (= (upcase from-piece) ?P) (char-to-string (upcase from-piece))) (if long (chess-index-to-coord from) (if differentiator (prog1 (char-to-string differentiator) (chess-ply-changes ply)) (if (and (not long) (= (upcase from-piece) ?P) (/= (chess-index-file from) (chess-index-file to))) (char-to-string (+ (chess-index-file from) ?a))))) (if (or (/= ? (chess-pos-piece pos to)) (chess-ply-keyword ply :en-passant)) "x" (if long "-")) (chess-index-to-coord to) (let ((promote (chess-ply-keyword ply :promote))) (if promote (concat "=" (char-to-string promote)))) (if (chess-ply-keyword ply :check) "+" (if (chess-ply-keyword ply :checkmate) "#")))))) (defun chess-ply-to-algebraic (ply &optional long) "Convert the given PLY to algebraic notation. If LONG is non-nil, render the move into long notation." (assert (listp ply)) (let (source san) (cond ((or (null (setq source (chess-ply-source ply))) (symbolp source)) "") ((setq san (chess-ply-keyword ply :san)) san) (t (let ((move (chess-ply--move-text ply long))) (unless long (chess-ply-set-keyword ply :san move)) move))))) (provide 'chess-algebraic) ;;; chess-algebraic.el ends here