# Note: This makefile include remake-style target comments. # These comments before the targets start with #: # remake --tasks to shows the targets and the comments GIT2CL ?= git2cl RUBY ?= ruby lisp_files := $(wildcard *.el) lisp_LISP = $(lisp_files) test_files := $(wildcard test/*.el) EXTRA_DIST = $(lisp_files) $(test_files) README THANKS README.md COPYING CHECK_FILES = $(notdir $(test_files:.el=.run)) check: $(test-files) $(MAKE) -C test check README: README.textile ln -s README.md README PHONY=check clean dist distclean test check-short check-terse install-short if MAINTAINER_MODE ChangeLog: git log --pretty --numstat --summary | $(GIT2CL) > $@ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS=-I . endif #: Run all tests test: check check-short: $(MAKE) -C test check 2>&1 | ruby make-check-filter.rb #: Run all tests without and show just the failure lines check-terse: $(MAKE) check 2>&1 | $(RUBY) make-check-filter.rb | grep failure #: Run "make install" install-short: $(MAKE) install 2>&1 | $(RUBY) make-check-filter.rb