;;; tests/parser.el --- Some tests for js2-mode. ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'ert) (require 'ert-x) (require 'js2-mode) (require 'cl-lib) (defmacro js2-deftest (name buffer-contents &rest body) (declare (indent defun)) `(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "js2-%s" name)) () (with-temp-buffer (save-excursion (insert ,buffer-contents)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (fundamental-mode))))) (defun js2-test-string-to-ast (s) (insert s) (js2-mode) (should (null js2-mode-buffer-dirty-p)) js2-mode-ast) (cl-defun js2-test-parse-string (code-string &key syntax-error errors-count reference) (ert-with-test-buffer (:name 'origin) (let ((ast (js2-test-string-to-ast code-string))) (if syntax-error (let ((errors (js2-ast-root-errors ast))) (should (= (or errors-count 1) (length errors))) (cl-destructuring-bind (_ pos len) (car (last errors)) (should (string= syntax-error (substring code-string (1- pos) (+ pos len -1)))))) (should (= 0 (length (js2-ast-root-errors ast)))) (ert-with-test-buffer (:name 'copy) (js2-print-tree ast) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (should (string= (or reference code-string) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point))))))))) (cl-defmacro js2-deftest-parse (name code-string &key bind syntax-error errors-count reference) "Parse CODE-STRING. If SYNTAX-ERROR is nil, print syntax tree with `js2-print-tree' and assert the result to be equal to REFERENCE, if present, or the original string. If SYNTAX-ERROR is passed, expect syntax error highlighting substring equal to SYNTAX-ERROR value. BIND defines bindings to apply them around the test." (declare (indent defun)) `(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "js2-%s" name)) () (let ,(append bind '((js2-basic-offset 2))) (js2-test-parse-string ,code-string :syntax-error ,syntax-error :errors-count ,errors-count :reference ,reference)))) ;;; Basics (js2-deftest-parse variable-assignment "a = 1;") (js2-deftest-parse empty-object-literal "b = {};") (js2-deftest-parse empty-array-literal "c = [];") (js2-deftest-parse array-with-missing-elements "var a = [1, 2, ,];") (js2-deftest-parse comma-after-regexp "d = /eee/, 42;") (js2-deftest-parse return-statement "function foo() {\n return 2;\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-statement "function foo() {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-statement-inside-block "if (true) {\n function foo() {\n }\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-expression-statements-are-verboten "function() {}" :syntax-error "(") (js2-deftest-parse member-expr-as-function-name "function a.b.c[2](x, y) {\n}" :bind ((js2-allow-member-expr-as-function-name t))) (js2-deftest-parse named-function-expression "a = function b() {};") (js2-deftest-parse parenthesized-expression "(1 + 2);") (js2-deftest-parse for-with-in-operator-in-parens "for (var y = (0 in []) in {}) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse for-with-in-operator-in-cond "for (var y = 1 ? 0 in [] : false in {}) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse let-expression "(let (x = 42) x);") (js2-deftest-parse let-expression-statement "let (x = 42) x;") ;;; Callers of `js2-valid-prop-name-token' (js2-deftest-parse parse-property-access-when-not-keyword "A.foo = 3;") (js2-deftest-parse parse-property-access-when-keyword "A.in = 3;" :bind ((js2-allow-keywords-as-property-names t))) (js2-deftest-parse parse-property-access-when-keyword-no-xml "A.in = 3;" :bind ((js2-allow-keywords-as-property-names t) (js2-compiler-xml-available nil))) (js2-deftest-parse parse-object-literal-when-not-keyword "a = {b: 1};") (js2-deftest-parse parse-object-literal-when-keyword "a = {in: 1};" :bind ((js2-allow-keywords-as-property-names t))) ;;; 'of' contextual keyword (js2-deftest-parse parse-legacy-array-comp-loop-with-of "[a for (a of [])];") (js2-deftest-parse parse-array-comp-loop "[for (a of []) a];") (js2-deftest-parse parse-for-of "for (var a of []) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse of-can-be-var-name "var of = 3;") (js2-deftest-parse of-can-be-function-name "function of() {\n}") ;;; Destructuring binding (js2-deftest-parse destruct-in-declaration "var {a, b} = {a: 1, b: 2};") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-in-arguments "function f({a: aa, b: bb}) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-in-array-comp-loop "[a + b for ([a, b] in [[0, 1], [1, 2]])];") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-in-catch-clause "try {\n} catch ({a, b}) {\n a + b;\n}") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-with-initializer-in-object "var {a, b = 2, c} = {};") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-with-initializer-in-array "var [a, b = 2, c] = [];") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-non-name-target-is-error "var {1=1} = {};" :syntax-error "1" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse destruct-with-initializer-in-function-params "function f({a, b = 1, c}, [d, e = 1, f]) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-with-default-in-function-params "function f({x = 1, y = 2} = {}, [x, y] = [1, 2]) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse destruct-name-conflict-is-error-in-object "\"use strict\";\nvar {a=1,a=2} = {};" :syntax-error "a" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest destruct-name-conflict-is-warning-in-array "\"use strict\";\nvar [a=1,a=2] = [];" (js2-mode) (should (equal '("msg.var.redecl" "a") (caar js2-parsed-warnings)))) (js2-deftest initializer-outside-destruct-is-error "({a=1});" (js2-mode) (should (equal "msg.init.no.destruct" (car (caar js2-parsed-errors))))) ;;; Object literals (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-shorthand "var x = {a: 1, b, c: 1, d};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-shorthard-with-number "var a = {1};" :syntax-error "}" :errors-count 2) (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-method "var x = {f(y) { return y;\n}};") (js2-deftest object-literal-method-own-name-in-scope "({f(){f();}});" (js2-mode) (should (equal '("msg.undeclared.variable" "f") (caar js2-parsed-warnings)))) (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-getter-method "var x = {get f() { return 42;\n}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-setter-method "var x = {set f(y) { x = y;\n}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-computed-keys "var x = {[Symbol.iterator]: function() {}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-computed-function-keys "var x = {[foo + bar](y) { return y;\n}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-computed-getter-key "var x = {get [foo + bar]() { return 42;\n}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-generator "var x = {*foo() { yield 42;\n}};") (js2-deftest-parse object-literal-computed-generator-key "var x = {*[foo + bar]() { yield 42;\n}};") ;;; Function definition (js2-deftest function-redeclaring-var "var gen = 3; function gen() {};" (js2-mode) (should (= (length (js2-ast-root-warnings js2-mode-ast)) 1))) (js2-deftest function-expression-var-same-name "var gen = function gen() {};" (js2-mode) (should (null (js2-ast-root-warnings js2-mode-ast)))) ;;; Function parameters (js2-deftest-parse function-with-default-parameters "function foo(a = 1, b = a + 1) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-no-default-after-default "function foo(a = 1, b) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-destruct-after-default "function foo(a = 1, {b, c}) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-rest-parameter "function foo(a, b, ...rest) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-param-after-rest-parameter "function foo(a, ...b, rest) {\n}" :syntax-error "rest") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-destruct-after-rest-parameter "function foo(a, ...b, {}) {\n}" :syntax-error "{}") (js2-deftest-parse function-with-rest-after-default-parameter "function foo(a = 1, ...rest) {\n}") ;;; Strict mode errors (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-strict-parameters "'use strict';\nfunction foo(eval, {arguments}, bar) {\n}" :syntax-error "eval" :errors-count 2) (js2-deftest-parse function-retroactive-bad-strict-parameters "function foo(arguments) {'use strict';}" :syntax-error "arguments" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-duplicate-strict-parameters "'use strict';\nfunction foo(a, a) {\n}" :syntax-error "a" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-strict-function-name "'use strict';\nfunction eval() {\n}" :syntax-error "eval" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-retroactive-strict-function-name "function arguments() {'use strict';}" :syntax-error "arguments" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-strict-catch-name "'use strict';\ntry {} catch (eval) {}" :syntax-error "eval" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-strict-variable-name "'use strict';\nvar eval = 'kekeke';" :syntax-error "eval" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-bad-strict-assignment "'use strict';\narguments = 'fufufu';" :syntax-error "arguments" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-property-strict-assignment "'use strict';\narguments.okay = 'alright';") (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-with "'use strict';\nwith ({}) {}" :syntax-error "with" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-octal "'use strict';\nvar number = 0644;" :syntax-error "0644" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-octal-allow-0o "'use strict';\n0o644;" :reference "'use strict';\n420;") (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-duplicate-keys "'use strict';\nvar object = {a: 1, a: 2, 'a': 3, ['a']: 4, 1: 5, '1': 6, [1 + 1]: 7};" :syntax-error "a" :errors-count 4) ; "a" has 3 dupes, "1" has 1 dupe. (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-duplicate-getter "'use strict';\nvar a = {get x() {}, get x() {}};" :syntax-error "x" :errors-count 1) (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-duplicate-setter "'use strict';\nvar a = {set x() {}, set x() {}};" :syntax-error "x" :errors-count 1) ;;; Lack of errors in strict mode (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-const-scope "'use strict';\nconst a;\nif (1) {\n const a;\n}") (js2-deftest-parse function-strict-no-getter-setter-duplicate "'use strict';\nvar a = {get x() {}, set x() {}};") ;;; Spread operator (js2-deftest-parse spread-in-array-literal "[1, ...[2, 3], 4, ...[5, 6]];") (js2-deftest-parse spread-in-function-call "f(3, ...[t(2), t(3)], 42, ...[t(4)]);") ;;; Arrow functions (js2-deftest-parse arrow-function-with-empty-args-and-no-curlies "() => false;" :reference "() => {false};") (js2-deftest-parse arrow-function-with-args-and-curlies "(a, b = 1, ...c) => { c;\n};") (js2-deftest-parse arrow-function-with-destructuring "([{a}, b]) => { a + b;\n};") (js2-deftest-parse parenless-arrow-function-prohibits-rest "...b => {b + 1;};" :syntax-error "=>") (js2-deftest-parse parenless-arrow-function-prohibits-destructuring "[a, b] => {a + b;};" :syntax-error "]" :errors-count 4) (js2-deftest-parse arrow-function-recovers-from-error "[(,foo) => 1];" :syntax-error "," :errors-count 6) ;;; Automatic semicolon insertion (js2-deftest-parse no-auto-semi-insertion-after-if "if (true) {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse auto-semi-insertion-after-function "a = function() {}" :reference "a = function() {};") (js2-deftest-parse auto-semi-one-variable-per-line "x\ny" :reference "x;\ny;") ;;; Labels (js2-deftest-parse labeled-stmt-node "foo:\nbar:\nx = y + 1;") (js2-deftest no-label-node-inside-expr "x = y:" (let (js2-parse-interruptable-p) (js2-mode)) (let ((assignment (js2-expr-stmt-node-expr (car (js2-scope-kids js2-mode-ast))))) (should (js2-name-node-p (js2-assign-node-right assignment))))) (js2-deftest-parse label-and-loops "for (; ; ) { loop: for (; ; ) { continue loop; } }") ;;; Generators (js2-deftest-parse legacy-generator "function foo() {\n yield 1;\n}") (js2-deftest-parse legacy-generator-cannot-return "function foo() {\n yield 1;\n return 2;\n}" :syntax-error "return 2") (js2-deftest-parse harmony-generator "function* bar() {\n yield 2;\n return 3;\n}") (js2-deftest-parse harmony-generator-yield-star "(function*(a) { yield* a;\n});") ;;; Comprehensions (js2-deftest-parse parse-legacy-array-comp-loop-with-filter "[a for (a in b) if (a == 2)];") (js2-deftest-parse parse-array-comp-loop-with-filters "[for (a in b) if (a == 2) if (b != 10) a];") (js2-deftest-parse parse-generator-comp-loop-with-filters "(for (x of y) if (x != 4) x);") (js2-deftest-parse parse-array-comp-with-yield-is-ok "(function() { return [for (x of []) yield x];\n});") (js2-deftest-parse parse-generator-comp-with-yield-is-not-ok "(function() { return (for (x of []) yield x);\n});" :syntax-error "yield") (js2-deftest-parse parse-generator-comp-with-yield-inside-function-is-ok "(for (x of []) function*() { yield x;\n});") ;;; Async (js2-deftest-parse async-function-statement "async function foo() {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse async-function-statement-inside-block "if (true) {\n async function foo() {\n }\n}") (js2-deftest-parse async-function-expression-statements-are-verboten "async function() {}" :syntax-error "(") (js2-deftest-parse async-named-function-expression "a = async function b() {};") (js2-deftest-parse async-arrow-function-expression "a = async (b) => { b;\n};") (js2-deftest-parse async-method-in-object-literal "({async f() {}});") (js2-deftest-parse async-method-in-class-body "class C {\n async foo() {}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse static-async-method-in-class-body "class C {\n static async foo() {}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse async-method-allow-await "({async f() { await x;\n}});") ;;; Await (js2-deftest-parse await-is-ok "async function foo() {\n await bar();\n}") (js2-deftest-parse await-inside-assignment-is-ok "async function foo() {\n var result = await bar();\n}") (js2-deftest-parse await-inside-array-is-ok "async function foo() {\n var results = [await bar(), await baz()];\n}") (js2-deftest-parse await-inside-non-async-function-is-not-ok "function foo() {\n await bar();\n}" :syntax-error "await") (js2-deftest-parse await-inside-non-async-arrow-function-is-not-ok "a = () => { await bar();\n}" :syntax-error "await") ;;; 'async' and 'await' are contextual keywords (js2-deftest-parse async-can-be-var-name "var async = 3;") (js2-deftest-parse async-can-be-function-name "function async() {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse await-can-be-var-name "var await = 3;") (js2-deftest-parse await-can-be-function-name "function await() {\n}") ;;; Numbers (js2-deftest-parse decimal-starting-with-zero "081;" :reference "81;") (js2-deftest-parse huge-hex "0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF;" :reference "-1;") (js2-deftest-parse octal-without-o "071;" :reference "57;") (js2-deftest-parse hex-number-okay "0x123;" :reference "291;") (js2-deftest-parse hex-number-broken "0xz23;" :syntax-error "0xz" :errors-count 2) (js2-deftest-parse binary-number-okay "0b101;" :reference "5;") (js2-deftest-parse binary-number-broken "0b210;" :syntax-error "0b2" :errors-count 2) (js2-deftest-parse octal-number-okay "0o765;" :reference "501;") (js2-deftest-parse octal-number-broken "0o812;" :syntax-error "0o8" :errors-count 2) ;;; Modules (js2-deftest parse-export-bindings "{one, two as dos}" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-LC)) (let ((imports (js2-parse-export-bindings))) (should (not (equal nil imports))) (should (= 2 (length imports))) (let ((first (nth 0 imports)) (second (nth 1 imports))) (should (equal "one" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-extern-name first)))) (should (equal "two" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-extern-name second)))) (let ((first-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name first)) (second-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name second))) (should (equal first (js2-node-parent first-name))) (should (equal 3 (js2-node-len first-name))) (should (equal "one" (js2-name-node-name first-name))) (should (equal second (js2-node-parent second-name))) (should (equal 3 (js2-node-len second-name))) (should (equal "dos" (js2-name-node-name second-name))))))) (js2-deftest parse-export-binding-as-default "one as default" (js2-init-scanner) (let ((binding (js2-maybe-parse-export-binding))) (should binding) (should (js2-export-binding-node-p binding)) (let ((name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name binding))) (should name) (should (equal "default" (js2-name-node-name name)))))) (js2-deftest parse-namepsace-import "* as lib;" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-MUL)) (let ((namespace-import (js2-parse-namespace-import))) (should (not (equal nil namespace-import))) (should (js2-namespace-import-node-p namespace-import)) (should (= 1 (js2-node-pos namespace-import))) (should (equal 8 (js2-node-len namespace-import))) (let ((name-node (js2-namespace-import-node-name namespace-import))) (should (equal "lib" (js2-name-node-name name-node))) (should (= 5 (js2-node-pos name-node)))))) (js2-deftest parse-from-clause "from 'foo/bar';" (js2-init-scanner) (let ((from (js2-parse-from-clause))) (should (not (equal nil from))) (should (= 1 (js2-node-pos from))) (should (= 14 (js2-node-len from))) (should (equal "foo/bar" (js2-from-clause-node-module-id from))))) (js2-deftest parse-import-module-id-only "import 'src/lib'" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (= 1 (js2-node-pos import))) (should (= 16 (js2-node-len import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-node-import import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-node-from import))))) (js2-deftest parse-imported-default-binding "import theDefault from 'src/lib'" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import-node))) (should (equal "src/lib" (js2-import-node-module-id import-node))) (let ((import (js2-import-node-import import-node))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-namespace-import import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import))) (let ((default (js2-import-clause-node-default-binding import))) (should (not (equal nil default))) (should (js2-export-binding-node-p default)) (should (equal "theDefault" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-extern-name default))))))) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "theDefault"))) (js2-deftest parse-import-namespace-binding "import * as lib from 'src/lib'" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import-node))) (should (equal "src/lib" (js2-import-node-module-id import-node))) (let ((import (js2-import-node-import import-node))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-default-binding import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import))) (let ((ns-import (js2-import-clause-node-namespace-import import))) (should (not (equal nil ns-import))) (should (js2-namespace-import-node-p ns-import)) (should (equal "lib" (js2-name-node-name (js2-namespace-import-node-name ns-import))))))) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "lib"))) (js2-deftest parse-import-named-imports "import {foo as bar, baz} from 'src/lib'" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import-node))) (should (equal "src/lib" (js2-import-node-module-id import-node))) (let ((import (js2-import-node-import import-node))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-default-binding import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-namespace-import import))) (let ((named-imports (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import))) (should (not (equal nil named-imports))) (should (listp named-imports)) (should (= 2 (length named-imports))) (let ((first (nth 0 named-imports)) (second (nth 1 named-imports))) (should (equal "bar" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name first)))) (should (equal "baz" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name second)))))))) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "bar")) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "baz"))) (js2-deftest parse-import-default-and-namespace "import stuff, * as lib from 'src/lib'" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import-node))) (should (equal "src/lib" (js2-import-node-module-id import-node))) (let ((import (js2-import-node-import import-node))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import))) (let ((default (js2-import-clause-node-default-binding import)) (ns-import (js2-import-clause-node-namespace-import import))) (should (not (equal nil default))) (should (equal "stuff" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name default)))) (should (not (equal nil ns-import))) (should (js2-namespace-import-node-p ns-import)) (should (equal "lib" (js2-name-node-name (js2-namespace-import-node-name ns-import))))))) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "stuff")) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "lib"))) (js2-deftest parse-import-default-and-named-imports "import robert as bob, {cookies, pi as PIE} from 'src/lib'" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should (not (equal nil import-node))) (should (equal "src/lib" (js2-import-node-module-id import-node))) (let ((import (js2-import-node-import import-node))) (should (not (equal nil import))) (should (not (equal nil (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import)))) (let ((default (js2-import-clause-node-default-binding import)) (named-imports (js2-import-clause-node-named-imports import))) (should (not (equal nil default))) (should (equal "bob" (js2-name-node-name (js2-export-binding-node-local-name default)))) (should (not (equal nil named-imports))) (should (= 2 (length named-imports)))))) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "bob")) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "cookies")) (should (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-current-scope "PIE"))) (js2-deftest parse-this-module-in-from-clause "import {url} from this module;" (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-IMPORT)) (let ((import-node (js2-parse-import))) (should import-node) (let ((from-clause (js2-import-node-from import-node))) (should from-clause) (should (equal "this" (js2-from-clause-node-module-id from-clause))) (should (js2-from-clause-node-metadata-p from-clause))))) (js2-deftest-parse import-only-for-side-effects "import 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-default-only "import theDefault from 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-named-only "import {one, two} from 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-default-and-named "import theDefault, {one, two} from 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-renaming-default "import * as lib from 'src/mylib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-renaming-named "import {one as uno, two as dos} from 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-default-and-namespace "import robert as bob, * as lib from 'src/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse import-from-this-module "import {url} from this module;") ;; Module Exports (js2-deftest export-rexport "export * from 'other/lib'" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-from-clause export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-export-named-list "export {foo, bar as bang};" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (let ((exports (js2-export-node-exports-list export-node))) (should exports) (should (= 2 (length exports)))))) (js2-deftest re-export-named-list "export {foo, bar as bang} from 'other/lib'" (js2-init-scanner) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-from-clause export-node)) (let ((exports (js2-export-node-exports-list export-node))) (should exports) (should (= 2 (length exports)))))) (js2-deftest export-variable-statement "export var foo = 'bar', baz = 'bang';" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-declaration export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-const-declaration "export const PI = Math.PI;" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-declaration export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-let-declaration "export let foo = [1];" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-var-decl-node-p (js2-export-node-declaration export-node))))) (js2-deftest export-class-declaration "export class Foo {}" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-class-node-p (js2-export-node-declaration export-node))))) (js2-deftest export-function-declaration "export default function doStuff() {}" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-default export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-generator-declaration "export default function* one() {}" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-default export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-assignment-expression "export default a = b;" (js2-init-scanner) (js2-push-scope (make-js2-scope :pos 0)) (should (js2-match-token js2-EXPORT)) (let ((export-node (js2-parse-export))) (should export-node) (should (js2-export-node-default export-node)))) (js2-deftest export-function-no-semicolon "export default function foo() {}" (js2-mode) (should (equal nil js2-parsed-warnings))) (js2-deftest export-default-function-no-semicolon "export function foo() {}" (js2-mode) (should (equal nil js2-parsed-warnings))) (js2-deftest export-anything-else-does-require-a-semicolon "export var obj = {}" (js2-mode) (should (not (equal nil js2-parsed-warnings)))) (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-rexport "export * from 'other/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-export-named-list "export {foo, bar as bang};") (js2-deftest-parse parse-re-export-named-list "export {foo, bar as bang} from 'other/lib';") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-const-declaration "export const PI = Math.PI;") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-let-declaration "export let foo = [1];") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-function-declaration "export default function doStuff() {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-generator-declaration "export default function* one() {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-export-assignment-expression "export default a = b;") ;;; Strings (js2-deftest-parse string-literal "var x = 'y';") (js2-deftest-parse object-get-string-literal "var x = {y: 5};\nvar z = x[\"y\"];") (js2-deftest-parse template-no-substritutions "var x = `abc def`, y = `\\u0000`;") (js2-deftest-parse template-with-substitutions "var y = `${a + b} ${d + e + f}`;") (js2-deftest-parse tagged-template "foo.args`${++x, \"o\"}k`;") ;;; Classes (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-statement "class Foo {\n get bar() { return 42;\n}\n set bar(x) { y = x;\n}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-statement-without-name-is-not-ok "class {\n get bar() { return 42;\n}\n}" :syntax-error "{") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-expression "var Foo1 = class Foo {\n bar() { return 42;\n}\n};") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-anonymous-class-expression "var Foo = class {\n set bar(x) { bar = x;\n}\n};") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-with-extends "class Foo extends Bar {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-anonymous-class-with-extends "foo.Foo = class extends Bar {\n set bar(x) { bar = x;\n}\n};") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-with-complex-extends "class Foo extends foo[BAR][2].Baz {\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-missing-extended-class-is-not-ok "class Foo extends {\n}" :syntax-error "extends") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-static-method "class Foo extends Bar {\n static bar() { return 42;\n}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-unterminated-class-is-not-okay "class Foo {\n get bar() { return 42;\n}" :syntax-error "}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-super-keyword "class Foo {\n constructor() { super(42);\n}\n foo() { super.foo();\n}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-class-keywordlike-method "class C {\n delete() {}\n if() {}\n}") (js2-deftest-parse parse-harmony-class-allow-semicolon-element "class Foo {;}" :reference "class Foo {\n}") ;;; Scopes (js2-deftest ast-symbol-table-includes-fn-node "function foo() {}" (js2-mode) (let ((entry (js2-scope-get-symbol js2-mode-ast 'foo))) (should (= (js2-symbol-decl-type entry) js2-FUNCTION)) (should (equal (js2-symbol-name entry) "foo")) (should (js2-function-node-p (js2-symbol-ast-node entry))))) (js2-deftest fn-symbol-table-includes-nested-fn "function foo() { function bar() {} var x; }" (js2-mode) (let* ((scope (js2-node-at-point (point-min))) (fn-entry (js2-scope-get-symbol scope 'bar)) (var-entry (js2-scope-get-symbol scope 'x))) (should (string= (js2-name-node-name (js2-function-node-name scope)) "foo")) (should (= (js2-symbol-decl-type fn-entry) js2-FUNCTION)) (should (js2-function-node-p (js2-symbol-ast-node fn-entry))) (should (= (js2-symbol-decl-type var-entry) js2-VAR)) (should (js2-name-node-p (js2-symbol-ast-node var-entry))))) (defun js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate (variable nth predicate) (goto-char (point-min)) (dotimes (n (1+ nth)) (search-forward variable)) (forward-char -1) (let ((scope (js2-node-get-enclosing-scope (js2-node-at-point)))) (should (funcall predicate (js2-get-defining-scope scope variable))))) (js2-deftest for-node-is-declaration-scope "for (let i = 0; i; ++i) {};" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "i" 0 #'js2-for-node-p)) (js2-deftest const-scope-sloppy-script "{const a;} a;" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 0 #'js2-script-node-p) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 1 #'js2-script-node-p)) (js2-deftest const-scope-strict-script "'use strict'; { const a; } a;" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 0 #'js2-block-node-p) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 1 #'null)) (js2-deftest const-scope-sloppy-function "function f() { { const a; } a; }" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 0 #'js2-function-node-p) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 1 #'js2-function-node-p)) (js2-deftest const-scope-strict-function "function f() { 'use strict'; { const a; } a; }" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 0 #'js2-block-node-p) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "a" 1 #'null)) (js2-deftest array-comp-is-result-scope "[x * 2 for (x in y)];" (js2-mode) (js2-test-scope-of-nth-variable-satisifies-predicate "x" 0 #'js2-comp-loop-node-p)) (js2-deftest array-comp-has-parent-scope "var a,b=[for (i of [[1,2]]) for (j of i) j * a];" (js2-mode) (search-forward "for") (forward-char -3) (let ((node (js2-node-at-point))) (should (js2-scope-parent-scope node)) (should (js2-get-defining-scope node "j")))) ;;; Tokenizer (js2-deftest get-token "(1+1)" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-LP (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-NUMBER (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-ADD (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-NUMBER (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-RP (js2-next-token)))) (js2-deftest unget-token "()" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-LP (js2-next-token))) (js2-unget-token) (should (eq js2-LP (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-RP (js2-next-token)))) (js2-deftest get-token-or-eol "x\n++;" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-EOL (js2-peek-token-or-eol))) (should (eq js2-INC (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-SEMI (js2-peek-token-or-eol)))) (js2-deftest unget-token-over-eol-and-comment "x\n//abc\ny" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-next-token))) (should (equal "y" (js2-current-token-string))) (js2-unget-token) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-current-token-type))) (should (equal "x" (js2-current-token-string)))) (js2-deftest ts-seek "(1+2)" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-LP (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-NUMBER (js2-next-token))) (js2-unget-token) (let ((state (make-js2-ts-state))) (should (eq js2-NUMBER (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-ADD (js2-next-token))) (js2-ts-seek state) (should (eq 1 js2-ti-lookahead)) (should (eq js2-NUMBER (js2-next-token))) (should (eq 1 (js2-token-number (js2-current-token)))))) (js2-deftest get-token-template-literal "`abc ${i} z ${j} def`" (js2-init-scanner) (should (eq js2-TEMPLATE_HEAD (js2-next-token))) (should (equal "abc " (js2-current-token-string))) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-RC (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-TEMPLATE_HEAD (js2-next-token 'TEMPLATE_TAIL))) (should (equal " z " (js2-current-token-string))) (should (eq js2-NAME (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-RC (js2-next-token))) (should (eq js2-NO_SUBS_TEMPLATE (js2-next-token 'TEMPLATE_TAIL))) (should (equal " def" (js2-current-token-string)))) ;;; Error handling (js2-deftest for-node-with-error-len "for " (js2-mode) (let ((node (js2-node-at-point (point-min)))) (should (= (js2-node-len (js2-node-parent node)) 4)))) (js2-deftest function-without-parens-error "function b {}" ;; Should finish the parse. (js2-mode)) ;;; Comments (js2-deftest comment-node-length "//" (js2-mode) (let ((node (js2-node-at-point (point-min)))) (should (= (js2-node-len node) 2)))) (js2-deftest comment-node-length-newline "//\n" (js2-mode) (let ((node (js2-node-at-point (point-min)))) (should (= (js2-node-len node) 3)))) ;;; Variables classification (defun js2--variables-summary (vars) (let (r) (setq vars (let (aslist) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) aslist)) vars) aslist)) (dolist (v (sort vars (lambda (a b) (< (js2-node-abs-pos (js2-symbol-ast-node (car a))) (js2-node-abs-pos (js2-symbol-ast-node (car b))))))) (let* ((symbol (car v)) (inition (cadr v)) (uses (cddr v)) (symn (js2-symbol-ast-node symbol)) (namen (js2--get-name-node symn))) (push (format "%s@%s:%s" (js2-symbol-name symbol) (js2-node-abs-pos namen) (if (eq inition ?P) "P" (if uses (if inition "I" "N") "U"))) r) (dolist (u (sort (cddr v) (lambda (a b) (< (js2-node-abs-pos a) (js2-node-abs-pos b))))) (push (js2-node-abs-pos u) r)))) (reverse r))) (defmacro js2-deftest-classify-variables (name buffer-contents summary) (declare (indent defun)) `(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "js2-classify-variables-%s" name)) () (with-temp-buffer (save-excursion (insert ,buffer-contents)) (unwind-protect (progn (js2-mode) (should (equal ,summary (js2--variables-summary (js2--classify-variables))))) (fundamental-mode))))) (js2-deftest-classify-variables incomplete-var-statement "var" '()) (js2-deftest-classify-variables unused-variable "function foo () { var x; return 42; }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables unused-variable-declared-twice "function foo (a) { var x; function bar () { var x; x=42; }; return a;}" '("foo@10:U" "a@15:P" 68 "x@24:U" "bar@36:U" "x@49:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables assigned-variable "function foo () { var x; x=42; return x; }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:I" 39)) (js2-deftest-classify-variables assignment-in-nested-function "function foo () { var x; function bar () { x=42; }; }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:U" "bar@35:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables unused-nested-function "function foo() { var i, j=1; function bar() { var x, y=42, z=i; return y; } return i; }" '("foo@10:U" "i@22:N" 62 84 "j@25:U" "bar@39:U" "x@51:U" "y@54:I" 72 "z@60:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables prop-get-initialized "function foo () { var x, y={}; y.a=x; }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:N" 36 "y@26:I" 32)) (js2-deftest-classify-variables prop-get-uninitialized "function foo () { var x; if(x.foo) alert('boom'); }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:N" 29)) (js2-deftest-classify-variables prop-get-function-assignment "(function(w) { w.f = function() { var a=42, m; return a; }; })(window);" '("w@11:P" 11 16 "a@39:I" 55 "m@45:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables let-declaration "function foo () { let x,y=1; return x; }" '("foo@10:U" "x@23:N" 37 "y@25:U")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables external-function-call "function foo (m) { console.log(m, arguments); }" '("foo@10:U" "m@15:P" 32)) (js2-deftest-classify-variables global-function-call "function bar () { return 42; } function foo (a) { return bar(); }" '("bar@10:I" 58 "foo@41:U" "a@46:P")) (js2-deftest-classify-variables let-declaration-for-scope "function foo () { for(let x=1,y; x