\ \ This is a file that tests Forth tags \ \ You should get: \ a-forth-word (twice) \ a-forth-constant! \ a-forth-value? \ :a-forth-dictionary-entry \ #a-defer-word \ (another-forth-word) \ (a-forth-constant \ #some-storage \ assemby-code-word \ This is a forth comment ( Another forth comment ) : a-forth-word ( a b c -- a*b+c ) + * ; 99 constant a-forth-constant! 55 value a-forth-value? create :a-forth-dictionary-entry 0 c, 9 c, 5 c, 7 c, 999999 , defer #a-defer-word : (another-forth-word) ( -- ) ." Hello world" ; ' (another-forth-word) to #a-defer-word struct 9 field >field1 5 field >field2 constant (a-forth-constant 2000 buffer: #some-storage code assemby-code-word ( dunno what it does ) g1 g2 mov \ Move from here to there sc2 h# 13 sc2 sllx \ shift stuff 'round c; \ And for the heck of it, redefine a-forth-word. : a-forth-word ( a b c -- ) a-forth-word dup 200 > abort" Eek. The number is too big" ." Result is " . cr ;