-- This file is an Ada file containing test data -- for etags (Ada83 and Ada95 support). package Pkg1 is type Private_T is private; package Inner1 is procedure Private_T; end Inner1; package Inner2 is task Private_T; end Inner2; type Public_T is record A : Integer; B : Integer; end record; procedure Pkg1_Proc1; procedure Pkg1_Proc2 (I : Integer); function Pkg1_Func1 return Boolean; function Pkg1_Func2 (Ijk : Integer; Z : Integer) return Natural; package Pkg1_Pkg1 is procedure Pkg1_Pkg1_Proc1; end Pkg1_Pkg1; task type Task_Type is entry Entry1; entry Entry2 (I : Integer); end; private type Private_T is record Z : Integer; W : Boolean; end record; end Pkg1; package body Pkg1 is procedure Pkg1_Proc1 is begin null; end; package body Inner1 is procedure Private_T is begin null; end; end Inner1; package body Inner2 is task body Private_T is begin loop null; end loop; end; end Inner2; task body Task_Type is begin select accept Entry1 do null; end; or accept Entry2 (I : Integer) do null; end; end select; end; procedure Pkg1_Proc2 (I : Integer) is begin null; end Pkg1_Proc2; function Pkg1_Func1 return Boolean is separate; function Pkg1_Func2 (Ijk : Integer; Z : Integer) return Natural is begin return 1; end; package body Pkg1_Pkg1 is separate; end Pkg1; separate (Pkg1) package body Pkg1_Pkg1 is procedure Pkg1_Pkg1_Proc1 is begin null; end; end Pkg1_Pkg1; separate (Pkg1) function Pkg1_Func1 return Boolean is begin return False; end; -- from now on, this is Ada 95 specific. package Truc is I : Integer; end Truc; with Pkg1; package Truc.Bidule is use type Pkg1.Public_T; use Pkg1; use type Pkg1.Public_T; use -- comment type -- comment Pkg1.Public_T; protected Bidule is entry Basar; private Ok : Boolean; end Bidule; protected type Machin_T is entry Truc; private Ok : Boolean; end Machin_T; end Truc.Bidule; package body Truc.Bidule is protected body Bidule is entry Basar when Ok is begin null; end; end Bidule; protected body Machin_T is entry Truc when Ok is begin null; end; end Machin_T; end Truc.Bidule;