' . $value . '"
'; $result = AD::validate(trim($value)); //return $result; if($result[0]) { $lines = explode("\n", ereg_replace("\r", "", $result[1])); //$lines = explode("\n", $result[1]); /* print "
	   print "
";*/ $res = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { if(trim($lines[$i]) != "") $res[] = $lines[$i]; } $result[1] = join("\n", $res); /* print "
	   print "
";*/ $result[0] = $this->checkQuotation($result[1]); } return $result; } function checkQuotation($str) { $rex = "\\\\n|\\\\t|\\\\r|\\\\\""; $str = ereg_replace($rex, "", $str); $str = ereg_replace("\\\\\\\\", "", $str); return !(strstr($str, "\"") || strstr($str, "\\")); } } class CommentAD extends AD { var $prefix; function CommentAD( $name, // the name of the variable $not_null = 0, $type = "", // as returned by gettype $prefix = "# ") { $this->prefix = $prefix; AD::AD($name, $not_null, $type); } function validate($value) { $res = AD::validate($value); return $res; if($res[0] && $res[1] != "") { $mod_lines = array(); $lines = explode("\n", $res[1]); for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $line = $lines[$i]; if(substr($line, 0, 1) != "#") $line = $this->prefix . $line; $mod_lines[] = $line; } $res[1] = join("\n", $mod_lines); } return $res; } } class POEntry extends HtmlValidator { var $msgid; var $msgstr; var $user_comment; var $sys_comment; var $unk_comment; var $msgid_lc = 0; var $msgstr_lc = 0; var $user_comment_lc = 0; var $sys_comment_lc = 0; var $unk_comment_lc = 0; function POEntry() { $this->atts = array( new AD("msgid"), new POEntryAD("msgstr", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE), new CommentAD("user_comment"), new POEntryAD("sys_comment"), new POEntryAD("unk_comment"), new AD("msgid_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0), new AD("msgstr_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0), new AD("user_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0), new AD("sys_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0), new AD("unk_comment_lc", NOT_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0) ); } function lineCount($entry) { $lc = count(explode("\n", $entry)); return $lc; } function serializeToVars($prefix) { $this->user_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->user_comment); $this->unk_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->sys_comment); $this->sys_comment_lc = $this->lineCount($this->unk_comment); $this->msgid_lc = $this->lineCount($this->msgid); $this->msgstr_lc = $this->lineCount($this->msgstr); return HtmlValidator::serializeToVars($prefix); } function write() { $content = ""; $content .= $this->user_comment . "\n"; $content .= $this->unk_comment . "\n"; $content .= $this->sys_comment . "\n"; $content .= "msgid \"" . $this->msgid . "\"\n"; $content .= 'msgstr "' . join("\"\n\"", explode("\n", $this->msgstr)) . "\"" . "\n\n"; return $content; } } class POReader extends HTMLValidator { var $msgid; var $msgstr; var $user_comment; var $sys_comment; var $unk_comment; var $state; var $ignore_ws; var $po_entries; var $poe_num; var $filename; var $domain; function gettext($msgid) { if(isset($this->po_entries[$msgid])) { $po = $this->po_entries[$msgid]; return StripCSlashes(join("", explode("\n", $po->msgstr))); //return $po->msgstr; } return $msgid; } function parseFromVars($prefix) { $res = HtmlValidator::parseFromVars($prefix); if($res[0]) { $poe_res = true; $this->po_entries = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $this->poe_num; $i++) { $poe = new POEntry; $res = $poe->parseFromVars($prefix . "_POE$i"); if($res[0]) { $msgid = $prefix . "_POE" . $i . "_MSGID"; $msgid = $$msgid; $this->po_entries[$prefix . "_POE" . $i . "_MSGID"] = $res[1]; } else $poe_res = false; } } if(!$poe_res) $GLOBALS[$prefix . "_ERR"] = 1; return array($poe_res, $this); } function serializeToVars($prefix) { HtmlValidator::serializeToVars($prefix); reset($this->po_entries); $i = 0; while($poe = each($this->po_entries)) { $poe = $poe[1]; $poe->serializeToVars($prefix . "_POE$i"); $i++; } } function POReader($domain, $filename) { $this->domain = $domain; $this->filename = $filename; $this->ignore_ws = true; $this->po_entries = array(); $this->atts = array( new AD("domain", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE), new AD("filename", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE), new AD("poe_num", REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, 0) ); } function read() { if($fh = fopen($this->filename, "r")) { $this->lines = array(); while (!feof ($fh)) { $line = fgets($fh, 4096); $this->lines[] = $line; } fclose($fh); } $this->createPOEntries(); $this->poe_num = count($this->po_entries); } function write($save="yes") { reset($this->po_entries); $content = ""; while($poe = each($this->po_entries)) { $poe = $poe[1]; $content .= $poe->write(); } if(($fh = fopen($this->filename, "w")) && $save == "yes") { fwrite($fh, $content); } return $content; } function isComment($class) { if($class == LCE_COMMENT || $class == LCE_COMMENT_USER || $class == LCE_COMMENT_TOOL) return true; return false; } function comment($line, $class) { if($this->isComment($class)) { if($class == LCE_COMMENT_USER) $this->user_comment .= $line; else if($class == LCE_COMMENT_TOOL) $this->sys_comment .= $line; else $this->unk_comment .= $line; return STATE_OK; } if($class == LCE_MSGID) { $this->state = "msgid"; return STATE_LOOP; } return STATE_ABORT; } function msgid($line, $class) { if($class == LCE_MSGID || $class == LCE_TEXT) { $line = $this->stripLine($line, LCE_MSGID); $this->msgid .= $line; return STATE_OK; } if($class == LCE_MSGSTR) { $this->state = "msgstr"; return STATE_LOOP; } return STATE_ABORT; } function msgstr($line, $class) { if($class == LCE_MSGSTR || $class == LCE_TEXT) { $line = $this->stripLine($line, $class); $this->msgstr .= $line; return STATE_OK; } // We have a different state, so we have to create a POEntry $poe = new POEntry; $poe->user_comment = trim($this->user_comment); $poe->sys_comment = trim($this->sys_comment); $poe->unk_comment = trim($this->unk_comment); $poe->msgid = trim($this->msgid); $poe->msgstr = trim($this->msgstr); $this->po_entries[trim($this->msgid)] = $poe; $this->state = "start"; return STATE_LOOP; } function start($line, $class) { $this->user_comment = ""; $this->sys_comment = ""; $this->unk_comment = ""; $this->msgid = ""; $this->msgstr = ""; if($this->isComment($class)) { $this->state = "comment"; return STATE_LOOP; } if($class == LCE_MSGID) { $this->state = "msgid"; return STATE_LOOP; } return STATE_OK; } function createPOEntries() { $this->msgid = ""; $this->msgstr = ""; $this->user_comment = ""; $this->sys_comment = ""; $this->state = "start"; reset($this->lines); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); $i++) { $line = $this->lines[$i]; $class = $this->classifyLine($line); if($class != LCE_WS || !$this->ignore_ws) { $state_ret = STATE_LOOP; while($state_ret == STATE_LOOP) { $state = $this->state; //print "$this->state $class:$line
"; $state_ret = $this->$state($line, $class); } //print "state_ret = $state_ret
"; } if($state_ret == STATE_ABORT) break; } // Get the last entry if($state_ret != STATE_ABORT) { $this->msgstr("", LCE_UNKNOWN); } } function stripLine($line, $class) { switch($class) { case LCE_TEXT: ereg('^"(.*)"', $line, $regs); $line = $regs[1] . "\n"; break; case LCE_MSGID: if(substr($line, strlen("msgid")) == "msgid") { $line = substr($line, strlen("msgid") + 1); } ereg('"(.*)"', $line, $regs); $line = $regs[1]; break; case LCE_MSGSTR: // TODO: Check if ^ can be removed $line = substr($line, strlen("msgstr") + 1); ereg('^"(.*)"', $line, $regs); $line = $regs[1] . "\n"; break; } return $line; } function printClassification() { reset($this->lines); for($i = 0; $i < count($this->lines); $i++) { $line = $this->lines[$i]; $class = $this->classifyLine($line); print "#$i: $class $line
"; } } function classifyLine($line) { if(ereg("^[ \n\r\t]*$", $line)) return LCE_WS; if(ereg("^#.*\$", $line)) { if(ereg("^[,:-~].*", substr($line, 1))) { return LCE_COMMENT_TOOL; } if(ereg("^[ \n\r\t].*", substr($line, 1))) { return LCE_COMMENT_USER; } return LCE_COMMENT; } if(ereg("^msgid (.*)\$", $line, $regs)) { $line = $regs[1]; if($this->classifyLine($line) == LCE_TEXT) return LCE_MSGID; } if(ereg("^msgstr (.*)\$", $line, $regs)) { $line = $regs[1]; if($this->classifyLine($line) == LCE_TEXT) return LCE_MSGSTR; } if(ereg('^".*"', $line)) { // TODO: Check correct escapes return LCE_TEXT; } return LCE_UNKNOWN; } } function getTextDomains($lines) { $default_domain = ""; $domains = array(); while($gl = each($GLOBALS)) { $gname = $gl[0]; global $$gname; } for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { if(ereg("bindtextdomain\(([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)", $lines[$i], $regs)) { //print "Line:" . $lines[$i] . "
"; $name = $regs[1]; $ev = "\$directory = ". $regs[2] . ";"; print $ev; eval($ev); $domains[] = array($name, $directory); } if(ereg("textdomain\(([^\)]+)\)", $lines[$i], $regs)) $default_domain = $regs[1]; } return array($default_domain, $domains); } class PORManager extends HtmlValidator { var $por_a; function PORManager() { $this->por_a = array(); } function addPOReader($d_name, &$por) { $this->por_a[$d_name] = &$por; } function &getPOReader($domain) { return $this->por_a[$domain]; } function getDomainNames() { return array_keys($this->por_a); } } function &loadPORManager() { global $LCE_PORMAN; if(!isset($LCE_PORMAN)) { $LCE_PORMAN = new PORManager(); } return $LCE_PORMAN; } // More or less intelligent filename joining // As available in PYTHONs os.path function fileJoin() { $numargs = func_num_args(); $args = func_get_args(); for($i = 0; $i < $numargs - 1; $i++) { if(substr($args[$i], -1) != "/") $args[$i] = $args[$i] . "/"; if($i > 0) { if(substr($args[$i],0 , 1) == "/") $args[$i] = substr($args[$i], 1); } } return join("", $args); } if(defined("LCE_TESTSERVER")) { function lce_bindtextdomain($d_name, $d_path) { global $LANG, $LC_MESSAGES, $LC_ALL, $LCE_LANG; global $LCE_ERR; global $LCE_PO_SUFFIX; global $LCE_MANAGER; $path_orig = $d_path; // This is not complete and reflects // my not very far going understanding of the // different $LC_x thingies. if(isset($LC_MESSAGES)) { //print "LC_MESSAGES
"; $lang_suffix = $LC_MESSAGES; } else if(isset($LC_ALL)) { //print "LC_ALL
"; $lang_suffix = $LC_ALL; } else if(isset($LANG)) { //print "LANG
"; $lang_suffix = $LANG; } else { //print "LCE_LANG
"; $lang_suffix = $LCE_LANG; } //print "LangSuffix: $lang_suffix \n"; //print "D_Path: " . fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX) . "
"; // First try: the whole lang_suffix if(file_exists(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX))) $d_path = fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX); else { $lang_suffix = substr($lang_suffix, 0, 2); if(file_exists(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name. $LCE_PO_SUFFIX))) $d_path = fileJoin(fileJoin($d_path, $lang_suffix, "LC_MESSAGES", $d_name . $LCE_PO_SUFFIX)); else { $LCE_ERR = "No PO-file found"; return false; } } //print "D_Path: $d_path \n"; $por = new POReader($d_name, $d_path, $path_orig); $por->read(); $porman =& loadPORManager(); $porman->addPOReader($d_name, $por); return true; } function lce_textdomain($domain) { global $LCE_DOMAIN; $LCE_DOMAIN = $domain; } function lce_gettext($msgid) { global $LCE_DOMAIN; return lce_dgettext($LCE_DOMAIN, $msgid); } function lce_dgettext($domain, $msgid) { $porman =& loadPORManager(); if($por = &$porman->getPOReader($domain)) return $por->gettext($msgid); return $msgid; } function lce() { global $LCE_LCEDITLOC; $porman =& loadPORManager(); $domains = $porman->getDomainNames(); for($i = 0; $i < count($domains); $i++) { $por =& $porman->getPOReader($domains[$i]); $domain = "domain=" . urlencode($por->domain); $filename = "filename=" . urlencode($por->filename); $url = $LCE_LCEDITLOC . "?" . $domain . "&" . $filename; print "Domain: $por->domain
"; } } } else { function lce_bindtextdomain($domain, $path) { bindtextdomain($domain, $path); } function lce_textdomain($domain) { textdomain($domain); } function lce_gettext($msgid) { return gettext($msgid); } function lce_dgettext($domain, $msgid) { return dgettext($domain, $msgid); } function lce() { } } function lce_geteditcode($type, $name, $text, $rows=2) { global $LCE_EDIT_LEVEL; $level_map = array("msgid" => 4, "sys_comment" => 3, "user_comment" => 2, "msgstr" => 1 ); if($level_map[$type] > $LCE_EDIT_LEVEL) { return "
\n" . $text . "\n
"; } else { return ""; } } } /* ;;; Local Variables: *** ;;; mode:C *** ;;; End: *** */ ?>