This file describes the Arch branch in which it is maintained. Everything below the line is branch-specific. ________________________________________________________________________ This is the "multi-tty" branch. It contains a version of Emacs that is able to create frames on multiple display devices and display types, including multiple tty devices and tty+X combined sessions. The branch has an enhanced version of emacsclient that is capable of opening a new Emacs frame on the terminal it runs on. Commit access to the multi-tty branch is only available to its maintainer, Károly LĹ‘rentey ( The best way to contribute to the project is to create your own public Arch branch, and publish your changes there. (I will then be able to easily "pull" your changes into the multi-tty branch.) The branch is scheduled for inclusion in the next major release of Emacs, version 22. Please read the file README.multi-tty in the base directory for details. Local Variables: coding: utf-8 End: