NOTES ON THE EMACS PACKAGE ARCHIVE The GNU Emacs package archive, at, is managed using Bzr. The Bzr branch is hosted on Savannah, and you can check it out with bzr branch bzr+ssh:// elpa Changes made to this branch propagate to as follows. There exists a copy of the elpa branch on that machine. Someone with access must log in, pull the latest changes from Savannah, and run a "deployment" script that generates the content at the web-visible location The reason things are set up this way, instead of using the package upload utilities in package-x.el, is so that Emacs hackers can easily edit the contents of the Savannah "elpa" branch, with the aid of version control. (For instance, multi-file packages are stored on the Bzr branch in source form, not as tarfiles.) Because deployment is a semi-manual process, this allows us some flexibility in making changes to the branch on Savannah. Furthermore, one can use the elpa branch to deploy a "local" copy of the package archive, for testing. For details on how to use the elpa branch, see that README file in that branch.