#!/bin/bash # When using the Arch Linux mkinitcpio encrypt if the file /crypto_keyfile.bin # exists in the initramfs then it will be used to attempt unlocking. # 1. dd if=/dev/urandom of=/crypto_keyfile.bin bs=1 count=512 # 2. Add /crypto_keyfile.bin to FILES in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf # 3. mkinitcpio -p linux # 4. Enable the disable-crypto_keyfiles@.service # 5. Run this script when you want to reboot without a passphrase crypto_keyfile="/crypto_keyfile.bin" reboot_cmd="${1:-sudo reboot}" if [ ! -f "$crypto_keyfile" ]; then echo "Failed to find $crypto_keyfile" exit 1 fi disk_uuid="$(ls /etc/systemd/system/basic.target.wants/disable-crypto_keyfile@*.service | cut -d'@' -f2 | cut -d. -f1)" device_filename="/dev/disk/by-uuid/${disk_uuid}" if [ -z "$device_filename" ]; then echo "Failed to find your encrypted device. You must have disable-crypto_keyfile@.service enabled." exit 1 fi set -ex sudo cryptsetup luksAddKey "$device_filename" "$crypto_keyfile" --key-slot 7 $reboot_cmd