### v8, implemented by >= 0.8 First version supported. ### v9, implemented by >= 0.9.0 Reply for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM now returns buffer_attrs that are used: Four new fields in reply of PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM: maxlength tlength prebuf minreq Two new fields in reply of PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM: maxlength fragsize ### v10, implemented by >= 0.9.5 New opcodes: PA_COMMAND_MOVE_SINK_INPUT PA_COMMAND_MOVE_SOURCE_OUTPUT SHM data transfer support ### v11, implemented by >= 0.9.7 Reply to to PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO, PA_COMMAND_GET_SINK_INPUT_INFO_LIST gets new field at the end: mute New opcodes: PA_COMMAND_SET_SINK_INPUT_MUTE PA_COMMAND_SUSPEND_SINK PA_COMMAND_SUSPEND_SOURCE ### v12, implemented by >= 0.9.8 S32LE, S32BE is now known as sample spec. Gained six new bool fields for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM request at the end: no_remap_channels no_remix_channels fix_format fix_rate fix_channels no_move variable_rate Reply to these opcodes now includes: sample_spec channel_map device_index device_name suspended New opcodes for changing buffer attrs: PA_COMMAND_SET_PLAYBACK_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR PA_COMMAND_SET_RECORD_STREAM_BUFFER_ATTR New opcodes for changing sampling rate: PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE New opcodes for notifications: PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_SUSPENDED PA_COMMAND_CAPTURE_STREAM_SUSPENDED PA_COMMAND_PLAYBACK_STREAM_MOVED PA_COMMAND_CAPTURE_STREAM_MOVED ### v13, implemented by >= 0.9.10 New fields for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM request at the end: peak_detect (bool) Replace field "name" for PA_COMMAND_CREATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM, PA_COMMAND_CREATE_RECORD_STREAM at the end: proplist Replace field "name" for PA_COMMAND_SET_CLIENT_NAME request at the end: proplist On response of PA_COMMAND_SET_CLIENT_NAME: client_index New proplist field for sink, source, sink input, source output introspection opcodes and at the end: proplist New opcodes for proplist modifications PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_UPDATE_CLIENT_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_RECORD_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_PLAYBACK_STREAM_PROPLIST PA_COMMAND_REMOVE_CLIENT_PROPLIST New field for PA_COMMAND_PLAY_SAMPLE: proplist New field for PA_COMMAND_PLAY_SAMPLE response: idx