]> code.delx.au - pymsnt/blob - src/jabw.py
[pymsnt] / src / jabw.py
1 # Copyright 2004-2005 James Bunton <james@delx.cjb.net>
2 # Licensed for distribution under the GPL version 2, check COPYING for details
4 import utils
5 from tlib.xmlw import Element, jid
6 from debug import LogEvent, INFO, WARN, ERROR
7 import disco
10 def sendMessage(pytrans, to, fro, body, mtype=None, delay=None):
11 """ Sends a Jabber message """
12 LogEvent(INFO)
13 el = Element((None, "message"))
14 el.attributes["to"] = to
15 el.attributes["from"] = fro
16 el.attributes["id"] = pytrans.makeMessageID()
17 if(mtype):
18 el.attributes["type"] = mtype
20 if(delay):
21 x = el.addElement("x")
22 x.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.XDELAY
23 x.attributes["from"] = fro
24 x.attributes["stamp"] = delay
26 b = el.addElement("body")
27 b.addContent(body)
28 x = el.addElement("x")
29 x.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.XEVENT
30 composing = x.addElement("composing")
31 pytrans.send(el)
33 def sendPresence(pytrans, to, fro, show=None, status=None, priority=None, ptype=None, avatarHash=None, nickname=None, payload=[]):
34 # Strip the resource off any presence subscribes (as per XMPP RFC 3921 Section 5.1.6)
35 # Makes eJabberd behave :)
36 if ptype == "subscribe":
37 to = jid.intern(to).userhost()
39 el = Element((None, "presence"))
40 el.attributes["to"] = to
41 el.attributes["from"] = fro
42 if(ptype):
43 el.attributes["type"] = ptype
44 if(show):
45 s = el.addElement("show")
46 s.addContent(show)
47 if(status):
48 s = el.addElement("status")
49 s.addContent(status)
50 if(priority):
51 s = el.addElement("priority")
52 s.addContent(priority)
54 if(not ptype):
55 x = el.addElement("x")
56 x.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.XVCARDUPDATE
57 if(avatarHash):
58 xx = el.addElement("x")
59 xx.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.XAVATAR
60 h = xx.addElement("hash")
61 h.addContent(avatarHash)
62 h = x.addElement("photo")
63 h.addContent(avatarHash)
64 if(nickname):
65 n = x.addElement("nickname")
66 n.addContent(nickname)
68 if(payload):
69 for p in payload:
70 el.addChild(p)
72 pytrans.send(el)
75 def sendErrorMessage(pytrans, to, fro, etype, condition, explanation, body=None):
76 el = Element((None, "message"))
77 el.attributes["to"] = to
78 el.attributes["from"] = fro
79 el.attributes["type"] = "error"
80 error = el.addElement("error")
81 error.attributes["type"] = etype
82 error.attributes["code"] = str(utils.errorCodeMap[condition])
83 desc = error.addElement(condition)
84 desc.attributes["xmlns"] = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"
85 text = error.addElement("text")
86 text.attributes["xmlns"] = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"
87 text.addContent(explanation)
88 if(body and len(body) > 0):
89 b = el.addElement("body")
90 b.addContent(body)
91 pytrans.send(el)
96 class JabberConnection:
97 """ A class to handle a Jabber "Connection", ie, the Jabber side of the gateway.
98 If you want to send a Jabber event, this is the place, and this is where incoming
99 Jabber events for a session come to. """
101 def __init__(self, pytrans, jabberID):
102 self.pytrans = pytrans
103 self.jabberID = jabberID
105 self.typingUser = False # Whether this user can accept typing notifications
106 self.messageIDs = dict() # The ID of the last message the user sent to a particular contact. Indexed by contact JID
108 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
110 def removeMe(self):
111 """ Cleanly deletes the object """
112 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
114 def sendMessage(self, to, fro, body, mtype=None, delay=None):
115 """ Sends a Jabber message
116 For this message to have a <x xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/> you must pass a correctly formatted timestamp (See JEP0091)
117 """
118 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
119 sendMessage(self.pytrans, to, fro, body, mtype, delay)
121 def sendTypingNotification(self, to, fro, typing):
122 """ Sends the user the contact's current typing notification status """
123 if(self.typingUser):
124 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
125 el = Element((None, "message"))
126 el.attributes["to"] = to
127 el.attributes["from"] = fro
128 x = el.addElement("x")
129 x.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.XEVENT
130 if(typing):
131 composing = x.addElement("composing")
132 id = x.addElement("id")
133 if(self.messageIDs.has_key(fro) and self.messageIDs[fro]):
134 id.addContent(self.messageIDs[fro])
135 self.pytrans.send(el)
137 def sendVCardRequest(self, to, fro):
138 """ Requests the the vCard of 'to'
139 Returns a Deferred which fires when the vCard has been received.
140 First argument an Element object of the vCard
141 """
142 el = Element((None, "iq"))
143 el.attributes["to"] = to
144 el.attributes["from"] = fro
145 el.attributes["type"] = "get"
146 el.attributes["id"] = self.pytrans.makeMessageID()
147 vCard = el.addElement("vCard")
148 vCard.attributes["xmlns"] = "vcard-temp"
149 return self.pytrans.discovery.sendIq(el)
151 def sendErrorMessage(self, to, fro, etype, condition, explanation, body=None):
152 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
153 sendErrorMessage(self.pytrans, to, fro, etype, condition, explanation, body)
155 def sendPresence(self, to, fro, show=None, status=None, priority=None, ptype=None, avatarHash=None, nickname=None, payload=[]):
156 """ Sends a Jabber presence packet """
157 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
158 sendPresence(self.pytrans, to, fro, show, status, priority, ptype, avatarHash, nickname, payload)
160 def sendRosterImport(self, jid, ptype, sub, name="", groups=[]):
161 """ Sends a special presence packet. This will work with all clients, but clients that support roster-import will give a better user experience
162 IMPORTANT - Only ever use this for contacts that have already been authorised on the legacy service """
163 el = Element((None, "presence"))
164 el.attributes["to"] = self.jabberID
165 el.attributes["from"] = jid
166 el.attributes["type"] = ptype
167 r = el.addElement("x")
168 r.attributes["xmlns"] = disco.SUBSYNC
169 item = r.addElement("item")
170 item.attributes["subscription"] = sub
171 if(name):
172 item.attributes["name"] = unicode(name)
173 for group in groups:
174 g = item.addElement("group")
175 g.addContent(group)
177 self.pytrans.send(el)
179 def onMessage(self, el):
180 """ Handles incoming message packets """
181 #LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
182 fro = el.getAttribute("from")
183 to = el.getAttribute("to")
184 try:
185 froj = jid.intern(fro)
186 toj = jid.intern(to)
187 except Exception, e:
188 LogEvent(WARN, self.jabberID)
189 return
191 mID = el.getAttribute("id")
192 mtype = el.getAttribute("type")
193 body = ""
194 inviteTo = ""
195 inviteRoom = ""
196 messageEvent = False
197 noerror = False
198 composing = None
199 for child in el.elements():
200 if(child.name == "body"):
201 body = child.__str__()
202 elif(child.name == "noerror" and child.uri == "sapo:noerror"):
203 noerror = True
204 elif(child.name == "x"):
205 if(child.uri == disco.XCONFERENCE):
206 inviteTo = to
207 inviteRoom = child.getAttribute("jid") # The room the contact is being invited to
208 elif(child.uri == disco.MUC_USER):
209 for child2 in child.elements():
210 if(child2.name == "invite"):
211 inviteTo = child2.getAttribute("to")
212 break
213 inviteRoom = to
214 elif(child.uri == disco.XEVENT):
215 messageEvent = True
216 composing = False
217 for child2 in child.elements():
218 if(child2.name == "composing"):
219 composing = True
220 break
222 if(inviteTo and inviteRoom):
223 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Message groupchat invite packet")
224 self.inviteReceived(source=froj.userhost(), resource=froj.resource, dest=inviteTo, destr="", roomjid=inviteRoom)
225 return
227 # Check message event stuff
228 if(body and messageEvent):
229 self.typingUser = True
230 elif(body and not messageEvent):
231 self.typingUser = False
232 elif(not body and messageEvent):
233 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Message typing notification packet")
234 self.typingNotificationReceived(toj.userhost(), toj.resource, composing)
237 if(body):
238 # Save the message ID for later
239 self.messageIDs[to] = mID
240 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Message packet")
241 self.messageReceived(froj.userhost(), froj.resource, toj.userhost(), toj.resource, mtype, body, noerror)
243 def onPresence(self, el):
244 """ Handles incoming presence packets """
245 #LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID)
246 fro = el.getAttribute("from")
247 froj = jid.intern(fro)
248 to = el.getAttribute("to")
249 toj = jid.intern(to)
251 # Grab the contents of the <presence/> packet
252 ptype = el.getAttribute("type")
253 if ptype and (ptype.startswith("subscribe") or ptype.startswith("unsubscribe")):
254 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Parsed subscription presence packet")
255 self.subscriptionReceived(toj.userhost(), ptype)
256 elif ptype == "probe":
257 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Parsed presence probe")
258 self.contactList.getContact(toj.userhost()).sendPresence(fro)
259 else:
260 status = None
261 show = None
262 priority = None
263 avatarHash = ""
264 nickname = ""
265 for child in el.elements():
266 if(child.name == "status"):
267 status = child.__str__()
268 elif(child.name == "show"):
269 show = child.__str__()
270 elif(child.name == "priority"):
271 priority = child.__str__()
272 elif(child.defaultUri == disco.XVCARDUPDATE):
273 avatarHash = " "
274 for child2 in child.elements():
275 if(child2.name == "photo"):
276 avatarHash = child2.__str__()
277 elif(child2.name == "nickname"):
278 nickname = child2.__str__()
280 if not ptype:
281 # available presence
282 if(avatarHash):
283 self.avatarHashReceived(froj.userhost(), toj.userhost(), avatarHash)
284 if(nickname):
285 self.nicknameReceived(froj.userhost(), toj.userhost(), nickname)
287 LogEvent(INFO, self.jabberID, "Parsed presence packet")
288 self.presenceReceived(froj.userhost(), froj.resource, toj.userhost(), toj.resource, priority, ptype, show, status)
292 def messageReceived(self, source, resource, dest, destr, mtype, body, noerror):
293 """ Override this method to be notified when a message is received """
294 pass
296 def inviteReceived(self, source, resource, dest, destr, roomjid):
297 """ Override this method to be notified when an invitation is received """
298 pass
300 def presenceReceived(self, source, resource, to, tor, priority, ptype, show, status):
301 """ Override this method to be notified when presence is received """
302 pass
304 def subscriptionReceived(self, source, subtype):
305 """ Override this method to be notified when a subscription packet is received """
306 pass
308 def nicknameReceived(self, source, dest, nickname):
309 """ Override this method to be notified when a nickname has been received """
310 pass
312 def avatarHashReceieved(self, source, dest, avatarHash):
313 """ Override this method to be notified when an avatar hash is received """
314 pass