SCROTWM(1)                 OpenBSD Reference Manual                 SCROTWM(1)

     scrotwm - is a small dynamic tiling window manager for X11.


     scrotwm is a minimalistic window manager that tries to stay out of the
     way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more impor-
     tant stuff.  It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a
     language to do any configuration.  It was written by hackers for hackers
     and it strives to be small, compact and fast.

     The following notation is used throughout this page:

           M       Meta
           S       Shift
           [Name]  Named key

     scrotwm is very simple in its use.  Most of the actions are initiated via
     keybindings.  The current keybindings are described below:

           M-S-[Return]   Spawn a new terminal.
           M-p            Menu.
           M-S-q          Quit.
           M-q            Restart scrotwm.
           M-[Space]      Cycle layout.
           M-S-[Space]    Reset layout.
           M-h            Shrink master area.
           M-l            Grow master area.
           M-,            Add windows to master area.
           M-.            Remove windows from master area.
           M-[Return]     Move current window to master area.
           M-j            Focus next window in workspace.
           M-[Tab]        Focus next window in workspace.
           M-k            Focus previous window in workspace.
           M-S-[Tab]      Focus previous window in workspace.
           M-m            Focus on main window in workspace.
           M-S-j          Swap with next window in workspace.
           M-S-k          Swap with previous window in workspace.
           M-b            Toggle status bar in all workspaces.
           M-S-x          Destroy current window in workspace.
           M-[Number]     Switch to workspace [Number].
           M-S-[Number]   Move current window to workspace [Number].
           M-[RighArrow]  Switch to next workspace with a window in it.
           M-[LeftArrow]  Switch to previous workspace with a window in it.



     scrotwm was written by Marco Peereboom <> and Ryan
     Thomas McBride <>.

     scrotwm was inspired by xmonad & dwm.

     scrotwm first appeared in OpenBSD 4.5.

OpenBSD 4.4                    January 23, 2009                              1