#!/bin/bash # Many DVDs released in Australia are sped up from 24fps to 25fps. # This script reverses the procedure, correcting the audio pitch. # The video framerate is adjusted without re-encoding. The audio is # slowed, and encoded as AAC, preserving surround sound. if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 infile outfile" exit 1 fi set -o pipefail -eux FORCEFPS="24" SLOWFILTER="-filter asetrate=46080,aresample=osr=48000:resampler=soxr" function mux_replace_audio { local infile="$1" local audiofile="$2" local outfile="$3" local audiodelay="$(get_minimum_timestamp "$infile" "audio")" local videodelay="$(get_minimum_timestamp "$infile" "video")" local videotrackid="$(get_track_id "$infile" "video")" mkvmerge \ -o "${outfile}" \ --default-duration "${videotrackid}:${FORCEFPS}fps" \ --sync "${videotrackid}:$((videodelay / 1000000))" \ --no-audio "$infile" \ --sync "0:$((audiodelay / 1000000))" \ "$audiofile" } function get_track_id { mkvmerge -i -F json "$1" | jq -r ".tracks[] | select(.type == \"$2\") | .id" } function get_minimum_timestamp { mkvmerge -F json -i "$1" | jq -r ".tracks[] | select(.type == \"$2\") | .properties.minimum_timestamp" } function encode_audio { ffmpeg \ -i "$1" \ -vn \ $SLOWFILTER \ -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 3 \ "$2" } function convert_file { local infile="$1" local outfile="$2" local audiofile="${tmpdir}/audiofile.m4a" encode_audio "$infile" "$audiofile" mux_replace_audio "$infile" "$audiofile" "$outfile" } infile="$1" outfile="$2" tmpdir="$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/var/tmp}/pal-XXXXXXXX")" convert_file "$infile" "$outfile" rm -rf "$tmpdir"