]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/loc-changes/loc-changes.el
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[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / loc-changes / loc-changes.el
1 ;;; loc-changes.el --- keep track of positions even after buffer changes
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc
5 ;; Author: Rocky Bernstein <rocky@gnu.org>
6 ;; Version: 1.2
7 ;; URL: http://github.com/rocky/emacs-loc-changes
8 ;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 24.x
10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; This package lets users or programs set marks in a buffer prior to
26 ;; changes so that we can track the original positions after the
27 ;; change.
29 ;; One common use is say when debugging a program. The debugger has its static
30 ;; notion of the file and positions inside that. However it may be convenient
31 ;; for a programmer to edit the program but not restart execution of the program.
33 ;; Another use might be in a compilation buffer for errors and
34 ;; warnings which refer to file and line positions.
36 ;;; Code:
38 (make-variable-buffer-local 'loc-changes-alist)
39 (defvar loc-changes-alist '()
40 "A buffer-local association-list (alist) of line numbers and
41 their corresponding markers in the buffer. The 'key' is the line number; the value
42 the marker"
43 )
45 (defun loc-changes:follow-mark(event)
46 (interactive "e")
47 (let* ((pos (posn-point (event-end event)))
48 (mark (get-text-property pos 'mark)))
49 (switch-to-buffer-other-window (marker-buffer mark))
50 (goto-char (marker-position mark))
51 ))
54 (defun loc-changes:alist-describe (&optional opt-buffer)
55 "Display buffer-local variable loc-changes-alist. If BUFFER is
56 not given, the current buffer is used. Information is put in an
57 internal buffer called *Describe*."
58 (interactive "")
59 (let ((buffer (or opt-buffer (current-buffer)))
60 (alist))
61 (with-current-buffer buffer
62 (setq alist loc-changes-alist)
63 (unless (listp alist) (error "expecting loc-changes-alist to be a list"))
64 )
65 (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Describe*"))
66 (setq buffer-read-only 'nil)
67 (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
68 (dolist (assoc alist)
69 (put-text-property
70 (insert-text-button
71 (format "line %d: %s\n" (car assoc) (cdr assoc))
72 'action 'loc-changes:follow-mark
73 'help-echo "mouse-2: go to this location")
74 (point)
75 'mark (cdr assoc)
76 )
77 )
78 (setq buffer-read-only 't)
79 ))
81 ;;;###autoload
82 (defun loc-changes-goto-line (line-number &optional column-number)
83 "Position `point' at LINE-NUMBER of the current buffer. If
84 COLUMN-NUMBER is given, position `point' at that column just
85 before that column number within the line. Note that the beginning of
86 the line starts at column 0, so the column number display will be one less
87 than COLUMN-NUMBER. For example COLUMN-NUMBER 1 will set before the first
88 column on the line and show 0.
90 The Emacs `goto-line' docstring says it is the wrong to use that
91 function in a Lisp program. So here is something that I proclaim
92 is okay to use in a Lisp program."
93 (interactive
94 (if (and current-prefix-arg (not (consp current-prefix-arg)))
95 (list (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
96 ;; Look for a default, a number in the buffer at point.
97 (let* ((default
98 (save-excursion
99 (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
100 (if (looking-at "[0-9]")
101 (string-to-number
102 (buffer-substring-no-properties
103 (point)
104 (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9")
105 (point)))))))
106 ;; Decide if we're switching buffers.
107 (buffer
108 (if (consp current-prefix-arg)
109 (other-buffer (current-buffer) t)))
110 (buffer-prompt
111 (if buffer
112 (concat " in " (buffer-name buffer))
113 "")))
114 ;; Read the argument, offering that number (if any) as default.
115 (list (read-number (format "Goto line%s: " buffer-prompt)
116 (list default (line-number-at-pos)))
117 buffer))))
118 (unless (wholenump line-number)
119 (error "Expecting line-number parameter `%s' to be a whole number"
120 line-number))
121 (unless (> line-number 0)
122 (error "Expecting line-number parameter `%d' to be greater than 0"
123 line-number))
124 (let ((last-line (line-number-at-pos (point-max))))
125 (unless (<= line-number last-line)
126 (error
127 "Line number %d should not exceed %d, the number of lines in the buffer"
128 line-number last-line))
129 (goto-char (point-min))
130 (forward-line (1- line-number))
131 (if column-number
132 (let ((last-column
133 (save-excursion
134 (move-end-of-line 1)
135 (current-column))))
136 (cond ((not (wholenump column-number))
137 (message
138 "Column ignored. Expecting column-number parameter `%s' to be a whole number"
139 column-number))
140 ((<= column-number 0)
141 (message
142 "Column ignored. Expecting column-number parameter `%d' to be a greater than 1"
143 column-number))
144 ((>= column-number last-column)
145 (message
146 "Column ignored. Expecting column-number parameter `%d' to be a less than %d"
147 column-number last-column))
148 (t (forward-char (1- column-number)))))
149 )
150 (redisplay)
151 )
152 )
154 (defun loc-changes-add-elt (pos)
155 "Add an element `loc-changes-alist'. The car will be POS and a
156 marker for it will be created at the point."
157 (setq loc-changes-alist
158 (cons (cons pos (point-marker)) loc-changes-alist)))
160 ;;;###autoload
161 (defun loc-changes-add-and-goto (line-number &optional opt-buffer)
162 "Add a marker at LINE-NUMBER and record LINE-NUMBER and its
163 marker association in `loc-changes-alist'."
164 (interactive
165 (if (and current-prefix-arg (not (consp current-prefix-arg)))
166 (list (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
167 ;; Look for a default, a number in the buffer at point.
168 (let* ((default
169 (save-excursion
170 (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
171 (if (looking-at "[0-9]")
172 (string-to-number
173 (buffer-substring-no-properties
174 (point)
175 (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9")
176 (point)))))))
177 ;; Decide if we're switching buffers.
178 (buffer
179 (if (consp current-prefix-arg)
180 (other-buffer (current-buffer) t)))
181 (buffer-prompt
182 (if buffer
183 (concat " in " (buffer-name buffer))
184 "")))
185 ;; Read the argument, offering that number (if any) as default.
186 (list (read-number (format "Goto line%s: " buffer-prompt)
187 (list default (line-number-at-pos)))
188 buffer))))
190 (let ((buffer (or opt-buffer (current-buffer))))
191 (with-current-buffer buffer
192 (loc-changes-goto-line line-number)
193 (loc-changes-add-elt line-number)
194 ))
195 )
197 ;;;###autoload
198 (defun loc-changes-clear-buffer (&optional opt-buffer)
199 "Remove all location-tracking associations in BUFFER."
200 (interactive "bbuffer: ")
201 (let ((buffer (or opt-buffer (current-buffer)))
202 )
203 (with-current-buffer buffer
204 (setq loc-changes-alist '())
205 ))
206 )
208 ;;;###autoload
209 (defun loc-changes-reset-position (&optional opt-buffer no-insert)
210 "Update `loc-changes-alist' so that the line number of point is
211 used to when aline number is requested.
213 Updates any existing line numbers referred to in marks at this
214 position.
216 This may be useful for example in debugging if you save the
217 buffer and then cause the debugger to reread/reevaluate the file
218 so that its positions are will be reflected."
219 (interactive "")
220 (let* ((line-number (line-number-at-pos (point)))
221 (elt (assq line-number loc-changes-alist)))
222 (let ((buffer (or opt-buffer (current-buffer)))
223 )
224 (with-current-buffer buffer
225 (if elt
226 (setcdr elt (point))
227 (unless no-insert
228 (loc-changes-add-elt line-number)
229 )
230 ))
231 )
232 ))
235 (defun loc-changes-goto (position &optional opt-buffer no-update)
236 "Go to the position inside BUFFER taking into account the
237 previous location marks. Normally if the position hasn't been
238 seen before, we will add a new mark for this position. However if
239 NO-UPDATE is set, no mark is added."
240 (unless (wholenump position)
241 (error "Expecting line-number parameter `%s' to be a whole number"
242 position))
243 (let ((elt (assq position loc-changes-alist)))
244 (if elt
245 (let ((marker (cdr elt)))
246 (unless (markerp marker)
247 (error "Internal error: loc-changes-alist is not a marker"))
248 (goto-char (marker-position marker)))
249 (if no-update
250 (loc-changes-goto-line position)
251 (loc-changes-add-and-goto position))
252 )
253 )
254 )
256 (provide 'loc-changes)
257 ;;; loc-changes.el ends here