]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/multishell/multishell-list.el
Merge multishell 1.1.2.
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / multishell / multishell-list.el
1 ;;; multishell-list.el --- tabulated-list-mode for multishell shell buffers
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. and Ken Manheimer
5 ;; Author: Ken Manheimer <ken.manheimer@gmail.com>
6 ;; Version: 1.1.2
7 ;; Created: 2016 -- first public availability
8 ;; Keywords: processes
9 ;; URL: https://github.com/kenmanheimer/EmacsMultishell
11 ;; See multishell.el for commentary, change log, etc.
13 (require 'tabulated-list)
15 (defun multishell-list-open-pop ()
16 "Pop to current entry's shell, and refresh the listing buffer."
17 (interactive)
18 (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
19 (multishell-pop-to-shell nil (tabulated-list-get-id))
20 (with-current-buffer list-buffer
21 (revert-buffer))))
22 (defun multishell-list-open-as-default ()
23 "Pop to current entry's shell, and set as the default shell."
24 (interactive)
25 (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
26 (message "%s <==" (multishell-name-from-entry (tabulated-list-get-id)))
27 (multishell-pop-to-shell '(16) (tabulated-list-get-id))
28 (with-current-buffer list-buffer
29 (revert-buffer))))
30 (defun multishell-list-open-here ()
31 "Switch to current entry's shell buffer."
32 (interactive)
33 (let ((list-buffer (current-buffer)))
34 (multishell-pop-to-shell nil (tabulated-list-get-id) 'here)
35 (with-current-buffer list-buffer
36 ;; In case they use switch-to-buffer or whatever to return.
37 (revert-buffer))))
39 (defun multishell-list-delete ()
40 "Remove current shell entry, and prompt for buffer-removal if present.
42 \(We depend on intrinsic confirmation prompts for active buffers,
43 supplemented by our own when buffer is inactive.)"
44 (interactive)
45 (let* ((entry (tabulated-list-get-id))
46 (name (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
47 (name-bracketed (multishell-bracket name))
48 (buffer (get-buffer name-bracketed)))
49 (when (multishell-delete-history-name name)
50 (and buffer
51 ;; If the process is live, let shell-mode get confirmation:
52 (or (comint-check-proc (current-buffer))
53 (y-or-n-p (format "Kill buffer %s? " name-bracketed)))
54 (kill-buffer name-bracketed)))
55 (tabulated-list-delete-entry)))
57 (defun multishell-list-edit-entry ()
58 "Edit the value of current shell entry."
59 (interactive)
60 (let* ((where (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
61 (entry (tabulated-list-get-id))
62 (name (multishell-name-from-entry entry))
63 (revised (multishell-read-unbracketed-entry
64 (format "Edit shell spec for %s: " name)
65 entry
66 'no-record))
67 (revised-name (multishell-name-from-entry revised))
68 buffer)
69 (when (not (string= revised entry))
70 (multishell-replace-entry entry revised)
71 (when (and (not (string= name revised-name))
72 (setq buffer (get-buffer (multishell-bracket name))))
73 (with-current-buffer buffer
74 (rename-buffer (multishell-bracket revised-name))))
75 (revert-buffer)
76 (goto-char where))))
78 (defun multishell-list-placeholder (value default)
79 "Return VALUE if non-empty string, else DEFAULT."
80 (if (or (not value) (string= value ""))
81 default
82 value))
83 (defconst multishell-list-active-buffer-flag "+")
84 (defconst multishell-list-inactive-buffer-flag ".")
85 (defconst multishell-list-absent-buffer-flag "x")
87 (defun multishell-list-entries ()
88 "Generate multishell name/path entries list for tabulated-list."
89 (let ((recency 0))
90 (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
91 (setq recency (1+ recency))
92 (let* ((splat (multishell-split-entry entry))
93 (name (car splat))
94 (buffer (and name
95 (get-buffer
96 (multishell-bracket name))))
97 (status (cond ((not buffer)
98 multishell-list-absent-buffer-flag)
99 ((comint-check-proc buffer)
100 multishell-list-active-buffer-flag)
101 (t multishell-list-inactive-buffer-flag)))
102 (rest (cadr splat))
103 (path (or (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
104 rest))
105 (hops (and (file-remote-p rest 'localname)
106 (substring
107 rest 0 (- (length rest) (length path))))))
108 (when (not name)
109 (setq name (multishell-name-from-entry entry)))
110 (list entry
111 (vector (format "%d" recency)
112 status
113 name
114 (multishell-list-placeholder hops "-")
115 (multishell-list-placeholder path "~")))))
116 (multishell-all-entries))))
118 (defun compare-strings-as-numbers (a b)
119 (let ((a (aref (cadr a) 0))
120 (b (aref (cadr b) 0)))
121 (> (string-to-number a) (string-to-number b))))
123 (defvar multishell-list-mode-map
124 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
125 (define-key map (kbd "d") 'multishell-list-delete)
126 (define-key map (kbd "\C-k") 'multishell-list-delete)
127 (define-key map (kbd "k") 'multishell-list-delete)
128 (define-key map (kbd "e") 'multishell-list-edit-entry)
129 (define-key map (kbd "o") 'multishell-list-open-pop)
130 (define-key map (kbd " ") 'multishell-list-open-pop)
131 (define-key map (kbd "O") 'multishell-list-open-as-default)
132 (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'multishell-list-open-here)
133 map))
134 (define-derived-mode multishell-list-mode
135 tabulated-list-mode "Shells"
136 "Major mode for listing current and historically registered shells.
137 \\{multishell-list-mode-map\}"
138 (setq tabulated-list-format
139 [;; (name width sort '(:right-align nil :pad-right nil))
140 ("#" 0 compare-strings-as-numbers :pad-right 1)
141 ("! " 1 t :pad-right 1)
142 ("Name" 15 t)
143 ("Hops" 30 t)
144 ("Path" 30 t)]
145 tabulated-list-sort-key '("#" . t)
146 tabulated-list-entries #'multishell-list-entries)
147 (tabulated-list-init-header))
149 ;;;###autoload
150 (defun multishell-list ()
151 "Edit your current and historic list of shell buffers.
153 Hit ? for a list of commands.
155 You can get to this shell listing manager by
156 recursively invoking \\[multishell-pop-to-shell] at either of the
157 `multishell-pop-to-shell' universal argument prompts."
158 (interactive)
159 (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Shells*")))
160 (pop-to-buffer buffer)
161 (multishell-list-mode)
162 (tabulated-list-print)))
164 (provide 'multishell-list)
165 (require 'multishell)
167 ;;; multishell-list.el ends here