]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - testcases.sml
Make the toplevel closer to usual practice.
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / testcases.sml
1 (* copyright 1999 YALE FLINT project *)
2 (* monnier@cs.yale.edu *)
4 (let val a = 1 val b = 2
5   val c = 3
6 in 1
7 end)
9 (x := 1;
10 case x of
11 FOO => 1
12 | BAR => 2;
13 case x of
14 FOO => 1
15 | BAR =>
16 (case y of
17 FAR => 2
18 | FRA => 3);
19 hello)
21 let datatype foobar
22 = FooB of int
23 | FooA of bool * int
25 val x = if foo then
26 1
27 else if bar then
28 2
29 else
30 3
31 val y = if foo
32 then 1
33 else if foo
34 then 2
35 else 3
36 in
37 if a then b else c;
38 case M.find(m,f)
39 of SOME(fl, filt) =>
40 F.APP(F.VAR fl, OU.filter filt vs)
41 | NONE => le;
42 x := x + 1;
43 (case foo
44 of a => f
45 )
46 end
48 let
49 in a;
50 b
51 end
53 let
54 in if a then
55 b
56 else
57 c
58 end
60 let
61 in case a of
62 (* Do I really want that ? *)
63 F => 1
64 | D => 2
65 end
67 let
68 in if a then b else
69 c
70 end
72 structure Foo = struct
73 val x = 1
74 end
76 signature FSPLIT =
77 sig
78 type flint = FLINT.prog
79 val split: flint -> flint * flint option
80 end
82 structure FSplit :> FSPLIT =
83 struct
85 local
86 structure F = FLINT
87 structure S = IntRedBlackSet
88 structure M = FLINTIntMap
89 structure O = Option
90 structure OU = OptUtils
91 structure FU = FlintUtil
92 structure LT = LtyExtern
93 structure PO = PrimOp
94 structure PP = PPFlint
95 structure CTRL = FLINT_Control
96 in
98 val say = Control_Print.say
99 fun bug msg = ErrorMsg.impossible ("FSplit: "^msg)
100 fun buglexp (msg,le) = (say "\n"; PP.printLexp le; say " "; bug msg)
101 fun bugval (msg,v) = (say "\n"; PP.printSval v; say " "; bug msg)
102 fun assert p = if p then () else bug ("assertion failed")
104 type flint = F.prog
105 val mklv = LambdaVar.mkLvar
106 val cplv = LambdaVar.dupLvar
108 fun S_rmv(x, s) = S.delete(s, x) handle NotFound => s
110 fun addv (s,F.VAR lv) = S.add(s, lv)
111 | addv (s,_) = s
112 fun addvs (s,vs) = foldl (fn (v,s) => addv(s, v)) s vs
113 fun rmvs (s,lvs) = foldl (fn (l,s) => S_rmv(l, s)) s lvs
115 exception Unknown
117 fun split (fdec as (fk,f,args,body)) = let
118 val {getLty,addLty,...} = Recover.recover (fdec, false)
120 val m = Intmap.new(64, Unknown)
121 fun addpurefun f = Intmap.add m (f, false)
122 fun funeffect f = (Intmap.map m f) handle Uknown => true
124 (* sexp: env -> lexp -> (leE, leI, fvI, leRet)
125 * - env: IntSetF.set current environment
126 * - lexp: lexp expression to split
127 * - leRet: lexp the core return expression of lexp
128 * - leE: lexp -> lexp recursively split lexp: leE leRet == lexp
129 * - leI: lexp option inlinable part of lexp (if any)
130 * - fvI: IntSetF.set free variables of leI: FU.freevars leI == fvI
131 *
132 * sexp splits the lexp into an expansive part and an inlinable part.
133 * The inlinable part is guaranteed to be side-effect free.
134 * The expansive part doesn't bother to eliminate unused copies of
135 * elements copied to the inlinable part.
136 * If the inlinable part cannot be constructed, leI is set to F.RET[].
137 * This implies that fvI == S.empty, which in turn prevents us from
138 * mistakenly adding anything to leI.
139 *)
140 fun sexp env lexp = (* fixindent *)
141 let
142 (* non-side effecting binds are copied to leI if exported *)
143 fun let1 (le,lewrap,lv,vs,effect) =
144 let val (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) = sexp (S.add(env, lv)) le
145 val leE = lewrap o leE
146 in if effect orelse not (S.member(fvI, lv))
147 then (leE, leI, fvI, leRet)
148 else (leE, lewrap leI, addvs(S_rmv(lv, fvI), vs), leRet)
149 end
151 in case lexp
152 (* we can completely move both RET and TAPP to the I part *)
153 of F.RECORD (rk,vs,lv,le as F.RET [F.VAR lv']) =>
154 if lv' = lv
155 then (fn e => e, lexp, addvs(S.empty, vs), lexp)
156 else (fn e => e, le, S.singleton lv', le)
157 | F.RET vs =>
158 (fn e => e, lexp, addvs(S.empty, vs), lexp)
159 | F.TAPP (F.VAR tf,tycs) =>
160 (fn e => e, lexp, S.singleton tf, lexp)
162 (* recursive splittable lexps *)
163 | F.FIX (fdecs,le) => sfix env (fdecs, le)
164 | F.TFN (tfdec,le) => stfn env (tfdec, le)
166 (* binding-lexps *)
167 | F.CON (dc,tycs,v,lv,le) =>
168 let1(le, fn e => F.CON(dc, tycs, v, lv, e), lv, [v], false)
169 | F.RECORD (rk,vs,lv,le) =>
170 let1(le, fn e => F.RECORD(rk, vs, lv, e), lv, vs, false)
171 | F.SELECT (v,i,lv,le) =>
172 let1(le, fn e => F.SELECT(v, i, lv, e), lv, [v], false)
173 | F.PRIMOP (po,vs,lv,le) =>
174 let1(le, fn e => F.PRIMOP(po, vs, lv, e), lv, vs, PO.effect(#2 po))
176 (* IMPROVEME: lvs should not be restricted to [lv] *)
177 | F.LET(lvs as [lv],body as F.TAPP (v,tycs),le) =>
178 let1(le, fn e => F.LET(lvs, body, e), lv, [v], false)
179 | F.LET (lvs as [lv],body as F.APP (v as F.VAR f,vs),le) =>
180 let1(le, fn e => F.LET(lvs, body, e), lv, v::vs, funeffect f)
182 | F.SWITCH (v,ac,[(dc as F.DATAcon(_,_,lv),le)],NONE) =>
183 let1(le, fn e => F.SWITCH(v, ac, [(dc, e)], NONE), lv, [v], false)
185 | F.LET (lvs,body,le) =>
186 let val (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) = sexp (S.union(S.addList(S.empty, lvs), env)) le
187 in (fn e => F.LET(lvs, body, leE e), leI, fvI, leRet)
188 end
190 (* useless sophistication *)
191 | F.APP (F.VAR f,args) =>
192 if funeffect f
193 then (fn e => e, F.RET[], S.empty, lexp)
194 else (fn e => e, lexp, addvs(S.singleton f, args), lexp)
196 (* other non-binding lexps result in unsplittable functions *)
197 | (F.APP _ | F.TAPP _) => bug "strange (T)APP"
198 | (F.SWITCH _ | F.RAISE _ | F.BRANCH _ | F.HANDLE _) =>
199 (fn e => e, F.RET[], S.empty, lexp)
200 end
202 (* Functions definitions fall into the following categories:
203 * - inlinable: if exported, copy to leI
204 * - (mutually) recursive: don't bother
205 * - non-inlinable non-recursive: split recursively *)
206 and sfix env (fdecs,le) =
207 let val nenv = S.union(S.addList(S.empty, map #2 fdecs), env)
208 val (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) = sexp nenv le
209 val nleE = fn e => F.FIX(fdecs, leE e)
210 in case fdecs
211 of [({inline=inl as (F.IH_ALWAYS | F.IH_MAYBE _),...},f,args,body)] =>
212 let val min = case inl of F.IH_MAYBE(n,_) => n | _ => 0
213 in if not(S.member(fvI, f)) orelse min > !CTRL.splitThreshold
214 then (nleE, leI, fvI, leRet)
215 else (nleE, F.FIX(fdecs, leI),
216 rmvs(S.union(fvI, FU.freevars body),
217 f::(map #1 args)),
218 leRet)
219 end
220 | [fdec as (fk as {cconv=F.CC_FCT,...},_,_,_)] =>
221 sfdec env (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) fdec
223 | _ => (nleE, leI, fvI, leRet)
224 end
226 and sfdec env (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) (fk,f,args,body) =
227 let val benv = S.union(S.addList(S.empty, map #1 args), env)
228 val (bodyE,bodyI,fvbI,bodyRet) = sexp benv body
229 in case bodyI
230 of F.RET[] =>
231 (fn e => F.FIX([(fk, f, args, bodyE bodyRet)], e),
232 leI, fvI, leRet)
233 | _ =>
234 let val fvbIs = S.listItems(S.difference(fvbI, benv))
235 val (nfk,fkE) = OU.fk_wrap(fk, NONE)
237 (* fdecE *)
238 val fE = cplv f
239 val fErets = (map F.VAR fvbIs)
240 val bodyE = bodyE(F.RET fErets)
241 (* val tmp = mklv()
242 val bodyE = bodyE(F.RECORD(F.RK_STRUCT, map F.VAR fvbIs,
243 tmp, F.RET[F.VAR tmp])) *)
244 val fdecE = (fkE, fE, args, bodyE)
245 val fElty = LT.ltc_fct(map #2 args, map getLty fErets)
246 val _ = addLty(fE, fElty)
248 (* fdecI *)
249 val fkI = {inline=F.IH_ALWAYS, cconv=F.CC_FCT,
250 known=true, isrec=NONE}
251 val argsI =
252 (map (fn lv => (lv, getLty(F.VAR lv))) fvbIs) @ args
253 (* val argI = mklv()
254 val argsI = (argI, LT.ltc_str(map (getLty o F.VAR) fvbIs))::args
256 val (_,bodyI) = foldl (fn (lv,(n,le)) =>
257 (n+1, F.SELECT(F.VAR argI, n, lv, le)))
258 (0, bodyI) fvbIs *)
259 val fdecI as (_,fI,_,_) = FU.copyfdec(fkI,f,argsI,bodyI)
260 val _ = addpurefun fI
262 (* nfdec *)
263 val nargs = map (fn (v,t) => (cplv v, t)) args
264 val argsv = map (fn (v,t) => F.VAR v) nargs
265 val nbody =
266 let val lvs = map cplv fvbIs
267 in F.LET(lvs, F.APP(F.VAR fE, argsv),
268 F.APP(F.VAR fI, (map F.VAR lvs)@argsv))
269 end
270 (* let val lv = mklv()
271 in F.LET([lv], F.APP(F.VAR fE, argsv),
272 F.APP(F.VAR fI, (F.VAR lv)::argsv))
273 end *)
274 val nfdec = (nfk, f, nargs, nbody)
276 (* and now, for the whole F.FIX *)
277 fun nleE e =
278 F.FIX([fdecE], F.FIX([fdecI], F.FIX([nfdec], leE e)))
280 in if not(S.member(fvI, f)) then (nleE, leI, fvI, leRet)
281 else (nleE,
282 F.FIX([fdecI], F.FIX([nfdec], leI)),
283 S.add(S.union(S_rmv(f, fvI), S.intersection(env, fvbI)), fE),
284 leRet)
285 end
286 end
288 (* TFNs are kinda like FIX except there's no recursion *)
289 and stfn env (tfdec as (tfk,tf,args,body),le) =
290 let val (bodyE,bodyI,fvbI,bodyRet) =
291 if #inline tfk = F.IH_ALWAYS
292 then (fn e => body, body, FU.freevars body, body)
293 else sexp env body
294 val nenv = S.add(env, tf)
295 val (leE,leI,fvI,leRet) = sexp nenv le
296 in case (bodyI, S.listItems(S.difference(fvbI, env)))
297 of ((F.RET _ | F.RECORD(_,_,_,F.RET _)),_) =>
298 (* split failed *)
299 (fn e => F.TFN((tfk, tf, args, bodyE bodyRet), leE e),
300 leI, fvI, leRet)
301 | (_,[]) =>
302 (* everything was split out *)
303 let val ntfdec = ({inline=F.IH_ALWAYS}, tf, args, bodyE bodyRet)
304 val nlE = fn e => F.TFN(ntfdec, leE e)
305 in if not(S.member(fvI, tf)) then (nlE, leI, fvI, leRet)
306 else (nlE, F.TFN(ntfdec, leI),
307 S_rmv(tf, S.union(fvI, fvbI)), leRet)
308 end
309 | (_,fvbIs) =>
310 let (* tfdecE *)
311 val tfE = cplv tf
312 val tfEvs = map F.VAR fvbIs
313 val bodyE = bodyE(F.RET tfEvs)
314 val tfElty = LT.lt_nvpoly(args, map getLty tfEvs)
315 val _ = addLty(tfE, tfElty)
317 (* tfdecI *)
318 val tfkI = {inline=F.IH_ALWAYS}
319 val argsI = map (fn (v,k) => (cplv v, k)) args
320 val tmap = ListPair.map (fn (a1,a2) =>
321 (#1 a1, LT.tcc_nvar(#1 a2)))
322 (args, argsI)
323 val bodyI = FU.copy tmap M.empty
324 (F.LET(fvbIs, F.TAPP(F.VAR tfE, map #2 tmap),
325 bodyI))
326 (* F.TFN *)
327 fun nleE e =
328 F.TFN((tfk, tfE, args, bodyE),
329 F.TFN((tfkI, tf, argsI, bodyI), leE e))
331 in if not(S.member(fvI, tf)) then (nleE, leI, fvI, leRet)
332 else (nleE,
333 F.TFN((tfkI, tf, argsI, bodyI), leI),
334 S.add(S.union(S_rmv(tf, fvI), S.intersection(env, fvbI)), tfE),
335 leRet)
336 end
337 end
339 (* here, we use B-decomposition, so the args should not be
340 * considered as being in scope *)
341 val (bodyE,bodyI,fvbI,bodyRet) = sexp S.empty body
342 in case (bodyI, bodyRet)
343 of (F.RET _,_) => ((fk, f, args, bodyE bodyRet), NONE)
344 | (_,F.RECORD (rk,vs,lv,F.RET[lv'])) =>
345 let val fvbIs = S.listItems fvbI
347 (* fdecE *)
348 val bodyE = bodyE(F.RECORD(rk, vs@(map F.VAR fvbIs), lv, F.RET[lv']))
349 val fdecE as (_,fE,_,_) = (fk, cplv f, args, bodyE)
351 (* fdecI *)
352 val argI = mklv()
353 val argLtys = (map getLty vs) @ (map (getLty o F.VAR) fvbIs)
354 val argsI = [(argI, LT.ltc_str argLtys)]
355 val (_,bodyI) = foldl (fn (lv,(n,le)) =>
356 (n+1, F.SELECT(F.VAR argI, n, lv, le)))
357 (length vs, bodyI) fvbIs
358 val fdecI as (_,fI,_,_) = FU.copyfdec (fk, f, argsI, bodyI)
360 val nargs = map (fn (v,t) => (cplv v, t)) args
361 in
362 (fdecE, SOME fdecI)
363 (* ((fk, f, nargs,
364 F.FIX([fdecE],
365 F.FIX([fdecI],
366 F.LET([argI],
367 F.APP(F.VAR fE, map (F.VAR o #1) nargs),
368 F.APP(F.VAR fI, [F.VAR argI]))))),
369 NONE) *)
370 end
372 | _ => (fdec, NONE) (* sorry, can't do that *)
373 (* (PPFlint.printLexp bodyRet; bug "couldn't find the returned record") *)
375 end
377 end
378 end