]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - chess-german.el
(chess-display-mode-map): Bind DEL to `chess-input-shortcut-delete
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / chess-german.el
1 ;;; chess-german.el --- German translation of the chess.el message catalog
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Mario Lang <mlang@delysid.org>
6 ;; Keywords: games, i18n
8 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 ;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
10 ;; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
11 ;; version.
12 ;;
13 ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
16 ;; for more details.
17 ;;
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 ;;; Commentary:
23 ;;; Code:
25 (require 'chess-message)
27 (chess-message-catalog 'german
28 '((queen . "Dame")
29 (king . "König")
30 (bishop . "Läufer")
31 (knight . "Springer")
32 (rook . "Turm")
33 (pawn . "Bauer")
34 (short-castle . "Kurze Rochade")
35 (long-castle . "Lange Rochade")
36 (check . "Schach")
37 (checkmate . "Schach matt")
38 (stalemate . "Patt")
39 (en-passant . "on possont")
40 (piece-moves . "%s nach %s")
41 (piece-takes . "%s schlägt %s auf %s")
43 (add-to-completed . "Kann keine Züge zu abgeschlossenem Spiel hinzufügen")
44 (bad-game-read . "Beim lesen des Spiels ist ein Fehler an Position %d aufgetreten")
45 (cannot-mount . "Es ist nicht Möglich eine Figur auf die andere zu stellen")
46 (cannot-yet-add . "Kann noch keine Züge zu Spiel hinzufügen")
47 (challenge-whom . "Wehn willst du herausfordern? ")
48 (chess-delete-autosave . "Soll die autosave Datei gelöscht werden? ")
49 (chess-disable-autosave . "Disable autosaving for this game? ")
50 (chess-read-autosave . "Es existiert eine Schach autosave Datei, soll sie geladen werden? ")
51 (clarify-piece . "Clarify piece to move by rank or file")
52 (congratulations . "Gratulation!")
53 (could-not-clarify . "Could not determine which piece to use")
54 (could-not-diff . "Could not differentiate piece")
55 (could-not-find-engine . "Cannot find %s executable; check `%s'")
56 (could-not-read-pgn . "Kann PGN Datei nicht lesen oder finden")
57 (draw-offer . "Du bietest ein Unentschieden an")
58 (draw-offer-declined . "Dein Angebot zum Unentschieden wurde abgelehnt")
59 (editing-directly . "Now editing position directly, use S when complete...")
60 (end-of-puzzles . "Es gibt keine weiteren Puzzles in dieser Sammlung")
61 (engine-not-running . "Die Engine die Du verwendet hast läuft nicht mehr")
62 (failed-start . "Failed to start chess engine process")
63 (game-is-over . "Dieses Spiel ist abgeschlossen")
64 (ics-connected . "Verbindungsaufbau mit Internet Chess Server '%s'...done")
65 (ics-connecting . "Verbindungsaufbau mit Internet Chess Server '%s'...")
66 (ics-server-prompt . "Verbindung zu Schach Server: ")
67 (illegal-move . "Illegalaler Zug")
68 (illegal-notation . "Illegale Zug notation: %s")
69 (invalid-fen . "Ungültiger FEN string: %s")
70 (invalid-pgn . "Ungültiger PGN text empfangen")
71 (irc-challenge . "IRC nick of user to challenge: ")
72 (irc-connecting . "Verbindungsaufbau mit IRC server '%s:%d'...")
73 (irc-logging-in . "Connected, now logging in as '%s'...")
74 (irc-waiting . "Now waiting for 'name USER' via /msg, or `M-x chess-irc-engage'")
75 (knight-1-done . "Goal: take all the pawns, without letting the queen take your knight")
76 (mode-black . "Schwarz")
77 (mode-checkmate . "SCHACHMATT")
78 (mode-drawn . "DRAWN")
79 (mode-edit . "EDIT")
80 (mode-flag-fell . "FLAG FELL")
81 (mode-resigned . "RESIGNED")
82 (mode-stalemate . "PATT")
83 (mode-start . "START")
84 (mode-white . "Weiß")
85 (move-from-blank . "Du versuchst eine Figur vom leeren Feld %s zu bewegen")
86 (move-not-legal . "Dies ist kein legaler Zug")
87 (move-passed . "Your opponent has passed the move to you")
88 (network-starting . "Starting network client/server...")
89 (network-waiting . "Now waiting for your opponent to connect...")
90 (no-candidates . "There are no candidate moves for '%s'")
91 (no-engines-found . "Could not find any chess engines to play against; install gnuchess!")
92 (no-images . "Cannot find any piece images; check `chess-images-directory'")
93 (no-images-fallback . "Could not find any suitable or properly sized chess images")
94 (no-such-database . "There is no such chess database module '%s'")
95 (no-such-module . "There is no module named '%s'")
96 (no-such-style . "There is no such chessboard display style '%s'")
97 (not-your-move . "It is not your turn to move")
98 (now-black . "Dein Gegner hat den ersten Zug gemacht, du bist nun Schwarz")
99 (opp-abort . "Dein Gegner will das Spiel abbrechen, akzeptierst Du? ")
100 (opp-abort-acc . "Your offer to abort was accepted")
101 (opp-abort-dec . "Your offer to abort was declined")
102 (opp-abort-ret . "Your opponent has retracted their offer to abort")
103 (opp-draw . "Dein Gegner bietet ein Unentschieden an, willst Du annehmen? ")
104 (opp-draw-acc . "Dein Remie Angebot wurde akzeptiert")
105 (opp-draw-dec . "Your draw offer was declined")
106 (opp-draw-ret . "Your opponent has retracted their draw offer")
107 (opp-illegal . "Your opponent states your last command was illegal")
108 (opp-quit . "Your opponent has quit playing")
109 (opp-ready . "%s ist nun bereits zu spielen")
110 (opp-ready-a . "Dein Anonymer Gegner ist nun bereit zu spielen")
111 (opp-resigned . "Dein Gegner hat aufgegeben")
112 (opp-undo . "Dein Gegner will %d Züge zurück nehmen, akzeptierst Du? ")
113 (opp-undo-acc . "Request to undo %d moves was accepted")
114 (opp-undo-dec . "Your request to undo %d moves was decline")
115 (opp-undo-ret . "Your opponent has retracted their request to undo %d moves")
116 (opponent-says . "Dein Gegner sagt: %s")
117 (pgn-parse-error . "Error parsing PGN syntax")
118 (pgn-read-error . "Error reading move: %s")
119 (piece-images-loaded . "Loading chess piece images...done")
120 (piece-images-loading . "Loading chess piece images...")
121 (piece-immobile . "That piece cannot move now")
122 (piece-unrecognized . "Unrecognized piece identifier")
123 (queen-would-take . "Die Dame würde deinen Springer schlagen!")
124 (redrawing-frame . "Redrawing chess display with different size...")
125 (redrawing-frame-done . "Redrawing chess display with different size...done")
126 (return-to-current . "Use '>' to return to the current position")
127 (san-not-found . "Could not find a matching move")
128 (selected-empty . "You cannot select an empty square")
129 (starting-engine . "Starting chess program '%s'...")
130 (starting-engine-done . "Starting chess program '%s'...done")
131 (undo-limit-reached . "Cannot undo further")
132 (want-to-play . "Willst Du eine Partie Schach gegen %s spielen? ")
133 (want-to-play-a . "Willst Du eine Partie Schach gegen einen Anonymen Gegner spielen? ")
134 (want-to-quit . "Do you really want to quit? ")
135 (wrong-color . "Du kannst die Figuren deines Gegners nicht bewegen")))
137 (provide 'chess-german)
139 ;;; chess-german.el ends here