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44 <a name="History"></a>
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61 <a name="History-1"></a>
62 <h1 class="chapter">4. History</h1>
64 <p>More about notes-mode than you wanted to know,
65 and some thanks.
66 </p>
67 <table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
68 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Notes_002dmode-history">4.1 Notes-mode history</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
69 </td></tr>
70 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Credits">4.2 Credits</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
71 </td></tr>
72 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Changes">4.3 Changes</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
73 </td></tr>
74 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Suggested-features">4.4 Suggested features</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
75 </td></tr>
76 </table>
80 <hr size="6">
81 <a name="Notes_002dmode-history"></a>
82 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
83 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
84 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#Credits" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
85 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
86 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
87 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
88 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_5.html#Installation" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
89 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
90 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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94 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
95 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#Keystroke-index" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
96 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
97 </tr></table>
98 <a name="Notes_002dmode-history-1"></a>
99 <h2 class="section">4.1 Notes-mode history</h2>
101 <p>Briefly,
102 I started keeping notes on-line shortly after I got a portable computer
103 in January, 1994.
104 After a month-and-a-half of notes, I realized that
105 one does not live by grep alone,
106 so I started adding indexing facilities.
107 </p>
108 <p>In June of 1995
109 some other Ficus-project members started
110 keeping and indexing on-line notes
111 using other home-grown systems.
112 After some discussion,
113 we generalized my notes-mode work and
114 they started using it.
115 </p>
116 <p>Over the next 18 months notes-mode grew.
117 Finally, in April, 1996 I wrote documentation,
118 guaranteeing that innovation on notes-mode will now cease
119 or the documentation will become out of date.
120 </p>
122 <hr size="6">
123 <a name="Credits"></a>
124 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
125 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#Notes_002dmode-history" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
126 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#Changes" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
127 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
128 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
129 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
130 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_5.html#Installation" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
131 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
132 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
133 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
134 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
135 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
136 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
137 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#Keystroke-index" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
138 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
139 </tr></table>
140 <a name="Credits-1"></a>
141 <h2 class="section">4.2 Credits</h2>
143 <p>I (John Heidemann, &lt;johnh@isi.edu&gt;)
144 started, documented, and currently maintain notes-mode.
145 I take ultimate responsibility for the code,
146 especially for the ugly parts that I won&rsquo;t let others change.
147 </p>
148 <p>Ashvin Goel
149 &lt;ashvin@ficus.cs.ucla.edu&gt;
150 has been a very enthusiastic notes-mode user and contributor.
151 He is responsible for at least
152 the ideas behind <code>notes-summarize-subject</code>
153 and the ideas and initial implementations of
154 some of the original generalization and modularity improvements,
155 <code>notes-follow-next-link</code> and <code>notes-follow-prev-link</code>,
156 <code>notes-goto-index-entry</code>,
157 programmed subject completion,
158 and
159 context-sensitive mouse-2 handling.
160 In addition,
161 he is an invaluable second opinion about
162 what and how things should be done
163 (even if I don&rsquo;t always agree with him).
164 </p>
165 <p>Geoff Kuenning
166 &lt;geoff@ficus.cs.ucla.edu&gt;
167 has been another enthusiastic notes-mode user and victim.
168 He is responsible for
169 finding several bugs,
170 motivation for mouse-less operation,
171 comments about the documentation,
172 the day-of-week convention,
173 and an initial implementation and the idea of
174 multiple entries with the same subjects in a single notes-file.
175 </p>
176 <p>Ramesh Govindan &lt;govindan@isi.edu&gt; did the xemacs port.
177 </p>
178 <p>Since it&rsquo;s release on Usenet in April 1996 several
179 other folks have contributed.
180 Thanks to
181 David Weisman &lt;weisman@app1.osf.org&gt;,
182 Martin L. Smith &lt;martin@ner.com&gt;,
183 Jason Bastek &lt;jason@aai.com&gt;,
184 Ulrich Herbst &lt;Ulrich.Herbst@t-systems.com&gt;.
185 See the next section (See section <a href="#Changes">Changes</a>.) for details of their exploits.
186 </p>
187 <p>Thanks to Larry Ayers &lt;layers@marktwain.net&gt;
188 for popularizing notes-mode with reviews in
189 the Linux Gazette
190 (at &lt;http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue22/notes-mode.html&gt; and
191 &lt;http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue35/ayers.html&gt;).
192 </p>
193 <hr size="6">
194 <a name="Changes"></a>
195 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
196 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#Credits" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
197 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#Suggested-features" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
198 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
199 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
200 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
201 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_5.html#Installation" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
202 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
203 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
204 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
205 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
206 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
207 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
208 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#Keystroke-index" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
209 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
210 </tr></table>
211 <a name="Changes-1"></a>
212 <h2 class="section">4.3 Changes</h2>
214 <p>For the bored:
215 </p>
216 <p>First semi-public release. 12-Jul-95: version 0.1
217 Shared a version with Ashvin and Geoff.
218 </p>
219 <p>Changed 6-Dec-95: version 0.3
220 Ashvin&rsquo;s changes for note traversal added (C-c C-p and C-c C-n now
221 move to the prev/next note in note-mode).
222 URL parsing changed so that &quot;localhost&quot; is optional.
223 </p>
224 <p>Changed 19-Dec-95: version 0.4
225 More robust prev/next code added, both to handle going back and
226 forward in the middle of chains through the index file, and to handle
227 back/forward in a single file.
228 URL parsing changed so that notes-goto-index-entry correctly handles
229 lookups on notes names such as &quot;252A&quot;.
230 </p>
231 <p>Changed 20-Dec-95: version 0.5.
232 Fixed a missing variable in notes-url.el.
233 Added a work-around to a bug in emacs-19.30&rsquo;s define-derived-mode.
234 </p>
235 <p>Changed 24-Dec-95: version 0.6.
236 Prev/next code re-re-written to be more robust.
237 </p>
238 <p>Changed 26-Dec-96: version 0.7.
239 Bug fix release.
240 </p>
241 <p>Changed 23-Jan-96: version 0.8.
242 Initialization code added to set up a new note.
243 New variable: notes-bin-dir.
244 </p>
245 <p> I&rsquo;m skipping version 0.9 because I erroneously release version 0.1
246 as version 0.9 (only on the web, not on Usenet).
247 </p>
248 <p> I&rsquo;m bumping from version &quot;0&quot; to version &quot;1&quot; since the code is has been
249 in production use for more than a year by several people. Minor
250 numbers are the same.
251 </p>
252 <p>Changed 26-Mar-96: version 1.10.
253 Setup code completely re-written.
254 Several incompatible changes have been made:
255 - the lisp and Perl code must be installed via make install,
256 not by copying.
257 - some data is specified in a .notesrc file; copy and modify sample.notesrc.
258 - several internal elisp changes.
259 - catsubject added (bound to C-cC-s): collect all notes about the
260 current subject.
261 - new notes-files are initialized with fields based on the prior
262 day&rsquo;s notes; see mknew for details.
263 - daily_work is gone; mkall is rewritten to use .notesrc.
264 </p>
265 <p>Changed 29-Apr-96: version 1.11.
266 Real documentation.
267 Mknew caching added.
268 </p>
269 <p>Changed 9-Aug-96: version 1.12.
270 Added notesinit to do all setup for new users.
271 </p>
272 <p>Changed 24-Aug-96: version 1.13.
273 Minor documentation fixes.
274 </p>
275 <p>Changed 20-Dec-97: version 1.14.
276 Autoconf support.
277 </p>
278 <p>Fontification of the index buffer is now pre-computed in perl
279 other than done when the file is needed (in elisp with slow regular
280 expressions). 2000-line index files are now 1-2 seconds rather than
281 15-30 on a 100MHz Pentium. If necessary (the
282 pre-computed version isn&rsquo;t up-to-date) we fall back on the slower
283 code.
284 </p>
285 <p>Related work improved (suggestion by David Weisman &lt;weisman@app1.osf.org&gt;).
286 </p>
287 <p>Documentation improvement (problem found by Martin L. Smith
288 &lt;martin@ner.com&gt;).
289 </p>
290 <p>Installation improved (code by Jason Bastek &lt;jason@aai.com&gt;).
291 </p>
292 <p>Bug in notes-index mode with subjects containing colons fixed (johnh).
293 </p>
294 <p>Encryption now supports mailcrypt.el.
295 </p>
296 <p>Support for emacs 20 (a small font-lock change).
297 </p>
298 <p>Changed 5-Jan-98: version 1.15.
299 Bug in decryption for non-PAM users fixed
300 (suggestion by Kevin Davidson &lt;tkld@quadstone.com&gt;).
301 </p>
302 <p>Y2K statement added
303 (suggestion by Kevin Davidson &lt;tkld@quadstone.com&gt;).
304 </p>
305 <p>Pointer to mailcrypt added (as a supported encryption package).
306 Problem pointed out by K. Ueda &lt;kueda@jupiter.qse.tohoku.ac.jp&gt;.
307 </p>
308 <p>Changed 4-Nov-98: version 1.16.
309 Bug in kill-ring handling of notes-old-underline-line
310 fixed by Tim Potter &lt;timp@jna.com.au&gt;.
311 Bug in whitespace handling after PGP encryption fixed by Tim Potter.
312 Bugs in handling of entries with hash signs in their name fixed
313 (found by Tim Potter).
314 Fontification of index buffer further improved
315 (mapcar is your friend).
316 Xemacs support added based on code contributed by Ramesh Govindan.
317 </p>
318 <p>Changed 28-Feb-99: version 1.17:
319 Improvement: notes-electric-return now fixes up the prev/next links
320 of new entries (only). Code contributed by
321 Takashi Nishimoto.
322 </p>
323 <p>Bug fix: reversed options -batch and -q in configure.in to placate
324 XEmacs 20.0; changed notesinit to not downcase the pathname
325 (bugs found by Thierry Bezecourt).
326 </p>
327 <p>Clarification: Autofilling of new notes more clear in the manual (hopefully,
328 suggested by Solofo Ramangalahy).
329 </p>
330 <p>Bug fix: a y2k bug in was found and fixed in mkindex. Sigh.
331 </p>
332 <p>New: Two mailing lists for notes-mode have been created:
333 &lsquo;<tt>notes-mode-announce@heidemann.la.ca.us</tt>&rsquo; and
334 &lsquo;<tt>notes-mode-talk@heidemann.la.ca.us</tt>&rsquo;.
335 Send the line &ldquo;subscribe notes-mode-announce&rdquo;
336 (or &ldquo;subscribe notes-mode-talk&rdquo;)
337 to &lsquo;<tt>majordomo@heidemann.la.ca.us</tt>&rsquo;
338 to join them.
339 [<em>These instructions are now superceeded; to subscribe, go to
340 &lsquo;<tt>http://www.heidemann.la.ca.us/mailman/listinfo/notes-mode-talk</tt>&rsquo;
341 and
342 &lsquo;<tt>http://www.heidemann.la.ca.us/mailman/listinfo/notes-mode-announce</tt>&rsquo;.</em>]
343 </p>
344 <p>Changed 6-Oct-99: version 1.18:
345 Bug fix: handling of electric-prevnext is better when there are
346 existing prev/next links.
347 </p>
348 <p>Clarification: I added some pointers in the code to the installation
349 instructions. (Apparently people can&rsquo;t RTF README.)
350 </p>
351 <p>Extension: mailcrypt-3.5.x suported including pgp, pgp5 and gpg.
352 </p>
353 <p>Changed (date 23-Dec-00): version 1.19:
354 Bug fix (cosmetic): suppress comments in encrypted nodes.
355 </p>
356 <p>Install fixes from Kannan Varadhan: elisp directories changed on install.
357 </p>
358 <p>Added C-j as a synonym for RET in notes-mode to parallel C++ or perl mode.
359 (Suggested by Fred Jaggi &lsquo;<tt>jaggi@rsn.hp.com</tt>&rsquo;.)
360 </p>
361 <p>Outline-minor-mode support added and documented.
362 (Suggested by Tim Carroll &lsquo;<tt>tim@boomboom.com</tt>&rsquo;.)
363 </p>
364 <p>Bug/typo fixes in gpg support
365 (Contributed by William A. Perkins &lsquo;<tt>wa_perkins@pnl.gov</tt>&rsquo;,
366 with separate patches from Knut Anders Hatlen &lsquo;<tt>kahatlen@online.no</tt>&rsquo;.)
367 </p>
368 <p>Installation improvements suggested by Christophe Troestler
369 &lsquo;<tt>Ch.Troestler@linkline.be</tt>&rsquo;:
370 use install-info to update the info dir,
371 warn users of &ndash;prefix that lisp files go elsewhere.
372 </p>
373 <p>Changed (date 1-Feb-01): version 1.20:
374 Bug fix: missing file notes-first.el added to the distribution.
375 (Bug found by Michael Totschnig &lsquo;<tt>michaelt@supernet.ca</tt>&rsquo;.)
376 </p>
377 <p>Changed ( 5-Dec-01): version 1.21:
378 (backed-out&mdash;didn&rsquo;t work with spaced URLs)
379 URL lookup now uses thing-at-point.
380 </p>
381 <p>Fix to make notes-mode work with emacs-21.1
382 (Fix from Klaus Zeitler &lsquo;<tt>kzeitler@lucent.com</tt>&rsquo;.)
383 </p>
384 <p>Changed ( 3-Jan-02): version 1.22:
385 Several bugs in &lsquo;<tt>notesinit</tt>&rsquo; for stricter Perl implementations
386 (bug found by Paul Craven&quot; &lsquo;<tt>pcraven@yorku.ca</tt>&rsquo;,
387 and Kasper van Wijk &lsquo;<tt>kasper@acoustics.mines.edu</tt>&rsquo;)
388 and to make it run cleanly more often.
389 </p>
390 <p>Notes-first now autoinitializes notes mode from emacs.
391 (As instisted by rms, unfortunately about two years later than requested.)
392 </p>
394 <p>Changed (20-Feb-05): version 1.23:
395 Outline mode is now forcebly turned on to avoid interactions
396 with user&rsquo;s text-mode hooks
397 (bug and fix from Nils Ackermann &lsquo;<tt>nils@nieback.de</tt>&rsquo;).
398 </p>
399 <p>Install bug involving ordering of scripts and byte-compilation
400 fixed (bug and fix from Mark Allman &lsquo;<tt>mallman@grc.nasa.gov</tt>&rsquo;).
401 </p>
402 <p>Fix obscure bug in configure, reported by Klaus Zeitler &lsquo;<tt>kzeitler@lucent.com</tt>&rsquo;.
403 </p>
404 <p>Fix for notes-summarize-subject when no subject is specified (bug and fix
405 from Geoff Kuenning).
406 </p>
407 <p>Changed (14-Jan-06): version 1.24:
408 </p>
409 <p>install-info bug documented with the Debian install-info
410 (bug reported by Aaron Falk &lsquo;<tt>falk@isi.edu</tt>&rsquo;).
411 </p>
412 <p>Automatic date completion in new days is now done in the current
413 locale, so it should now work for non-English languages. Bug reported
414 by Torsten Bronger &lsquo;<tt>bronger@physik.rwth-aachen.de</tt>&rsquo;.
415 </p>
416 <p>Fixed a bug in mkindexcache, triggered by subjects with percent signs
417 in them. Bug reported by Philip Austin &lsquo;<tt>paustin@eos.ubc.ca</tt>&rsquo;.
418 </p>
419 <p>We&rsquo;re a bit more robust about subjects, I hope. Warnings should
420 appear about embedded number signs, and leading spaces should be
421 filtered. Bug reported by Philip Austin &lsquo;<tt>paustin@eos.ubc.ca</tt>&rsquo;.
422 </p>
423 <p>Notes-mode now dervies from indented-text-mode rather than
424 paragraph-indent-text mode. Unfortunatley this is not customizable
425 because of limitations of define-derived-mode. Change suggested by
426 Aaron Falk &lsquo;<tt>falk@isi.edu</tt>&rsquo;.
427 </p>
428 <p>Provide better hints about how to get started after installation or
429 running notes-mode in emacs for the first time.
430 </p>
431 <p>In notes init, the default path for dir was the full path, not the tilde
432 version of the path. Now it defaults to using tidle for home
433 directory. Bug reported by Mark Allman &lsquo;<tt>allman@icir.org</tt>&rsquo;.
434 </p>
435 <p>Changed (26-May-06): version 1.25:
436 </p>
437 <p>fixed a bug in the release tar.gz file that had a additional copies
438 copy nested.
439 </p>
440 <p>Changed (30-Jun-08): version 1.26:
441 </p>
442 <p>Force unicode I/O in &lsquo;<tt>mkindexcache</tt>&rsquo; to fix highlighting mis-alignment
443 when using emacs-21 with unicode subject lines.
444 </p>
445 <p>Changed mkprevnext and mkrawindex to optionally take the list of notes files
446 to index from stdin rather than from the command line. Yes, I finally
447 have 4093 notes files, overflowing the Unix command line buffer.
448 </p>
449 <p>Changes notes-mode.el to put path in quotes, allowing spaces to appear in home directory names (bug fix from Ulrich Herbst).
450 </p>
451 <p>Added a suggested features section.
452 </p>
453 <p>Changed ( 8-Aug-08): version 1.27:
454 </p>
455 <p>Change I/O in &lsquo;<tt>mkindexcache</tt>&rsquo; to use locale (the sadly correct thing)
456 rather than forcing utf-8 (the Righteous Path).
457 Bug report from Geoff Kuenning, a man with an older Unix environment than I.
458 </p>
459 <p>Changed (20-Jun-10): version 1.28:
460 </p>
461 <p>Changed a regular expression in &lsquo;<tt>notes-index-mode.el</tt>&rsquo; that was
462 causing emacs-v23 (a pre-release version)
463 to regular expression infinite recursion.
464 </p>
465 <p>Changed (2012-04-04): version 1.29
466 </p>
467 <p>(2011-08-23) Changed <code>run-hooks</code> to <code>run-mode-hooks</code>.
468 Bug report from Geoff Kuenning.
469 </p>
470 <p>Changed some handling of PGP encryption to account for
471 some apparent API changes.
472 </p>
473 <p>(2012-04-04) Fixed encyrption to handle encrypting empty notes at the end
474 of buffers without going into an infinite loop.
475 Clearly wrong code, but you have to ask this guy for why he tried:
476 Bug report from Geoff Kuenning.
477 </p>
480 <hr size="6">
481 <a name="Suggested-features"></a>
482 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
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486 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
487 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
488 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_5.html#Installation" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
489 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
490 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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492 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
493 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
494 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
495 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#Keystroke-index" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
496 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
497 </tr></table>
498 <a name="Suggested-features-1"></a>
499 <h2 class="section">4.4 Suggested features</h2>
501 <p>Features suggested by users but not yet implemented:
502 </p>
503 <p>21-Feb-08: (from Xavier Maillard): should support &ldquo;disconnected&rdquo; notes that
504 are indexed but not date-based.
505 </p>
506 <p>21-Feb-08: (from John Heidemann): should switch all notes files to have an extension (maybe &lsquo;<tt>.notes</tt>&rsquo;).
507 </p>
508 <hr size="6">
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510 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#History" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
511 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_5.html#Installation" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
512 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
513 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
514 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
515 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
516 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
517 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
518 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
519 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#Keystroke-index" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
520 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
521 </tr></table>
522 <p>
523 <font size="-1">
524 This document was generated by <em>John Heidemann</em> on <em>April 4, 2012</em> using <a href="http://www.nongnu.org/texi2html/"><em>texi2html 1.82</em></a>.
525 </font>
526 <br>
528 </p>
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