]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/ztree/ztree-diff-model.el
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[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / ztree / ztree-diff-model.el
1 ;;; ztree-diff-model.el --- diff model for directory trees -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;;
5 ;; Author: Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>
6 ;;
7 ;; Created: 2013-11-1l
8 ;;
9 ;; Keywords: files tools
10 ;; URL: https://github.com/fourier/ztree
11 ;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 24.x
12 ;;
13 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
14 ;;
15 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18 ;; (at your option) any later version.
19 ;;
20 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;;
25 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 ;;
28 ;;; Commentary:
30 ;; Diff model
32 ;;; Code:
33 (require 'ztree-util)
34 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
36 (defvar ztree-diff-model-wait-message nil
37 "Message showing while constructing the diff tree.")
38 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-model-wait-message)
40 (defvar ztree-diff-model-ignore-fun nil
41 "Function which determines if the node should be excluded from comparison.")
42 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-diff-model-ignore-fun)
44 (defun ztree-diff-model-update-wait-message ()
45 "Update the wait mesage with one more '.' progress indication."
46 (when ztree-diff-model-wait-message
47 (setq ztree-diff-model-wait-message (concat ztree-diff-model-wait-message "."))
48 (message ztree-diff-model-wait-message)))
50 ;; Create a record ztree-diff-node with defined fields and getters/setters
51 ;; here:
52 ;; parent - parent node
53 ;; left-path is the full path on the left side of the diff window,
54 ;; right-path is the full path of the right side,
55 ;; short-name - is the file or directory name
56 ;; children - list of nodes - files or directories if the node is a directory
57 ;; different = {nil, 'new, 'diff} - means comparison status
58 (cl-defstruct (ztree-diff-node
59 (:constructor)
60 (:constructor ztree-diff-node-create
61 (parent left-path right-path
62 different
63 &aux (short-name (ztree-file-short-name
64 (or left-path right-path)))
65 (right-short-name (ztree-file-short-name
66 (or right-path left-path))))))
67 parent left-path right-path short-name right-short-name children different)
69 (defun ztree-diff-model-ignore-p (node)
70 "Determine if the NODE should be excluded from comparison results."
71 (when ztree-diff-model-ignore-fun
72 (funcall ztree-diff-model-ignore-fun node)))
74 (defun ztree-diff-node-to-string (node)
75 "Construct the string with contents of the NODE given."
76 (let* ((string-or-nil #'(lambda (x) (if x
77 (cond ((stringp x) x)
78 ((eq x 'new) "new")
79 ((eq x 'diff) "different")
80 (t (ztree-diff-node-short-name x)))
81 "(empty)")))
82 (children (ztree-diff-node-children node))
83 (ch-str ""))
84 (dolist (x children)
85 (setq ch-str (concat ch-str "\n * " (ztree-diff-node-short-name x))))
86 (concat "Node: " (ztree-diff-node-short-name node)
87 "\n"
88 ;; " * Parent: " (let ((parent (ztree-diff-node-parent node)))
89 ;; (if parent (ztree-diff-node-short-name parent) "nil"))
90 " * Parent: " (funcall string-or-nil (ztree-diff-node-parent node))
91 "\n"
92 " * Left path: " (funcall string-or-nil (ztree-diff-node-left-path node))
93 "\n"
94 " * Right path: " (funcall string-or-nil (ztree-diff-node-right-path node))
95 "\n"
96 " * Children: " ch-str
97 "\n")))
100 (defun ztree-diff-node-short-name-wrapper (node &optional right-side)
101 "Return the short name of the NODE given.
102 If the RIGHT-SIDE is true, take the right leaf"
103 (if (not right-side)
104 (ztree-diff-node-short-name node)
105 (ztree-diff-node-right-short-name node)))
108 (defun ztree-diff-node-is-directory (node)
109 "Determines if the NODE is a directory."
110 (let ((left (ztree-diff-node-left-path node))
111 (right (ztree-diff-node-right-path node)))
112 (if left
113 (file-directory-p left)
114 (file-directory-p right))))
116 (defun ztree-diff-node-side (node)
117 "Determine the side there the file is present for NODE.
118 Return BOTH if the file present on both sides;
119 LEFT if only on the left side and
120 RIGHT if only on the right side."
121 (let ((left (ztree-diff-node-left-path node))
122 (right (ztree-diff-node-right-path node)))
123 (if (and left right) 'both
124 (if left 'left 'right))))
126 (defun ztree-diff-node-equal (node1 node2)
127 "Determines if NODE1 and NODE2 are equal."
128 (and (string-equal (ztree-diff-node-short-name node1)
129 (ztree-diff-node-short-name node2))
130 (string-equal (ztree-diff-node-left-path node1)
131 (ztree-diff-node-left-path node2))
132 (string-equal (ztree-diff-node-right-path node1)
133 (ztree-diff-node-right-path node1))))
135 (defun ztree-diff-untrampify-filename (file)
136 "Return FILE as the local file name."
137 ;; FIXME: We shouldn't use internal Tramp functions.
138 (require 'tramp)
139 (declare-function tramp-tramp-file-p "tramp" (name))
140 (declare-function tramp-file-name-localname "tramp" (vec))
141 (declare-function tramp-dissect-file-name "tramp" (name &optional nodefault))
142 (if (not (tramp-tramp-file-p file))
143 file
144 (tramp-file-name-localname (tramp-dissect-file-name file))))
146 (defun ztree-diff-modef-quotify-string (x)
147 "Surround string X with quotes."
148 (concat "\"" x "\""))
150 (defun ztree-diff-model-files-equal (file1 file2)
151 "Compare files FILE1 and FILE2 using external diff.
152 Returns t if equal."
153 ;; FIXME: This "untrampification" only works if both file1 and file2 are on
154 ;; the same host.
155 ;; FIXME: We assume that default-directory is also on the same host as
156 ;; file(1|2).
157 (let* ((file1-untrampified (ztree-diff-untrampify-filename (ztree-diff-modef-quotify-string file1)))
158 (file2-untrampified (ztree-diff-untrampify-filename (ztree-diff-modef-quotify-string file2)))
159 (diff-command (concat "diff -q" " " file1-untrampified " " file2-untrampified))
160 (diff-output (shell-command-to-string diff-command)))
161 (not (> (length diff-output) 2))))
163 (defun ztree-directory-files (dir)
164 "Return the list of full paths of files in a directory DIR.
165 Filters out . and .."
166 (ztree-filter #'(lambda (file) (let ((simple-name (ztree-file-short-name file)))
167 (not (or (string-equal simple-name ".")
168 (string-equal simple-name "..")))))
169 (directory-files dir 'full)))
171 (defun ztree-diff-model-partial-rescan (node)
172 "Rescan the NODE."
173 ;; assuming what parent is always exists
174 ;; otherwise the UI shall force the full rescan
175 (let ((isdir (ztree-diff-node-is-directory node))
176 (left (ztree-diff-node-left-path node))
177 (right (ztree-diff-node-right-path node)))
178 ;; if node is a directory - traverse
179 (when (and left right
180 (file-exists-p left)
181 (file-exists-p right))
182 (if isdir
183 (let ((traverse (ztree-diff-node-traverse
184 node
185 left
186 right)))
187 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different node) (car traverse))
188 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children node) (cdr traverse)))
189 ;; node is a file
190 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different node)
191 (if (ztree-diff-model-files-equal left right)
192 nil
193 'diff))))))
195 (defun ztree-diff-model-subtree (parent path side)
196 "Create a subtree with given PARENT for the given PATH.
197 Argument SIDE either 'left or 'right side."
198 (let ((files (ztree-directory-files path))
199 (result nil))
200 (dolist (file files)
201 (if (file-directory-p file)
202 (let* ((node (ztree-diff-node-create
203 parent
204 (when (eq side 'left) file)
205 (when (eq side 'right) file)
206 'new))
207 (children (ztree-diff-model-subtree node file side)))
208 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children node) children)
209 (push node result))
210 (push (ztree-diff-node-create
211 parent
212 (when (eq side 'left) file)
213 (when (eq side 'right) file)
214 'new)
215 result)))
216 result))
218 (defun ztree-diff-node-update-diff-from-children (node)
219 "Set the diff status for the NODE based on its children."
220 (let ((children (ztree-diff-node-children node))
221 (diff nil))
222 (dolist (child children)
223 (unless (ztree-diff-model-ignore-p child)
224 (setq diff
225 (ztree-diff-model-update-diff
226 diff
227 (ztree-diff-node-different child)))))
228 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different node) diff)))
230 (defun ztree-diff-node-update-all-parents-diff (node)
231 "Recursively update all parents diff status for the NODE."
232 (let ((parent node))
233 (while (setq parent (ztree-diff-node-parent parent))
234 (ztree-diff-node-update-diff-from-children parent))))
237 (defun ztree-diff-model-update-diff (old new)
238 "Get the diff status depending if OLD or NEW is not nil."
239 (if new
240 (if (or (not old)
241 (eq old 'new))
242 new
243 old)
244 old))
246 (defun ztree-diff-node-traverse (parent path1 path2)
247 "Traverse 2 paths creating the list nodes with PARENT defined and diff status.
248 Function traversing 2 paths PATH1 and PATH2 returning the list where the
249 first element is the difference status (nil, 'diff, 'new') and
250 the rest is the combined list of nodes."
251 (let ((list1 (ztree-directory-files path1))
252 (list2 (ztree-directory-files path2))
253 (different-dir nil)
254 (result nil))
255 (ztree-diff-model-update-wait-message)
256 ;; first - adding all entries from left directory
257 (dolist (file1 list1)
258 ;; for every entry in the first directory
259 ;; we are creating the node
260 (let* ((simple-name (ztree-file-short-name file1))
261 (isdir (file-directory-p file1))
262 (children nil)
263 (different nil)
264 ;; create the current node to be set as parent to
265 ;; subdirectories
266 (node (ztree-diff-node-create parent file1 nil nil))
267 ;; 1. find if the file is in the second directory and the type
268 ;; is the same - i.e. both are directories or both are files
269 (file2 (ztree-find list2
270 #'(lambda (x) (and (string-equal (ztree-file-short-name x)
271 simple-name)
272 (eq isdir (file-directory-p x)))))))
273 ;; 2. if it is not in the second directory, add it as a node
274 (if (not file2)
275 (progn
276 ;; 2.1 if it is a directory, add the whole subtree
277 (when (file-directory-p file1)
278 (setq children (ztree-diff-model-subtree node file1 'left)))
279 ;; 2.2 update the difference status for this entry
280 (setq different 'new))
281 ;; 3. if it is found in second directory and of the same type
282 ;; 3.1 if it is a file
283 (if (not (file-directory-p file1))
284 ;; 3.1.1 set difference status to this entry
285 (setq different (if (ztree-diff-model-files-equal file1 file2) nil 'diff))
286 ;; 3.2 if it is the directory
287 ;; 3.2.1 get the result of the directories comparison together with status
288 (let ((traverse (ztree-diff-node-traverse node file1 file2)))
289 ;; 3.2.2 update the difference status for whole comparison from
290 ;; difference result from the 2 subdirectories comparison
291 (setq different (car traverse))
292 ;; 3.2.3 set the children list from the 2 subdirectories comparison
293 (setq children (cdr traverse)))))
294 ;; update calculated parameters of the node
295 (setf (ztree-diff-node-right-path node) file2)
296 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children node) children)
297 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different node) different)
298 ;; 2.3 update difference status for the whole comparison
299 ;; depending if the node should participate in overall result
300 (unless (ztree-diff-model-ignore-p node)
301 (setq different-dir (ztree-diff-model-update-diff different-dir different)))
302 ;; push the created node to the result list
303 (push node result)))
304 ;; second - adding entries from the right directory which are not present
305 ;; in the left directory
306 (dolist (file2 list2)
307 ;; for every entry in the second directory
308 ;; we are creating the node
309 (let* ((simple-name (ztree-file-short-name file2))
310 (isdir (file-directory-p file2))
311 (children nil)
312 ;; create the node to be added to the results list
313 (node (ztree-diff-node-create parent nil file2 'new))
314 ;; 1. find if the file is in the first directory and the type
315 ;; is the same - i.e. both are directories or both are files
316 (file1 (ztree-find list1
317 #'(lambda (x) (and (string-equal (ztree-file-short-name x)
318 simple-name)
319 (eq isdir (file-directory-p x)))))))
320 ;; if it is not in the first directory, add it as a node
321 (unless file1
322 ;; if it is a directory, set the whole subtree to children
323 (when (file-directory-p file2)
324 (setq children (ztree-diff-model-subtree node file2 'right)))
325 ;; set calculated children to the node
326 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children node) children)
327 ;; update the different status for the whole comparison
328 ;; depending if the node should participate in overall result
329 (unless (ztree-diff-model-ignore-p node)
330 (setq different-dir (ztree-diff-model-update-diff different-dir 'new)))
331 ;; push the created node to the result list
332 (push node result))))
333 ;; result is a pair: difference status and nodes list
334 (cons different-dir result)))
336 (defun ztree-diff-model-create (dir1 dir2 &optional ignore-p)
337 "Create a node based on DIR1 and DIR2.
338 IGNORE-P is the optional filtering function, taking node as
339 an argument, which determines if the node should be excluded
340 from comparison."
341 (unless (file-directory-p dir1)
342 (error "Path %s is not a directory" dir1))
343 (unless (file-directory-p dir2)
344 (error "Path %s is not a directory" dir2))
345 (setf ztree-diff-model-ignore-fun ignore-p)
346 (setq ztree-diff-model-wait-message (concat "Comparing " dir1 " and " dir2 " ..."))
347 (let* ((model
348 (ztree-diff-node-create nil dir1 dir2 nil))
349 (traverse (ztree-diff-node-traverse model dir1 dir2)))
350 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children model) (cdr traverse))
351 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different model) (car traverse))
352 (message "Done.")
353 model))
355 (defun ztree-diff-model-update-node (node)
356 "Refresh the NODE."
357 (setq ztree-diff-model-wait-message
358 (concat "Updating " (ztree-diff-node-short-name node) " ..."))
359 (let ((traverse (ztree-diff-node-traverse node
360 (ztree-diff-node-left-path node)
361 (ztree-diff-node-right-path node))))
362 (setf (ztree-diff-node-children node) (cdr traverse))
363 (setf (ztree-diff-node-different node) (car traverse))
364 (message "Done.")))
368 (provide 'ztree-diff-model)
370 ;;; ztree-diff-model.el ends here