]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/muse/muse-colors.el
Fix some quoting problems in doc strings
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / muse / muse-colors.el
1 ;;; muse-colors.el --- coloring and highlighting used by Muse
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
4 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 ;; Author: John Wiegley (johnw AT gnu DOT org)
7 ;; Keywords: hypermedia
8 ;; Date: Thu 11-Mar-2004
10 ;; This file is part of Emacs Muse. It is not part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; Emacs Muse is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
14 ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
15 ;; option) any later version.
17 ;; Emacs Muse is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with Emacs Muse; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
24 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
25 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
27 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;;; Contributors:
31 ;; Lan Yufeng (nlany DOT web AT gmail DOT com) found an error where
32 ;; headings were being given the wrong face, contributing a patch to
33 ;; fix this.
35 ;; Sergey Vlasov (vsu AT altlinux DOT ru) fixed an issue with coloring
36 ;; links that are in consecutive lines.
38 ;; Jim Ottaway ported the <lisp> tag from emacs-wiki.
40 ;; Per B. Sederberg (per AT med DOT upenn DOT edu) contributed the
41 ;; viewing of inline images.
43 ;;; Code:
45 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
46 ;;
47 ;; Emacs Muse Highlighting
48 ;;
49 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
51 (require 'muse-mode)
52 (require 'muse-regexps)
53 (require 'font-lock)
55 (defgroup muse-colors nil
56 "Options controlling the behavior of Emacs Muse highlighting.
57 See `muse-colors-buffer' for more information."
58 :group 'muse-mode)
60 (defcustom muse-colors-autogen-headings t
61 "Specify whether the heading faces should be auto-generated.
62 The default is to scale them.
64 Choosing `outline' will copy the colors from the outline-mode
65 headings.
67 If you want to customize each of the headings individually, set
68 this to nil."
69 :type '(choice (const :tag "Default (scaled) headings" t)
70 (const :tag "Use outline-mode headings" outline)
71 (const :tag "Don't touch the headings" nil))
72 :group 'muse-colors)
74 (defcustom muse-colors-evaluate-lisp-tags t
75 "Specify whether to evaluate the contents of <lisp> tags at
76 display time. If nil, don't evaluate them. If non-nil, evaluate
77 them.
79 The actual contents of the buffer are not changed, only the
80 displayed text."
81 :type 'boolean
82 :group 'muse-colors)
84 (defcustom muse-colors-inline-images t
85 "Specify whether to inline images inside the Emacs buffer. If
86 nil, don't inline them. If non-nil, an image link will be
87 replaced by the image.
89 The actual contents of the buffer are not changed, only whether
90 an image is displayed."
91 :type 'boolean
92 :group 'muse-colors)
94 (defcustom muse-colors-inline-image-method 'default-directory
95 "Determine how to locate inline images.
96 Setting this to 'default-directory uses the current directory of
97 the current Muse buffer.
99 Setting this to a function calls that function with the filename
100 of the image to be inlined. The value that is returned will be
101 used as the filename of the image."
102 :type '(choice (const :tag "Current directory" default-directory)
103 (const :tag "Publishing directory"
104 muse-colors-use-publishing-directory)
105 (function :tag "Custom function"))
106 :group 'muse-colors)
108 (defvar muse-colors-region-end nil
109 "Indicate the end of the region that is currently being font-locked.")
110 (make-variable-buffer-local 'muse-colors-region-end)
112 ;;;###autoload
113 (defun muse-colors-toggle-inline-images ()
114 "Toggle display of inlined images on/off."
115 (interactive)
116 ;; toggle the custom setting
117 (if (not muse-colors-inline-images)
118 (setq muse-colors-inline-images t)
119 (setq muse-colors-inline-images nil))
120 ;; reprocess the buffer
121 (muse-colors-buffer)
122 ;; display informative message
123 (if muse-colors-inline-images
124 (message "Images are now displayed inline")
125 (message "Images are now displayed as links")))
127 (defvar muse-colors-outline-faces-list
128 (if (facep 'outline-1)
129 '(outline-1 outline-2 outline-3 outline-4 outline-5)
130 ;; these are equivalent in coloring to the outline faces
131 '(font-lock-function-name-face
132 font-lock-variable-name-face
133 font-lock-keyword-face
134 font-lock-builtin-face
135 font-lock-comment-face))
136 "Outline faces to use when assigning Muse header faces.")
138 (defun muse-make-faces-default (&optional later)
139 "Generate the default face definitions for headers."
140 (dolist (num '(1 2 3 4 5))
141 (let ((newsym (intern (concat "muse-header-" (int-to-string num))))
142 (docstring (concat
143 "Muse header face. See "
144 "`muse-colors-autogen-headings' before changing it.")))
145 ;; put in the proper group and give documentation
146 (if later
147 (unless (featurep 'xemacs)
148 (muse-copy-face 'variable-pitch newsym)
149 (set-face-attribute newsym nil :height (1+ (* 0.1 (- 5 num)))
150 :weight 'bold))
151 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
152 (eval `(defface ,newsym
153 '((t (:size
154 ,(nth (1- num)
155 '("24pt" "18pt" "14pt" "12pt" "11pt"))
156 :bold t)))
157 ,docstring
158 :group 'muse-colors))
159 (eval `(defface ,newsym
160 '((t (:height ,(1+ (* 0.1 (- 5 num)))
161 :inherit variable-pitch
162 :weight bold)))
163 ,docstring
164 :group 'muse-colors)))))))
166 (progn (muse-make-faces-default))
168 (defun muse-make-faces (&optional frame)
169 "Generate face definitions for headers based the user's preferences."
170 (cond
171 ((not muse-colors-autogen-headings)
172 nil)
173 ((eq muse-colors-autogen-headings t)
174 (muse-make-faces-default t))
175 (t
176 (dolist (num '(1 2 3 4 5))
177 (let ((newsym (intern (concat "muse-header-" (int-to-string num)))))
178 ;; copy the desired face definition
179 (muse-copy-face (nth (1- num) muse-colors-outline-faces-list)
180 newsym))))))
182 ;; after displaying the Emacs splash screen, the faces are wiped out,
183 ;; so recover from that
184 (add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'muse-make-faces)
185 ;; ditto for when a new frame is created
186 (when (boundp 'after-make-frame-functions)
187 (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'muse-make-faces))
189 (defface muse-link
190 '((t :inherit link))
191 "Face for Muse cross-references."
192 :group 'muse-colors)
194 (defface muse-bad-link
195 '((default :inherit link)
196 (((class color) (background light))
197 (:foreground "red" :underline "red" :bold t))
198 (((class color) (background dark))
199 (:foreground "coral" :underline "coral" :bold t))
200 (t (:bold t)))
201 "Face for bad Muse cross-references."
202 :group 'muse-colors)
204 (defface muse-verbatim
205 '((((class color) (background light))
206 (:foreground "slate gray"))
207 (((class color) (background dark))
208 (:foreground "gray")))
209 "Face for verbatim text."
210 :group 'muse-colors)
212 (defface muse-emphasis-1
213 '((t (:italic t)))
214 "Face for italic emphasized text."
215 :group 'muse-colors)
217 (defface muse-emphasis-2
218 '((t (:bold t)))
219 "Face for bold emphasized text."
220 :group 'muse-colors)
222 (defface muse-emphasis-3
223 '((t (:bold t :italic t)))
224 "Face for bold italic emphasized text."
225 :group 'muse-colors)
227 (muse-copy-face 'italic 'muse-emphasis-1)
228 (muse-copy-face 'bold 'muse-emphasis-2)
229 (muse-copy-face 'bold-italic 'muse-emphasis-3)
231 (defcustom muse-colors-buffer-hook nil
232 "A hook run after a region is highlighted.
233 Each function receives three arguments: BEG END VERBOSE.
234 BEG and END mark the range being highlighted, and VERBOSE specifies
235 whether progress messages should be displayed to the user."
236 :type 'hook
237 :group 'muse-colors)
239 (defvar muse-colors-highlighting-registry nil
240 "The rules for highlighting Muse and Muse-derived buffers.
241 This is automatically generated when using font-lock in Muse buffers.
243 This an alist of major-mode symbols to `muse-colors-rule' objects.")
245 (defun muse-colors-make-highlighting-struct ()
246 (list nil nil nil))
247 (defconst muse-colors-highlighting.regexp 0
248 "Regexp matching each car of the markup of the current rule.")
249 (defconst muse-colors-highlighting.vector 1
250 "Vector of all characters that are part of the markup of the current rule.
251 This is composed of the 2nd element of each markup entry.")
252 (defconst muse-colors-highlighting.remaining 2
253 "Expressions for highlighting a buffer which have no corresponding
254 entry in the vector.")
256 (defsubst muse-colors-highlighting-entry (mode)
257 "Return the highlighting rules for MODE."
258 (assq mode muse-colors-highlighting-registry))
260 (defun muse-colors-find-highlighting (mode)
261 "Return the highlighting rules to be used for MODE.
262 If MODE does not have highlighting rules, check its parent modes."
263 (let ((seen nil))
264 (catch 'rules
265 (while (and mode (not (memq mode seen)))
266 (let ((entry (muse-colors-highlighting-entry mode)))
267 (when entry (throw 'rules (cdr entry))))
268 (setq seen (cons mode seen))
269 (setq mode (get mode 'derived-mode-parent)))
270 nil)))
272 (defun muse-colors-define-highlighting (mode markup)
273 "Create or update the markup rules for MODE, using MARKUP.
275 See `muse-colors-markup' for an explanation of the format that MARKUP
276 should take."
277 (unless (and (symbolp mode) mode (consp markup))
278 (error "Invalid arguments"))
279 (let* ((highlighting-entry (muse-colors-highlighting-entry mode))
280 (struct (cdr highlighting-entry))
281 (regexp nil)
282 (vector nil)
283 (remaining nil))
284 ;; Initialize struct
285 (if struct
286 (setq vector (nth muse-colors-highlighting.vector struct))
287 (setq struct (muse-colors-make-highlighting-struct)))
288 ;; Initialize vector
289 (if vector
290 (let ((i 0))
291 (while (< i 128)
292 (aset vector i nil)
293 (setq i (1+ i))))
294 (setq vector (make-vector 128 nil)))
295 ;; Determine vector, regexp, remaining
296 (let ((regexps nil)
297 (rules nil))
298 (dolist (rule markup)
299 (let ((value (cond ((symbolp (car rule))
300 (symbol-value (car rule)))
301 ((stringp (car rule))
302 (car rule))
303 (t nil))))
304 (when value
305 (setq rules (cons rule rules))
306 (setq regexps (cons value regexps)))))
307 (setq regexps (nreverse regexps))
308 (setq regexp (concat "\\(" (mapconcat #'identity regexps "\\|") "\\)"))
309 (dolist (rule rules)
310 (if (eq (nth 1 rule) t)
311 (setq remaining (cons (cons (nth 0 rule) (nth 2 rule))
312 remaining))
313 (aset vector (nth 1 rule)
314 (cons (cons (nth 0 rule) (nth 2 rule))
315 (aref vector (nth 1 rule)))))))
316 ;; Update the struct
317 (setcar (nthcdr muse-colors-highlighting.regexp struct) regexp)
318 (setcar (nthcdr muse-colors-highlighting.vector struct) vector)
319 (setcar (nthcdr muse-colors-highlighting.remaining struct) remaining)
320 ;; Update entry for mode in muse-colors-highlighting-registry
321 (if highlighting-entry
322 (setcdr highlighting-entry struct)
323 (setq muse-colors-highlighting-registry
324 (cons (cons mode struct)
325 muse-colors-highlighting-registry)))))
327 (defun muse-configure-highlighting (sym val)
328 "Extract color markup information from VAL and set to SYM.
329 This is usually called with `muse-colors-markup' as both arguments."
330 (muse-colors-define-highlighting 'muse-mode val)
331 (set sym val))
333 (defun muse-colors-emphasized ()
334 "Color emphasized text and headings."
335 ;; Here we need to check four different points - the start and end
336 ;; of the leading *s, and the start and end of the trailing *s. We
337 ;; allow the outsides to be surrounded by whitespace or punctuation,
338 ;; but no word characters, and the insides must not be surrounded by
339 ;; whitespace or punctuation. Thus the following are valid:
340 ;;
341 ;; " *foo bar* "
342 ;; "**foo**,"
343 ;; and the following is invalid:
344 ;; "** testing **"
345 (let* ((beg (match-beginning 0))
346 (e1 (match-end 0))
347 (leader (- e1 beg))
348 b2 e2 multiline)
349 (unless (or (eq (get-text-property beg 'invisible) 'muse)
350 (get-text-property beg 'muse-comment)
351 (get-text-property beg 'muse-directive))
352 ;; check if it's a header
353 (if (eq (char-after e1) ?\ )
354 (when (or (= beg (point-min))
355 (eq (char-before beg) ?\n))
356 (add-text-properties
357 (muse-line-beginning-position) (muse-line-end-position)
358 (list 'face (intern (concat "muse-header-"
359 (int-to-string leader))))))
360 ;; beginning of line or space or symbol
361 (when (or (= beg (point-min))
362 (eq (char-syntax (char-before beg)) ?\ )
363 (memq (char-before beg)
364 '(?\- ?\[ ?\< ?\( ?\' ?\` ?\" ?\n)))
365 (save-excursion
366 (skip-chars-forward "^*<>\n" muse-colors-region-end)
367 (when (eq (char-after) ?\n)
368 (setq multiline t)
369 (skip-chars-forward "^*<>" muse-colors-region-end))
370 (setq b2 (point))
371 (skip-chars-forward "*" muse-colors-region-end)
372 (setq e2 (point))
373 ;; Abort if space exists just before end
374 ;; or bad leader
375 ;; or no '*' at end
376 ;; or word constituent follows
377 (unless (or (> leader 5)
378 (not (eq leader (- e2 b2)))
379 (eq (char-syntax (char-before b2)) ?\ )
380 (not (eq (char-after b2) ?*))
381 (and (not (eobp))
382 (eq (char-syntax (char-after (1+ b2))) ?w)))
383 (add-text-properties beg e1 '(invisible muse))
384 (add-text-properties
385 e1 b2 (list 'face (cond ((= leader 1) 'muse-emphasis-1)
386 ((= leader 2) 'muse-emphasis-2)
387 ((= leader 3) 'muse-emphasis-3))))
388 (add-text-properties b2 e2 '(invisible muse))
389 (when multiline
390 (add-text-properties
391 beg e2 '(font-lock-multiline t))))))))))
393 (defun muse-colors-underlined ()
394 "Color underlined text."
395 (let ((start (match-beginning 0))
396 multiline)
397 (unless (or (eq (get-text-property start 'invisible) 'muse)
398 (get-text-property start 'muse-comment)
399 (get-text-property start 'muse-directive))
400 ;; beginning of line or space or symbol
401 (when (or (= start (point-min))
402 (eq (char-syntax (char-before start)) ?\ )
403 (memq (char-before start)
404 '(?\- ?\[ ?\< ?\( ?\' ?\` ?\" ?\n)))
405 (save-excursion
406 (skip-chars-forward "^_<>\n" muse-colors-region-end)
407 (when (eq (char-after) ?\n)
408 (setq multiline t)
409 (skip-chars-forward "^_<>" muse-colors-region-end))
410 ;; Abort if space exists just before end
411 ;; or no '_' at end
412 ;; or word constituent follows
413 (unless (or (eq (char-syntax (char-before (point))) ?\ )
414 (not (eq (char-after (point)) ?_))
415 (and (not (eobp))
416 (eq (char-syntax (char-after (1+ (point)))) ?w)))
417 (add-text-properties start (1+ start) '(invisible muse))
418 (add-text-properties (1+ start) (point) '(face underline))
419 (add-text-properties (point)
420 (min (1+ (point)) (point-max))
421 '(invisible muse))
422 (when multiline
423 (add-text-properties
424 start (min (1+ (point)) (point-max))
425 '(font-lock-multiline t)))))))))
427 (defun muse-colors-verbatim ()
428 "Render in teletype and suppress further parsing."
429 (let ((start (match-beginning 0))
430 multiline)
431 (unless (or (eq (get-text-property start 'invisible) 'muse)
432 (get-text-property start 'muse-comment)
433 (get-text-property start 'muse-directive))
434 ;; beginning of line or space or symbol
435 (when (or (= start (point-min))
436 (eq (char-syntax (char-before start)) ?\ )
437 (memq (char-before start)
438 '(?\- ?\[ ?\< ?\( ?\' ?\` ?\" ?\n)))
439 (let ((pos (point)))
440 (skip-chars-forward "^=\n" muse-colors-region-end)
441 (when (eq (char-after) ?\n)
442 (setq multiline t)
443 (skip-chars-forward "^=" muse-colors-region-end))
444 ;; Abort if space exists just before end
445 ;; or no '=' at end
446 ;; or word constituent follows
447 (unless (or (eq (char-syntax (char-before (point))) ?\ )
448 (not (eq (char-after (point)) ?=))
449 (and (not (eobp))
450 (eq (char-syntax (char-after (1+ (point)))) ?w)))
451 (setq pos (min (1+ (point)) (point-max)))
452 (add-text-properties start (1+ start) '(invisible muse))
453 (add-text-properties (1+ start) (point) '(face muse-verbatim))
454 (add-text-properties (point)
455 (min (1+ (point)) (point-max))
456 '(invisible muse))
457 (when multiline
458 (add-text-properties
459 start (min (1+ (point)) (point-max))
460 '(font-lock-multiline t))))
461 (goto-char pos))))))
463 (defcustom muse-colors-markup
464 `(;; make emphasized text appear emphasized
465 ("\\*\\{1,5\\}" ?* muse-colors-emphasized)
467 ;; make underlined text appear underlined
468 (,(concat "_[^" muse-regexp-blank "_\n]")
469 ?_ muse-colors-underlined)
471 ("^#title " ?\# muse-colors-title)
473 (muse-explicit-link-regexp ?\[ muse-colors-explicit-link)
475 ;; render in teletype and suppress further parsing
476 (,(concat "=[^" muse-regexp-blank "=\n]") ?= muse-colors-verbatim)
478 ;; highlight any markup tags encountered
479 (muse-tag-regexp ?\< muse-colors-custom-tags)
481 ;; display comments
482 (,(concat "^;[" muse-regexp-blank "]") ?\; muse-colors-comment)
484 ;; this has to come later since it doesn't have a special
485 ;; character in the second cell
486 (muse-url-regexp t muse-colors-implicit-link)
487 )
488 "Expressions to highlight an Emacs Muse buffer.
489 These are arranged in a rather special fashion, so as to be as quick as
490 possible.
492 Each element of the list is itself a list, of the form:
496 LOCATE-REGEXP is a partial regexp, and should be the smallest possible
497 regexp to differentiate this rule from other rules. It may also be a
498 symbol containing such a regexp. The buffer region is scanned only
499 once, and LOCATE-REGEXP indicates where the scanner should stop to
500 look for highlighting possibilities.
502 TEST-CHAR is a char or t. The character should match the beginning
503 text matched by LOCATE-REGEXP. These chars are used to build a vector
504 for fast MATCH-FUNCTION calling.
506 MATCH-FUNCTION is the function called when a region has been
507 identified. It is responsible for adding the appropriate text
508 properties to change the appearance of the buffer.
510 This markup is used to modify the appearance of the original text to
511 make it look more like the published HTML would look (like making some
512 markup text invisible, inlining images, etc).
514 font-lock is used to apply the markup rules, so that they can happen
515 on a deferred basis. They are not always accurate, but you can use
516 \\[font-lock-fontifty-block] near the point of error to force
517 fontification in that area."
518 :type '(repeat
519 (list :tag "Highlight rule"
520 (choice (regexp :tag "Locate regexp")
521 (symbol :tag "Regexp symbol"))
522 (choice (character :tag "Confirm character")
523 (const :tag "Default rule" t))
524 function))
525 :set 'muse-configure-highlighting
526 :group 'muse-colors)
528 ;; XEmacs users don't have `font-lock-multiline'.
529 (unless (boundp 'font-lock-multiline)
530 (defvar font-lock-multiline nil))
532 (defun muse-use-font-lock ()
533 "Set up font-locking for Muse."
534 (muse-add-to-invisibility-spec 'muse)
535 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-multiline) 'undecided)
536 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
537 `(nil t nil nil beginning-of-line
538 (font-lock-fontify-region-function . muse-colors-region)
539 (font-lock-unfontify-region-function
540 . muse-unhighlight-region)))
541 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-fontify-region-function)
542 'muse-colors-region)
543 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-unfontify-region-function)
544 'muse-unhighlight-region)
545 (muse-make-faces)
546 (muse-colors-define-highlighting 'muse-mode muse-colors-markup)
547 (font-lock-mode t))
549 (defun muse-colors-buffer ()
550 "Re-highlight the entire Muse buffer."
551 (interactive)
552 (muse-colors-region (point-min) (point-max) t))
554 (defvar muse-colors-fontifying-p nil
555 "Indicate whether Muse is fontifying the current buffer.")
556 (make-variable-buffer-local 'muse-colors-fontifying-p)
558 (defvar muse-colors-delayed-commands nil
559 "Commands to be run immediately after highlighting a region.
561 This is meant to accommodate highlighting <lisp> in #title
562 directives after everything else.
564 It may be modified by Muse functions during highlighting, but not
565 the user.")
566 (make-variable-buffer-local 'muse-colors-delayed-commands)
568 (defun muse-colors-region (beg end &optional verbose)
569 "Apply highlighting according to `muse-colors-markup'.
570 Note that this function should NOT change the buffer, nor should any
571 of the functions listed in `muse-colors-markup'."
572 (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
573 (inhibit-read-only t)
574 (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
575 (inhibit-modification-hooks t)
576 (modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
577 (muse-colors-fontifying-p t)
578 (muse-colors-region-end (muse-line-end-position end))
579 (muse-colors-delayed-commands nil)
580 (highlighting (muse-colors-find-highlighting major-mode))
581 regexp vector remaining
582 deactivate-mark)
583 (unless highlighting
584 (error "No highlighting found for this mode"))
585 (setq regexp (nth muse-colors-highlighting.regexp highlighting)
586 vector (nth muse-colors-highlighting.vector highlighting)
587 remaining (nth muse-colors-highlighting.remaining highlighting))
588 (unwind-protect
589 (save-excursion
590 (save-restriction
591 (widen)
592 ;; check to see if we should expand the beg/end area for
593 ;; proper multiline matches
594 (when (and font-lock-multiline
595 (> beg (point-min))
596 (get-text-property (1- beg) 'font-lock-multiline))
597 ;; We are just after or in a multiline match.
598 (setq beg (or (previous-single-property-change
599 beg 'font-lock-multiline)
600 (point-min)))
601 (goto-char beg)
602 (setq beg (muse-line-beginning-position)))
603 (when font-lock-multiline
604 (setq end (or (text-property-any end (point-max)
605 'font-lock-multiline nil)
606 (point-max))))
607 (goto-char end)
608 (setq end (muse-line-beginning-position 2))
609 ;; Undo any fontification in the area.
610 (font-lock-unfontify-region beg end)
611 ;; And apply fontification based on `muse-colors-markup'
612 (let ((len (float (- end beg)))
613 (case-fold-search nil)
614 markup-list)
615 (goto-char beg)
616 (while (and (< (point) end)
617 (re-search-forward regexp end t))
618 (if verbose
619 (message "Highlighting buffer...%d%%"
620 (* (/ (float (- (point) beg)) len) 100)))
621 (let ((ch (char-after (match-beginning 0))))
622 (when (< ch 128)
623 (setq markup-list (aref vector ch))))
624 (unless markup-list
625 (setq markup-list remaining))
626 (let ((prev (point)))
627 ;; backtrack and figure out which rule matched
628 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
629 (catch 'done
630 (dolist (entry markup-list)
631 (let ((value (cond ((symbolp (car entry))
632 (symbol-value (car entry)))
633 ((stringp (car entry))
634 (car entry))
635 (t nil))))
636 (when (and (stringp value) (looking-at value))
637 (goto-char (match-end 0))
638 (when (cdr entry)
639 (funcall (cdr entry)))
640 (throw 'done t))))
641 ;; if no rule matched, which should never happen,
642 ;; return to previous position so that forward
643 ;; progress is ensured
644 (goto-char prev))))
645 (dolist (command muse-colors-delayed-commands)
646 (apply (car command) (cdr command)))
647 (run-hook-with-args 'muse-colors-buffer-hook
648 beg end verbose)
649 (if verbose (message "Highlighting buffer...done")))))
650 (set-buffer-modified-p modified-p))))
652 (defcustom muse-colors-tags
653 '(("example" t nil nil muse-colors-example-tag)
654 ("code" t nil nil muse-colors-example-tag)
655 ("verbatim" t nil nil muse-colors-literal-tag)
656 ("lisp" t t nil muse-colors-lisp-tag)
657 ("literal" t nil nil muse-colors-literal-tag))
658 "A list of tag specifications for specially highlighting text.
659 XML-style tags are the best way to add custom highlighting to Muse.
660 This is easily accomplished by customizing this list of markup tags.
662 For each entry, the name of the tag is given, whether it expects
663 a closing tag and/or an optional set of attributes, whether it is
664 nestable, and a function that performs whatever action is desired
665 within the delimited region.
667 The function is called with three arguments, the beginning and
668 end of the region surrounded by the tags. If properties are
669 allowed, they are passed as a third argument in the form of an
670 alist. The `end' argument to the function is the last character
671 of the enclosed tag or region.
673 Functions should not modify the contents of the buffer."
674 :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Markup tag")
675 (boolean :tag "Expect closing tag" :value t)
676 (boolean :tag "Parse attributes" :value nil)
677 (boolean :tag "Nestable" :value nil)
678 function))
679 :group 'muse-colors)
681 (defvar muse-colors-inhibit-tags-in-directives t
682 "If non-nil, don't allow tags to be interpreted in directives.
683 This is used to delay highlighting of <lisp> tags in #title until later.")
684 (make-variable-buffer-local 'muse-colors-inhibit-tags-in-directives)
686 (defsubst muse-colors-tag-info (tagname &rest args)
687 "Get tag info associated with TAGNAME, ignoring ARGS."
688 (assoc tagname muse-colors-tags))
690 (defun muse-colors-custom-tags ()
691 "Highlight `muse-colors-tags'."
692 (let ((tag-info (muse-colors-tag-info (match-string 1))))
693 (unless (or (not tag-info)
694 (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-comment)
695 (and muse-colors-inhibit-tags-in-directives
696 (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-directive)))
697 (let ((closed-tag (match-string 3))
698 (start (match-beginning 0))
699 end attrs)
700 (when (nth 2 tag-info)
701 (let ((attrstr (match-string 2)))
702 (while (and attrstr
703 (string-match (concat "\\([^"
704 muse-regexp-blank
705 "=\n]+\\)\\(=\""
706 "\\([^\"]+\\)\"\\)?")
707 attrstr))
708 (let ((attr (cons (downcase
709 (muse-match-string-no-properties 1 attrstr))
710 (muse-match-string-no-properties 3 attrstr))))
711 (setq attrstr (replace-match "" t t attrstr))
712 (if attrs
713 (nconc attrs (list attr))
714 (setq attrs (list attr)))))))
715 (if (and (cadr tag-info) (not closed-tag))
716 (if (muse-goto-tag-end (car tag-info) (nth 3 tag-info))
717 (setq end (match-end 0))
718 (setq tag-info nil)))
719 (when tag-info
720 (let ((args (list start end)))
721 (if (nth 2 tag-info)
722 (nconc args (list attrs)))
723 (apply (nth 4 tag-info) args)))))))
725 (defun muse-unhighlight-region (begin end &optional verbose)
726 "Remove all visual highlights in the buffer (except font-lock)."
727 (let ((buffer-undo-list t)
728 (inhibit-read-only t)
729 (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
730 (inhibit-modification-hooks t)
731 (modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
732 deactivate-mark)
733 (unwind-protect
734 (remove-text-properties
735 begin end '(face nil font-lock-multiline nil end-glyph nil
736 invisible nil intangible nil display nil
737 mouse-face nil keymap nil help-echo nil
738 muse-link nil muse-directive nil muse-comment nil
739 muse-no-implicit-link nil muse-no-flyspell nil))
740 (set-buffer-modified-p modified-p))))
742 (defun muse-colors-example-tag (beg end)
743 "Strip properties and colorize with `muse-verbatim'."
744 (muse-unhighlight-region beg end)
745 (let ((multi (save-excursion
746 (goto-char beg)
747 (forward-line 1)
748 (> end (point)))))
749 (add-text-properties beg end `(face muse-verbatim
750 font-lock-multiline ,multi))))
752 (defun muse-colors-literal-tag (beg end)
753 "Strip properties and mark as literal."
754 (muse-unhighlight-region beg end)
755 (let ((multi (save-excursion
756 (goto-char beg)
757 (forward-line 1)
758 (> end (point)))))
759 (add-text-properties beg end `(font-lock-multiline ,multi))))
761 (defun muse-colors-lisp-tag (beg end attrs)
762 "Color the region enclosed by a <lisp> tag."
763 (if (not muse-colors-evaluate-lisp-tags)
764 (muse-colors-literal-tag beg end)
765 (muse-unhighlight-region beg end)
766 (let (beg-lisp end-lisp)
767 (save-match-data
768 (goto-char beg)
769 (setq beg-lisp (and (looking-at "<[^>]+>")
770 (match-end 0)))
771 (goto-char end)
772 (setq end-lisp (and (muse-looking-back "</[^>]+>")
773 (match-beginning 0))))
774 (add-text-properties
775 beg end
776 (list 'font-lock-multiline t
777 'display (muse-eval-lisp
778 (concat
779 "(progn "
780 (buffer-substring-no-properties beg-lisp end-lisp)
781 ")"))
782 'intangible t)))))
784 (defvar muse-mode-local-map
785 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
786 (define-key map [return] 'muse-follow-name-at-point)
787 (define-key map [(control ?m)] 'muse-follow-name-at-point)
788 (define-key map [(shift return)] 'muse-follow-name-at-point-other-window)
789 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
790 (progn
791 (define-key map [(button2)] 'muse-follow-name-at-mouse)
792 (define-key map [(shift button2)]
793 'muse-follow-name-at-mouse-other-window))
794 (define-key map [(shift control ?m)]
795 'muse-follow-name-at-point-other-window)
796 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'muse-follow-name-at-mouse)
797 (define-key map [(shift mouse-2)]
798 'muse-follow-name-at-mouse-other-window)
799 (unless (eq emacs-major-version 21)
800 (set-keymap-parent map muse-mode-map)))
801 map)
802 "Local keymap used by Muse while on a link.")
804 (defvar muse-keymap-property
805 (if (or (featurep 'xemacs)
806 (>= emacs-major-version 21))
807 'keymap
808 'local-map)
809 "The name of the keymap or local-map property.")
811 (defsubst muse-link-properties (help-str &optional face)
812 "Determine text properties to use for a link."
813 (append (if face
814 (list 'face face 'mouse-face 'highlight 'muse-link t)
815 (list 'invisible 'muse 'intangible t))
816 (list 'help-echo help-str 'rear-nonsticky t
817 muse-keymap-property muse-mode-local-map)))
819 (defun muse-link-face (link-name &optional explicit)
820 "Return the type of LINK-NAME as a face symbol.
821 For EXPLICIT links, this is either a normal link or a bad-link
822 face. For implicit links, it is either colored normally or
823 ignored."
824 (save-match-data
825 (let ((link (if explicit
826 (muse-handle-explicit-link link-name)
827 (muse-handle-implicit-link link-name))))
828 (when link
829 (cond ((string-match muse-url-regexp link)
830 'muse-link)
831 ((muse-file-remote-p link)
832 'muse-link)
833 ((string-match muse-file-regexp link)
834 (when (string-match "/[^/]+#[^#./]+\\'" link)
835 ;; strip anchor from the end of a path
836 (setq link (substring link 0 (match-beginning 0))))
837 (if (file-exists-p link)
838 'muse-link
839 'muse-bad-link))
840 ((not (featurep 'muse-project))
841 'muse-link)
842 (t
843 (if (string-match "#" link)
844 (setq link (substring link 0 (match-beginning 0))))
845 (if (or (and (muse-project-of-file)
846 (muse-project-page-file
847 link muse-current-project t))
848 (file-exists-p link))
849 'muse-link
850 'muse-bad-link)))))))
852 (defun muse-colors-use-publishing-directory (link)
853 "Make LINK relative to the directory where we will publish the
854 current file."
855 (let ((style (car (muse-project-applicable-styles
856 link (cddr (muse-project)))))
857 path)
858 (when (and style
859 (setq path (muse-style-element :path style)))
860 (expand-file-name link path))))
862 (defun muse-colors-resolve-image-file (link)
863 "Determine if we can create images and see if the link is an image
864 file."
865 (save-match-data
866 (and (or (fboundp 'create-image)
867 (fboundp 'make-glyph))
868 (not (string-match "\\`[uU][rR][lL]:" link))
869 (string-match muse-image-regexp link))))
871 (defun muse-make-file-glyph (filename)
872 "Given a file name, return a newly-created image glyph.
873 This is a hack for supporting inline images in XEmacs."
874 (let ((case-fold-search nil))
875 ;; Scan filename to determine image type
876 (when (fboundp 'make-glyph)
877 (save-match-data
878 (cond ((string-match "jpe?g" filename)
879 (make-glyph (vector 'jpeg :file filename) 'buffer))
880 ((string-match "gif" filename)
881 (make-glyph (vector 'gif :file filename) 'buffer))
882 ((string-match "png" filename)
883 (make-glyph (vector 'png :file filename) 'buffer)))))))
885 (defun muse-colors-insert-image (link beg end invis-props)
886 "Create an image using create-image or make-glyph and insert it
887 in place of an image link defined by BEG and END."
888 (setq link (expand-file-name link))
889 (let ((image-file (cond
890 ((eq muse-colors-inline-image-method 'default-directory)
891 link)
892 ((functionp muse-colors-inline-image-method)
893 (funcall muse-colors-inline-image-method link))))
894 glyph)
895 (when (stringp image-file)
896 (if (fboundp 'create-image)
897 ;; use create-image and display property
898 (let ((display-stuff (condition-case nil
899 (create-image image-file)
900 (error nil))))
901 (when display-stuff
902 (add-text-properties beg end (list 'display display-stuff))))
903 ;; use make-glyph and invisible property
904 (and (setq glyph (muse-make-file-glyph image-file))
905 (progn
906 (add-text-properties beg end invis-props)
907 (add-text-properties beg end (list
908 'end-glyph glyph
909 'help-echo link))))))))
911 (defun muse-colors-explicit-link ()
912 "Color explicit links."
913 (when (and (eq ?\[ (char-after (match-beginning 0)))
914 (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-comment))
915 (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-directive)))
916 ;; remove flyspell overlays
917 (when (fboundp 'flyspell-unhighlight-at)
918 (let ((cur (match-beginning 0)))
919 (while (> (match-end 0) cur)
920 (flyspell-unhighlight-at cur)
921 (setq cur (1+ cur)))))
922 (let* ((unesc-link (muse-get-link))
923 (unesc-desc (muse-get-link-desc))
924 (link (muse-link-unescape unesc-link))
925 (desc (muse-link-unescape unesc-desc))
926 (props (muse-link-properties desc (muse-link-face link t)))
927 (invis-props (append props (muse-link-properties desc))))
928 ;; see if we should try and inline an image
929 (if (and muse-colors-inline-images
930 (or (muse-colors-resolve-image-file link)
931 (and desc
932 (muse-colors-resolve-image-file desc)
933 (setq link desc))))
934 ;; we found an image, so inline it
935 (muse-colors-insert-image
936 link
937 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) invis-props)
938 (if desc
939 (progn
940 ;; we put the normal face properties on the invisible
941 ;; portion too, since emacs sometimes will position
942 ;; the cursor on an intangible character
943 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0)
944 (match-beginning 2) invis-props)
945 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2) props)
946 (add-text-properties (match-end 2) (match-end 0) invis-props)
947 ;; in case specials were escaped, cause the unescaped
948 ;; text to be displayed
949 (unless (string= desc unesc-desc)
950 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)
951 (list 'display desc))))
952 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0)
953 (match-beginning 1) invis-props)
954 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 0) props)
955 (add-text-properties (match-end 1) (match-end 0) invis-props)
956 (unless (string= link unesc-link)
957 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
958 (list 'display link))))
959 (goto-char (match-end 0))
960 (add-text-properties
961 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
962 (muse-link-properties (muse-match-string-no-properties 0)
963 (muse-link-face link t)))))))
965 (defun muse-colors-implicit-link ()
966 "Color implicit links."
967 (unless (or (eq (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'invisible) 'muse)
968 (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-comment)
969 (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-directive)
970 (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'muse-no-implicit-link)
971 (eq (char-before (match-beginning 0)) ?\")
972 (eq (char-after (match-end 0)) ?\"))
973 ;; remove flyspell overlays
974 (when (fboundp 'flyspell-unhighlight-at)
975 (let ((cur (match-beginning 0)))
976 (while (> (match-end 0) cur)
977 (flyspell-unhighlight-at cur)
978 (setq cur (1+ cur)))))
979 ;; colorize link
980 (let ((link (muse-match-string-no-properties 0))
981 (face (muse-link-face (match-string 0))))
982 (when face
983 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
984 (muse-link-properties
985 (muse-match-string-no-properties 0) face))))))
987 (defun muse-colors-title ()
988 "Color #title directives."
989 (let ((beg (+ 7 (match-beginning 0))))
990 (add-text-properties beg (muse-line-end-position) '(muse-directive t))
991 ;; colorize <lisp> tags in #title after other <lisp> tags have had a
992 ;; chance to run, so that we can have behavior that is consistent
993 ;; with how the document is published
994 (setq muse-colors-delayed-commands
995 (cons (list 'muse-colors-title-lisp beg (muse-line-end-position))
996 muse-colors-delayed-commands))))
998 (defun muse-colors-title-lisp (beg end)
999 "Called after other highlighting is done for a region in order to handle
1000 <lisp> tags that exist in #title directives."
1001 (save-restriction
1002 (narrow-to-region beg end)
1003 (goto-char (point-min))
1004 (let ((muse-colors-inhibit-tags-in-directives nil)
1005 (muse-colors-tags '(("lisp" t t nil muse-colors-lisp-tag))))
1006 (while (re-search-forward muse-tag-regexp nil t)
1007 (muse-colors-custom-tags))))
1008 (add-text-properties beg end '(face muse-header-1)))
1010 (defun muse-colors-comment ()
1011 "Color comments."
1012 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (muse-line-end-position)
1013 (list 'face 'font-lock-comment-face
1014 'muse-comment t)))
1017 (provide 'muse-colors)
1019 ;;; muse-colors.el ends here