]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/notes-mode/notes-url.el
Fix some quoting problems in doc strings
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / notes-mode / notes-url.el
1 ;;; notes-url.el --- Simplified url management routines for notes-mode
3 ;;; Copyright (C) 1994-1998,2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: <johnh@isi.edu>
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; This code was originallly cribbed from w3.el
25 ;; by William M. Perry <wmperry@indiana.edu>,
26 ;; but has since been completely rewritten.
27 ;;
28 ;; Why don't I just call his code? Because to use
29 ;; w3-follow-link I need to pull in at least 150k of w3.el
30 ;; and 150k of url.el, all just to open a file on the local
31 ;; computer. Instead I've hacked his code down to the 3k
32 ;; needed for opening local files.
34 ;;; Code:
36 (require 'notes-variables)
37 (require 'notes-aux)
39 (defvar notes-last-url nil
40 "Last URL interpreted.
41 This record is useful for debugging.")
43 ;;;###autoload
44 (defun notes-w3-url (url &optional where best-effort)
45 "Open a notes-url. Handle simple URLs here, or call notes-w3-alternate-url.
46 Takes the URL as an argument. Optionally you specify
47 WHERE the information should appear (either `otherwindow' or nil,
48 defaults to nil).
49 BEST-EFFORT causes notes-w3-url allows the tag portion of the URL to not
50 match. If there's no tag match, it looks for the nearest matching prefix.
52 URLs optionally can begin with an URL: tag, which will be ignored.
54 notes-w3-url handles only <file://localhost/...> (or <file:///...>) URLs.
55 Other URLs it hands off to the routine in notes-w3-alternate-url
56 for processing. If you use w3-mode, then
57 (setq notes-w3-alternate-url \\='w3-follow-link)
58 will have w3 handle tough URLs."
59 (if (string-match "\\`[Uu][Rr][Ll]:" url)
60 (setq url (substring url 4)))
61 (if (not (string-match "\\`file://\\(localhost\\)?/\\(.*\\)\\'" url))
62 (if (string-match "none" url)
63 (error "Notes-mode can't follow URL <none>.")
64 (funcall notes-w3-alternate-url url where)) ;; now, with where! (emacs-20.4)
65 (let ((filetag (match-string 2 url))
66 fname tag count count-string)
67 ;; pick out the tag, if any
68 (if (string-match "\\`\\([^#]*\\)#\\([0-9]+\\)?\\(.*\\)\\'" filetag)
69 (setq fname (match-string 1 filetag)
70 count-string (match-string 2 filetag)
71 count (if count-string (string-to-number count-string) 1)
72 tag (match-string 3 filetag))
73 (setq fname filetag
74 count 1
75 tag nil))
76 ;; Hack---url's refering to notes-index files have different tags.
77 ;; Otherwise notes-goto-index-entry fails on subjects like "* 252A".
78 (if (and count-string tag (string-match "/index\\'" fname))
79 (setq tag (concat count-string tag)
80 count-string "1"
81 count 1))
82 (if (not (string-match "\\`~" fname)) ; non-~ fnames start at fs root
83 (setq fname (concat "/" fname)))
84 ;; open the file
85 (cond
86 ((equal where 'otherwindow) (find-file-other-window fname))
87 (t (find-file (expand-file-name fname))))
88 ;; handle the tag
89 (if tag
90 (notes-w3-url-tag tag best-effort)
91 t))))
93 (defun notes-w3-url-tag-backup (tag)
94 "Strip the last “part” off of TAG."
95 (let ((result)
96 (separators " /\t.:")
97 (buf (get-buffer-create " *notes-w3-url-tag-backup")))
98 (with-current-buffer buf
99 (erase-buffer)
100 (insert tag)
101 (goto-char (point-max))
102 (skip-chars-backward (concat "^" separators))
103 (skip-chars-backward separators)
104 (delete-region (point) (point-max))
105 (setq result (buffer-string)))
106 (kill-buffer buf)
107 result))
109 (defun notes-w3-url-tag (tag best-effort)
110 "Find the TAG in the current buffer according to MODE.
111 BEST-EFFORT is either t (do prefix matching),
112 nil find the tag exactly,
113 or `searching' (used internally)."
114 (cond
115 ((not tag) nil)
116 ((and (string= tag "") (eq best-effort 'searching)) nil)
117 (t
118 (goto-char (point-min))
119 (if (re-search-forward
120 (concat "^" (regexp-quote tag)
121 (if (not (eq best-effort 'searching))
122 (if (eq major-mode 'notes-index-mode)
123 ": "
124 "$")))
125 (point-max) t count)
126 t ;; hit
127 (if (not best-effort)
128 (error "Cannot find tag ``%s'' in %s." tag fname))
129 (notes-w3-url-tag (notes-w3-url-tag-backup tag) 'searching)))))
132 (defun notes-w3-pass-through-alternate-url (url &optional where)
133 "Pass a click event through to the old binding for notes-w3-url.
134 Try this combination:
135 (add-hook \\='notes-mode-load-hooks
136 (function (lambda ()
137 (define-key notes-mode-map [mouse-2]
138 \\='notes-w3-follow-link-mouse)
139 (setq notes-w3-alternate-url
140 \\='notes-w3-my-alternate-url))))"
141 (let ((event last-input-event))
142 (funcall (lookup-key
143 (current-global-map)
144 (vector (car event)))
145 event nil)))
147 ;;;###autoload
148 (defun notes-w3-follow-link (pt &optional where)
149 "* Follow the URL at the point.
150 Takes a PT to look at and a WHERE to open the URL (`otherwindow' or nil).
151 This code works hard to recognize URLs based on context information.
152 URLs can be quoted by whitespace, beginning and end of lines,
153 or the official < and >.
155 As a special case we also recognize (and skip) the text \"prev:\"
156 and \"next:\" before the URL. Notes-mode uses these fields to link
157 entries."
158 (interactive "d")
159 (let*
160 ((whitespace-regexp "[ \t\n]")
161 (quote-regexp whitespace-regexp)
162 start end direction)
163 (save-excursion
164 ;; If we're on the URL header, skip over it so the next search works.
165 (if (looking-at "[<A-Za-z]*:")
166 (skip-chars-forward "<A-Za-z:"))
167 ;; First look backwards to whitespace or beginning of line
168 ;; followed by a url header "asdf:".
169 (if (re-search-backward "[ \t\n][^ \t\n]+:" (line-beginning-position) 1)
170 (forward-char 1) ; whitespace bound
171 (setq quote-regexp "\n")) ; eoln bound
172 ;; Handle the common case of next/prev pointers.
173 ;; If we're on one, skip to the <> quoted URL which presumably
174 ;; follows. (This hack is to support a guy who doesn't use
175 ;; the mouse and so looks up urls at the beginning of the line.)
176 (if (looking-at "\\(prev\\|next\\):")
177 (skip-chars-forward "^<" (line-end-position)))
178 ;; Check for a quoting character.
179 (cond
180 ((equal (char-after (point)) ?<)
181 (progn
182 (setq quote-regexp ">")
183 (forward-char 1)))
184 ((equal (char-after (point)) ?\")
185 (progn
186 (setq quote-regexp "\"")
187 (forward-char 1))))
188 ;; Remember start of url.
189 (setq start (point))
190 ;; Search for end of url.
191 (if (re-search-forward quote-regexp (line-end-position) 1)
192 (forward-char -1))
193 (setq end (point))
194 ;; Interpret it (outside the save-excursion so we can go
195 ;; to places in the same buffer).
196 (setq notes-last-url (buffer-substring start end)))
197 (notes-w3-url notes-last-url where)))
199 ;;;###autoload
200 (defun notes-w3-follow-link-mouse (e)
201 "* Follow the URL where the mouse is."
202 (interactive "e")
203 (mouse-set-point e)
204 (notes-w3-follow-link (point)
205 (if notes-w3-follow-link-mouse-other-window
206 'otherwindow
207 nil)))
209 (provide 'notes-url)
210 ;;; notes-url.el ends here