]> code.delx.au - offlineimap/blob - offlineimap/folder/IMAP.py
Merge branch 'netrc-integration'
[offlineimap] / offlineimap / folder / IMAP.py
1 # IMAP folder support
2 # Copyright (C) 2002-2007 John Goerzen
3 # <jgoerzen@complete.org>
4 #
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 # (at your option) any later version.
9 #
10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 #
15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 from Base import BaseFolder
20 import imaplib
21 from offlineimap import imaputil, imaplibutil
22 from offlineimap.ui import UIBase
23 from offlineimap.version import versionstr
24 import rfc822, time, string, random, binascii, re
25 from StringIO import StringIO
26 from copy import copy
29 class IMAPFolder(BaseFolder):
30 def __init__(self, imapserver, name, visiblename, accountname, repository):
31 self.config = imapserver.config
32 self.expunge = repository.getexpunge()
33 self.name = imaputil.dequote(name)
34 self.root = None # imapserver.root
35 self.sep = imapserver.delim
36 self.imapserver = imapserver
37 self.messagelist = None
38 self.visiblename = visiblename
39 self.accountname = accountname
40 self.repository = repository
41 self.randomgenerator = random.Random()
42 BaseFolder.__init__(self)
44 def selectro(self, imapobj):
45 """Select this folder when we do not need write access.
46 Prefer SELECT to EXAMINE if we can, since some servers
47 (Courier) do not stabilize UID validity until the folder is
48 selected."""
49 try:
50 imapobj.select(self.getfullname())
51 except imapobj.readonly:
52 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(), readonly = 1)
54 def getaccountname(self):
55 return self.accountname
57 def suggeststhreads(self):
58 return 1
60 def waitforthread(self):
61 self.imapserver.connectionwait()
63 def getcopyinstancelimit(self):
64 return 'MSGCOPY_' + self.repository.getname()
66 def getvisiblename(self):
67 return self.visiblename
69 def getuidvalidity(self):
70 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
71 try:
72 # Primes untagged_responses
73 self.selectro(imapobj)
74 return long(imapobj.untagged_responses['UIDVALIDITY'][0])
75 finally:
76 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
78 def quickchanged(self, statusfolder):
79 # An IMAP folder has definitely changed if the number of
80 # messages or the UID of the last message have changed. Otherwise
81 # only flag changes could have occurred.
82 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
83 try:
84 # Primes untagged_responses
85 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(), readonly = 1, force = 1)
86 try:
87 # Some mail servers do not return an EXISTS response if
88 # the folder is empty.
89 maxmsgid = long(imapobj.untagged_responses['EXISTS'][0])
90 except KeyError:
91 return True
93 # Different number of messages than last time?
94 if maxmsgid != len(statusfolder.getmessagelist()):
95 return True
97 if maxmsgid < 1:
98 # No messages; return
99 return False
101 # Now, get the UID for the last message.
102 response = imapobj.fetch('%d' % maxmsgid, '(UID)')[1]
103 finally:
104 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
106 # Discard the message number.
107 messagestr = string.split(response[0], maxsplit = 1)[1]
108 options = imaputil.flags2hash(messagestr)
109 if not options.has_key('UID'):
110 return True
111 uid = long(options['UID'])
112 saveduids = statusfolder.getmessagelist().keys()
113 saveduids.sort()
114 if uid != saveduids[-1]:
115 return True
117 return False
119 def cachemessagelist(self):
120 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
121 self.messagelist = {}
123 try:
124 # Primes untagged_responses
125 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(), readonly = 1, force = 1)
126 try:
127 # Some mail servers do not return an EXISTS response if
128 # the folder is empty.
129 maxmsgid = long(imapobj.untagged_responses['EXISTS'][0])
130 except KeyError:
131 return
132 if maxmsgid < 1:
133 # No messages; return
134 return
136 # Now, get the flags and UIDs for these.
137 # We could conceivably get rid of maxmsgid and just say
138 # '1:*' here.
139 response = imapobj.fetch('1:%d' % maxmsgid, '(FLAGS UID INTERNALDATE)')[1]
140 finally:
141 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
142 for messagestr in response:
143 # Discard the message number.
144 messagestr = string.split(messagestr, maxsplit = 1)[1]
145 options = imaputil.flags2hash(messagestr)
146 if not options.has_key('UID'):
147 UIBase.getglobalui().warn('No UID in message with options %s' %\
148 str(options),
149 minor = 1)
150 else:
151 uid = long(options['UID'])
152 flags = imaputil.flagsimap2maildir(options['FLAGS'])
153 rtime = imaplibutil.Internaldate2epoch(messagestr)
154 self.messagelist[uid] = {'uid': uid, 'flags': flags, 'time': rtime}
156 def getmessagelist(self):
157 return self.messagelist
159 def getmessage(self, uid):
160 ui = UIBase.getglobalui()
161 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
162 try:
163 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(), readonly = 1)
164 initialresult = imapobj.uid('fetch', '%d' % uid, '(BODY.PEEK[])')
165 ui.debug('imap', 'Returned object from fetching %d: %s' % \
166 (uid, str(initialresult)))
167 return initialresult[1][0][1].replace("\r\n", "\n")
169 finally:
170 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
172 def getmessagetime(self, uid):
173 return self.messagelist[uid]['time']
175 def getmessageflags(self, uid):
176 return self.messagelist[uid]['flags']
178 def savemessage_getnewheader(self, content):
179 headername = 'X-OfflineIMAP-%s-' % str(binascii.crc32(content)).replace('-', 'x')
180 headername += binascii.hexlify(self.repository.getname()) + '-'
181 headername += binascii.hexlify(self.getname())
182 headervalue= '%d-' % long(time.time())
183 headervalue += str(self.randomgenerator.random()).replace('.', '')
184 headervalue += '-v' + versionstr
185 return (headername, headervalue)
187 def savemessage_addheader(self, content, headername, headervalue):
188 ui = UIBase.getglobalui()
189 ui.debug('imap',
190 'savemessage_addheader: called to add %s: %s' % (headername,
191 headervalue))
192 insertionpoint = content.find("\r\n")
193 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_addheader: insertionpoint = %d' % insertionpoint)
194 leader = content[0:insertionpoint]
195 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_addheader: leader = %s' % repr(leader))
196 if insertionpoint == 0 or insertionpoint == -1:
197 newline = ''
198 insertionpoint = 0
199 else:
200 newline = "\r\n"
201 newline += "%s: %s" % (headername, headervalue)
202 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_addheader: newline = ' + repr(newline))
203 trailer = content[insertionpoint:]
204 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_addheader: trailer = ' + repr(trailer))
205 return leader + newline + trailer
207 def savemessage_searchforheader(self, imapobj, headername, headervalue):
208 if imapobj.untagged_responses.has_key('APPENDUID'):
209 return long(imapobj.untagged_responses['APPENDUID'][-1].split(' ')[1])
211 ui = UIBase.getglobalui()
212 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_searchforheader called for %s: %s' % \
213 (headername, headervalue))
214 # Now find the UID it got.
215 headervalue = imapobj._quote(headervalue)
216 try:
217 matchinguids = imapobj.uid('search', 'HEADER', headername, headervalue)[1][0]
218 except imapobj.error, err:
219 # IMAP server doesn't implement search or had a problem.
220 ui.debug('imap', "savemessage_searchforheader: got IMAP error '%s' while attempting to UID SEARCH for message with header %s" % (err, headername))
221 return 0
222 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_searchforheader got initial matchinguids: ' + repr(matchinguids))
224 if matchinguids == '':
225 ui.debug('imap', "savemessage_searchforheader: UID SEARCH for message with header %s yielded no results" % headername)
226 return 0
228 matchinguids = matchinguids.split(' ')
229 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage_searchforheader: matchinguids now ' + \
230 repr(matchinguids))
231 if len(matchinguids) != 1 or matchinguids[0] == None:
232 raise ValueError, "While attempting to find UID for message with header %s, got wrong-sized matchinguids of %s" % (headername, str(matchinguids))
233 matchinguids.sort()
234 return long(matchinguids[0])
236 def savemessage(self, uid, content, flags, rtime):
237 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
238 ui = UIBase.getglobalui()
239 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: called')
240 try:
241 try:
242 imapobj.select(self.getfullname()) # Needed for search
243 except imapobj.readonly:
244 ui.msgtoreadonly(self, uid, content, flags)
245 # Return indicating message taken, but no UID assigned.
246 # Fudge it.
247 return 0
249 # This backend always assigns a new uid, so the uid arg is ignored.
250 # In order to get the new uid, we need to save off the message ID.
252 message = rfc822.Message(StringIO(content))
253 datetuple_msg = rfc822.parsedate(message.getheader('Date'))
254 # Will be None if missing or not in a valid format.
256 # If time isn't known
257 if rtime == None and datetuple_msg == None:
258 datetuple = time.localtime()
259 elif rtime == None:
260 datetuple = datetuple_msg
261 else:
262 datetuple = time.localtime(rtime)
264 try:
265 if datetuple[0] < 1981:
266 raise ValueError
268 # Check for invalid date
269 datetuple_check = time.localtime(time.mktime(datetuple))
270 if datetuple[:2] != datetuple_check[:2]:
271 raise ValueError
273 # This could raise a value error if it's not a valid format.
274 date = imaplib.Time2Internaldate(datetuple)
275 except (ValueError, OverflowError):
276 # Argh, sometimes it's a valid format but year is 0102
277 # or something. Argh. It seems that Time2Internaldate
278 # will rause a ValueError if the year is 0102 but not 1902,
279 # but some IMAP servers nonetheless choke on 1902.
280 date = imaplib.Time2Internaldate(time.localtime())
282 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: using date ' + str(date))
283 content = re.sub("(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", content)
284 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: initial content is: ' + repr(content))
286 (headername, headervalue) = self.savemessage_getnewheader(content)
287 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: new headers are: %s: %s' % \
288 (headername, headervalue))
289 content = self.savemessage_addheader(content, headername,
290 headervalue)
291 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: new content is: ' + repr(content))
292 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: new content length is ' + \
293 str(len(content)))
295 assert(imapobj.append(self.getfullname(),
296 imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap(flags),
297 date, content)[0] == 'OK')
299 # Checkpoint. Let it write out the messages, etc.
300 assert(imapobj.check()[0] == 'OK')
302 # Keep trying until we get the UID.
303 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: first attempt to get new UID')
304 uid = self.savemessage_searchforheader(imapobj, headername,
305 headervalue)
306 # See docs for savemessage in Base.py for explanation of this and other return values
307 if uid <= 0:
308 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: first attempt to get new UID failed. Going to run a NOOP and try again.')
309 assert(imapobj.noop()[0] == 'OK')
310 uid = self.savemessage_searchforheader(imapobj, headername,
311 headervalue)
312 finally:
313 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
315 if uid: # avoid UID FETCH 0 crash happening later on
316 self.messagelist[uid] = {'uid': uid, 'flags': flags}
318 ui.debug('imap', 'savemessage: returning %d' % uid)
319 return uid
321 def savemessageflags(self, uid, flags):
322 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
323 try:
324 try:
325 imapobj.select(self.getfullname())
326 except imapobj.readonly:
327 UIBase.getglobalui().flagstoreadonly(self, [uid], flags)
328 return
329 result = imapobj.uid('store', '%d' % uid, 'FLAGS',
330 imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap(flags))
331 assert result[0] == 'OK', 'Error with store: ' + '. '.join(r[1])
332 finally:
333 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
334 result = result[1][0]
335 if not result:
336 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'] = flags
337 else:
338 flags = imaputil.flags2hash(imaputil.imapsplit(result)[1])['FLAGS']
339 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'] = imaputil.flagsimap2maildir(flags)
341 def addmessageflags(self, uid, flags):
342 self.addmessagesflags([uid], flags)
344 def addmessagesflags_noconvert(self, uidlist, flags):
345 self.processmessagesflags('+', uidlist, flags)
347 def addmessagesflags(self, uidlist, flags):
348 """This is here for the sake of UIDMaps.py -- deletemessages must
349 add flags and get a converted UID, and if we don't have noconvert,
350 then UIDMaps will try to convert it twice."""
351 self.addmessagesflags_noconvert(uidlist, flags)
353 def deletemessageflags(self, uid, flags):
354 self.deletemessagesflags([uid], flags)
356 def deletemessagesflags(self, uidlist, flags):
357 self.processmessagesflags('-', uidlist, flags)
359 def processmessagesflags(self, operation, uidlist, flags):
360 if len(uidlist) > 101:
361 # Hack for those IMAP ervers with a limited line length
362 self.processmessagesflags(operation, uidlist[:100], flags)
363 self.processmessagesflags(operation, uidlist[100:], flags)
364 return
366 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
367 try:
368 # Making sure, that we have the necessary rights
369 # ensuring that we access readonly: python's braindead imaplib.py
370 # otherwise might raise an exception during the myrights() call
371 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(),readonly=1)
372 myrights = imapobj.myrights(self.getfullname())[1][0].split()[1]
373 if 'T' in flags and not 'd' in myrights or \
374 'S' in flags and not 's' in myrights or \
375 filter(lambda x: x not in 'TS', flags) and not 'w' in myrights:
376 # no delete/expunge right, but needed or
377 # no store seen right, but needed or
378 # no write right, but needed
379 UIBase.getglobalui().flagstoreadonly(self, uidlist, flags)
380 return
382 try:
383 imapobj.select(self.getfullname())
384 except imapobj.readonly:
385 # Above we made sure, we have the necessary rights.
386 # Ugly hack, to prevent an unnecessary exception:
387 # readonly: mailbox status changed to READ-ONLY
388 # imaplib should take care of that itself.
389 # The connection is anyway released below, so we dont need to
390 # undo the hack.
391 imapobj.is_readonly = True
392 r = imapobj.uid('store',
393 imaputil.listjoin(uidlist),
394 operation + 'FLAGS',
395 imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap(flags))
396 assert r[0] == 'OK', 'Error with store: ' + '. '.join(r[1])
397 r = r[1]
398 finally:
399 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
400 # Some IMAP servers do not always return a result. Therefore,
401 # only update the ones that it talks about, and manually fix
402 # the others.
403 needupdate = copy(uidlist)
404 for result in r:
405 if result == None:
406 # Compensate for servers that don't return anything from
407 # STORE.
408 continue
409 attributehash = imaputil.flags2hash(imaputil.imapsplit(result)[1])
410 if not ('UID' in attributehash and 'FLAGS' in attributehash):
411 # Compensate for servers that don't return a UID attribute.
412 continue
413 lflags = attributehash['FLAGS']
414 uid = long(attributehash['UID'])
415 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'] = imaputil.flagsimap2maildir(lflags)
416 try:
417 needupdate.remove(uid)
418 except ValueError: # Let it slide if it's not in the list
419 pass
420 for uid in needupdate:
421 if operation == '+':
422 for flag in flags:
423 if not flag in self.messagelist[uid]['flags']:
424 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'].append(flag)
425 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'].sort()
426 elif operation == '-':
427 for flag in flags:
428 if flag in self.messagelist[uid]['flags']:
429 self.messagelist[uid]['flags'].remove(flag)
431 def deletemessage(self, uid):
432 self.deletemessages_noconvert([uid])
434 def deletemessages(self, uidlist):
435 self.deletemessages_noconvert(uidlist)
437 def deletemessages_noconvert(self, uidlist):
438 # Weed out ones not in self.messagelist
439 uidlist = [uid for uid in uidlist if uid in self.messagelist]
440 if not len(uidlist):
441 return
443 self.addmessagesflags_noconvert(uidlist, ['T'])
444 imapobj = self.imapserver.acquireconnection()
445 try:
446 # Making sure, that we have the necessary rights
447 # ensuring that we access readonly: python's braindead imaplib.py
448 # otherwise might raise an exception during the myrights() call
449 imapobj.select(self.getfullname(),readonly=1)
450 if not 'd' in imapobj.myrights(self.getfullname())[1][0].split()[1]:
451 # no delete/expunge rights
452 UIBase.getglobalui().deletereadonly(self, uidlist)
453 return
455 if self.expunge:
456 imapobj.select(self.getfullname())
457 assert(imapobj.expunge()[0] == 'OK')
458 finally:
459 self.imapserver.releaseconnection(imapobj)
460 for uid in uidlist:
461 del self.messagelist[uid]