]> code.delx.au - pulseaudio/blob - src/modules/bluetooth/sbc_tables.h
bluetooth: don't set auto_connect flag when discovering bt devices
[pulseaudio] / src / modules / bluetooth / sbc_tables.h
1 /*
2 *
3 * Bluetooth low-complexity, subband codec (SBC) library
4 *
5 * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Marcel Holtmann <marcel@holtmann.org>
6 * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Henryk Ploetz <henryk@ploetzli.ch>
7 * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Brad Midgley <bmidgley@xmission.com>
8 *
9 *
10 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 *
15 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 *
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
23 *
24 */
26 /* A2DP specification: Appendix B, page 69 */
27 static const int sbc_offset4[4][4] = {
28 { -1, 0, 0, 0 },
29 { -2, 0, 0, 1 },
30 { -2, 0, 0, 1 },
31 { -2, 0, 0, 1 }
32 };
34 /* A2DP specification: Appendix B, page 69 */
35 static const int sbc_offset8[4][8] = {
36 { -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 },
37 { -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 },
38 { -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 },
39 { -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 }
40 };
43 #define SS4(val) ASR(val, SCALE_SPROTO4_TBL)
44 #define SS8(val) ASR(val, SCALE_SPROTO8_TBL)
45 #define SN4(val) ASR(val, SCALE_NPROTO4_TBL)
46 #define SN8(val) ASR(val, SCALE_NPROTO8_TBL)
48 static const int32_t sbc_proto_4_40m0[] = {
49 SS4(0x00000000), SS4(0xffa6982f), SS4(0xfba93848), SS4(0x0456c7b8),
50 SS4(0x005967d1), SS4(0xfffb9ac7), SS4(0xff589157), SS4(0xf9c2a8d8),
51 SS4(0x027c1434), SS4(0x0019118b), SS4(0xfff3c74c), SS4(0xff137330),
52 SS4(0xf81b8d70), SS4(0x00ec1b8b), SS4(0xfff0b71a), SS4(0xffe99b00),
53 SS4(0xfef84470), SS4(0xf6fb4370), SS4(0xffcdc351), SS4(0xffe01dc7)
54 };
56 static const int32_t sbc_proto_4_40m1[] = {
57 SS4(0xffe090ce), SS4(0xff2c0475), SS4(0xf694f800), SS4(0xff2c0475),
58 SS4(0xffe090ce), SS4(0xffe01dc7), SS4(0xffcdc351), SS4(0xf6fb4370),
59 SS4(0xfef84470), SS4(0xffe99b00), SS4(0xfff0b71a), SS4(0x00ec1b8b),
60 SS4(0xf81b8d70), SS4(0xff137330), SS4(0xfff3c74c), SS4(0x0019118b),
61 SS4(0x027c1434), SS4(0xf9c2a8d8), SS4(0xff589157), SS4(0xfffb9ac7)
62 };
64 static const int32_t sbc_proto_8_80m0[] = {
65 SS8(0x00000000), SS8(0xfe8d1970), SS8(0xee979f00), SS8(0x11686100),
66 SS8(0x0172e690), SS8(0xfff5bd1a), SS8(0xfdf1c8d4), SS8(0xeac182c0),
67 SS8(0x0d9daee0), SS8(0x00e530da), SS8(0xffe9811d), SS8(0xfd52986c),
68 SS8(0xe7054ca0), SS8(0x0a00d410), SS8(0x006c1de4), SS8(0xffdba705),
69 SS8(0xfcbc98e8), SS8(0xe3889d20), SS8(0x06af2308), SS8(0x000bb7db),
70 SS8(0xffca00ed), SS8(0xfc3fbb68), SS8(0xe071bc00), SS8(0x03bf7948),
71 SS8(0xffc4e05c), SS8(0xffb54b3b), SS8(0xfbedadc0), SS8(0xdde26200),
72 SS8(0x0142291c), SS8(0xff960e94), SS8(0xff9f3e17), SS8(0xfbd8f358),
73 SS8(0xdbf79400), SS8(0xff405e01), SS8(0xff7d4914), SS8(0xff8b1a31),
74 SS8(0xfc1417b8), SS8(0xdac7bb40), SS8(0xfdbb828c), SS8(0xff762170)
75 };
77 static const int32_t sbc_proto_8_80m1[] = {
78 SS8(0xff7c272c), SS8(0xfcb02620), SS8(0xda612700), SS8(0xfcb02620),
79 SS8(0xff7c272c), SS8(0xff762170), SS8(0xfdbb828c), SS8(0xdac7bb40),
80 SS8(0xfc1417b8), SS8(0xff8b1a31), SS8(0xff7d4914), SS8(0xff405e01),
81 SS8(0xdbf79400), SS8(0xfbd8f358), SS8(0xff9f3e17), SS8(0xff960e94),
82 SS8(0x0142291c), SS8(0xdde26200), SS8(0xfbedadc0), SS8(0xffb54b3b),
83 SS8(0xffc4e05c), SS8(0x03bf7948), SS8(0xe071bc00), SS8(0xfc3fbb68),
84 SS8(0xffca00ed), SS8(0x000bb7db), SS8(0x06af2308), SS8(0xe3889d20),
85 SS8(0xfcbc98e8), SS8(0xffdba705), SS8(0x006c1de4), SS8(0x0a00d410),
86 SS8(0xe7054ca0), SS8(0xfd52986c), SS8(0xffe9811d), SS8(0x00e530da),
87 SS8(0x0d9daee0), SS8(0xeac182c0), SS8(0xfdf1c8d4), SS8(0xfff5bd1a)
88 };
90 static const int32_t synmatrix4[8][4] = {
91 { SN4(0x05a82798), SN4(0xfa57d868), SN4(0xfa57d868), SN4(0x05a82798) },
92 { SN4(0x030fbc54), SN4(0xf89be510), SN4(0x07641af0), SN4(0xfcf043ac) },
93 { SN4(0x00000000), SN4(0x00000000), SN4(0x00000000), SN4(0x00000000) },
94 { SN4(0xfcf043ac), SN4(0x07641af0), SN4(0xf89be510), SN4(0x030fbc54) },
95 { SN4(0xfa57d868), SN4(0x05a82798), SN4(0x05a82798), SN4(0xfa57d868) },
96 { SN4(0xf89be510), SN4(0xfcf043ac), SN4(0x030fbc54), SN4(0x07641af0) },
97 { SN4(0xf8000000), SN4(0xf8000000), SN4(0xf8000000), SN4(0xf8000000) },
98 { SN4(0xf89be510), SN4(0xfcf043ac), SN4(0x030fbc54), SN4(0x07641af0) }
99 };
101 static const int32_t synmatrix8[16][8] = {
102 { SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0x05a82798),
103 SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0x05a82798) },
104 { SN8(0x0471ced0), SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0x06a6d988),
105 SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0xfe70747c), SN8(0x07d8a5f0), SN8(0xfb8e3130) },
106 { SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0xfcf043ac),
107 SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0x030fbc54) },
108 { SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0x06a6d988), SN8(0xf8275a10),
109 SN8(0x07d8a5f0), SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0x0471ced0), SN8(0xfe70747c) },
110 { SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000),
111 SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000), SN8(0x00000000) },
112 { SN8(0xfe70747c), SN8(0x0471ced0), SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0x07d8a5f0),
113 SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0x06a6d988), SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0x018f8b84) },
114 { SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0x030fbc54),
115 SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0xfcf043ac) },
116 { SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0x07d8a5f0), SN8(0xfe70747c), SN8(0xf9592678),
117 SN8(0x06a6d988), SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0x0471ced0) },
118 { SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0xfa57d868),
119 SN8(0xfa57d868), SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0x05a82798), SN8(0xfa57d868) },
120 { SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0x07d8a5f0), SN8(0x0471ced0),
121 SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0xfe70747c), SN8(0x06a6d988) },
122 { SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0x07641af0),
123 SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0xf89be510) },
124 { SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0xfe70747c),
125 SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0x0471ced0), SN8(0x06a6d988), SN8(0x07d8a5f0) },
126 { SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000),
127 SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000), SN8(0xf8000000) },
128 { SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0xfe70747c),
129 SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0x0471ced0), SN8(0x06a6d988), SN8(0x07d8a5f0) },
130 { SN8(0xf89be510), SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0x07641af0),
131 SN8(0x07641af0), SN8(0x030fbc54), SN8(0xfcf043ac), SN8(0xf89be510) },
132 { SN8(0xf9592678), SN8(0x018f8b84), SN8(0x07d8a5f0), SN8(0x0471ced0),
133 SN8(0xfb8e3130), SN8(0xf8275a10), SN8(0xfe70747c), SN8(0x06a6d988) }
134 };
136 /* Uncomment the following line to enable high precision build of SBC encoder */
138 /* #define SBC_HIGH_PRECISION */
141 #define FIXED_A int64_t /* data type for fixed point accumulator */
142 #define FIXED_T int32_t /* data type for fixed point constants */
143 #define SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS 16
144 #else
145 #define FIXED_A int32_t /* data type for fixed point accumulator */
146 #define FIXED_T int16_t /* data type for fixed point constants */
147 #define SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS 0
148 #endif
150 /* A2DP specification: Section 12.8 Tables
151 *
152 * Original values are premultiplied by 2 for better precision (that is the
153 * maximum which is possible without overflows)
154 *
155 * Note: in each block of 8 numbers sign was changed for elements 2 and 7
156 * in order to compensate the same change applied to cos_table_fixed_4
157 */
158 #define SBC_PROTO_FIXED4_SCALE \
159 ((sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1) - SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS + 1)
160 #define F_PROTO4(x) (FIXED_A) ((x * 2) * \
161 ((FIXED_A) 1 << (sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 0.5)
162 #define F(x) F_PROTO4(x)
163 static const FIXED_T _sbc_proto_fixed4[40] = {
164 F(0.00000000E+00), F(5.36548976E-04),
165 -F(1.49188357E-03), F(2.73370904E-03),
166 F(3.83720193E-03), F(3.89205149E-03),
167 F(1.86581691E-03), F(3.06012286E-03),
169 F(1.09137620E-02), F(2.04385087E-02),
170 -F(2.88757392E-02), F(3.21939290E-02),
171 F(2.58767811E-02), F(6.13245186E-03),
172 -F(2.88217274E-02), F(7.76463494E-02),
174 F(1.35593274E-01), F(1.94987841E-01),
175 -F(2.46636662E-01), F(2.81828203E-01),
176 F(2.94315332E-01), F(2.81828203E-01),
177 F(2.46636662E-01), -F(1.94987841E-01),
179 -F(1.35593274E-01), -F(7.76463494E-02),
180 F(2.88217274E-02), F(6.13245186E-03),
181 F(2.58767811E-02), F(3.21939290E-02),
182 F(2.88757392E-02), -F(2.04385087E-02),
184 -F(1.09137620E-02), -F(3.06012286E-03),
185 -F(1.86581691E-03), F(3.89205149E-03),
186 F(3.83720193E-03), F(2.73370904E-03),
187 F(1.49188357E-03), -F(5.36548976E-04),
188 };
189 #undef F
191 /*
192 * To produce this cosine matrix in Octave:
193 *
194 * b = zeros(4, 8);
195 * for i = 0:3
196 * for j = 0:7 b(i+1, j+1) = cos((i + 0.5) * (j - 2) * (pi/4))
197 * endfor
198 * endfor;
199 * printf("%.10f, ", b');
200 *
201 * Note: in each block of 8 numbers sign was changed for elements 2 and 7
202 *
203 * Change of sign for element 2 allows to replace constant 1.0 (not
204 * representable in Q15 format) with -1.0 (fine with Q15).
205 * Changed sign for element 7 allows to have more similar constants
206 * and simplify subband filter function code.
207 */
209 ((sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1) + SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS)
210 #define F_COS4(x) (FIXED_A) ((x) * \
211 ((FIXED_A) 1 << (sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 0.5)
212 #define F(x) F_COS4(x)
213 static const FIXED_T cos_table_fixed_4[32] = {
214 F(0.7071067812), F(0.9238795325), -F(1.0000000000), F(0.9238795325),
215 F(0.7071067812), F(0.3826834324), F(0.0000000000), F(0.3826834324),
217 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.3826834324), -F(1.0000000000), F(0.3826834324),
218 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.9238795325), -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.9238795325),
220 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.3826834324), -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.3826834324),
221 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.9238795325), F(0.0000000000), F(0.9238795325),
223 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.9238795325), -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.9238795325),
224 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.3826834324), -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.3826834324),
225 };
226 #undef F
228 /* A2DP specification: Section 12.8 Tables
229 *
230 * Original values are premultiplied by 4 for better precision (that is the
231 * maximum which is possible without overflows)
232 *
233 * Note: in each block of 16 numbers sign was changed for elements 4, 13, 14, 15
234 * in order to compensate the same change applied to cos_table_fixed_8
235 */
236 #define SBC_PROTO_FIXED8_SCALE \
237 ((sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1) - SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS + 1)
238 #define F_PROTO8(x) (FIXED_A) ((x * 2) * \
239 ((FIXED_A) 1 << (sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 0.5)
240 #define F(x) F_PROTO8(x)
241 static const FIXED_T _sbc_proto_fixed8[80] = {
242 F(0.00000000E+00), F(1.56575398E-04),
243 F(3.43256425E-04), F(5.54620202E-04),
244 -F(8.23919506E-04), F(1.13992507E-03),
245 F(1.47640169E-03), F(1.78371725E-03),
246 F(2.01182542E-03), F(2.10371989E-03),
247 F(1.99454554E-03), F(1.61656283E-03),
248 F(9.02154502E-04), F(1.78805361E-04),
249 F(1.64973098E-03), F(3.49717454E-03),
251 F(5.65949473E-03), F(8.02941163E-03),
252 F(1.04584443E-02), F(1.27472335E-02),
253 -F(1.46525263E-02), F(1.59045603E-02),
254 F(1.62208471E-02), F(1.53184106E-02),
255 F(1.29371806E-02), F(8.85757540E-03),
256 F(2.92408442E-03), -F(4.91578024E-03),
257 -F(1.46404076E-02), F(2.61098752E-02),
258 F(3.90751381E-02), F(5.31873032E-02),
260 F(6.79989431E-02), F(8.29847578E-02),
261 F(9.75753918E-02), F(1.11196689E-01),
262 -F(1.23264548E-01), F(1.33264415E-01),
263 F(1.40753505E-01), F(1.45389847E-01),
264 F(1.46955068E-01), F(1.45389847E-01),
265 F(1.40753505E-01), F(1.33264415E-01),
266 F(1.23264548E-01), -F(1.11196689E-01),
267 -F(9.75753918E-02), -F(8.29847578E-02),
269 -F(6.79989431E-02), -F(5.31873032E-02),
270 -F(3.90751381E-02), -F(2.61098752E-02),
271 F(1.46404076E-02), -F(4.91578024E-03),
272 F(2.92408442E-03), F(8.85757540E-03),
273 F(1.29371806E-02), F(1.53184106E-02),
274 F(1.62208471E-02), F(1.59045603E-02),
275 F(1.46525263E-02), -F(1.27472335E-02),
276 -F(1.04584443E-02), -F(8.02941163E-03),
278 -F(5.65949473E-03), -F(3.49717454E-03),
279 -F(1.64973098E-03), -F(1.78805361E-04),
280 -F(9.02154502E-04), F(1.61656283E-03),
281 F(1.99454554E-03), F(2.10371989E-03),
282 F(2.01182542E-03), F(1.78371725E-03),
283 F(1.47640169E-03), F(1.13992507E-03),
284 F(8.23919506E-04), -F(5.54620202E-04),
285 -F(3.43256425E-04), -F(1.56575398E-04),
286 };
287 #undef F
289 /*
290 * To produce this cosine matrix in Octave:
291 *
292 * b = zeros(8, 16);
293 * for i = 0:7
294 * for j = 0:15 b(i+1, j+1) = cos((i + 0.5) * (j - 4) * (pi/8))
295 * endfor endfor;
296 * printf("%.10f, ", b');
297 *
298 * Note: in each block of 16 numbers sign was changed for elements 4, 13, 14, 15
299 *
300 * Change of sign for element 4 allows to replace constant 1.0 (not
301 * representable in Q15 format) with -1.0 (fine with Q15).
302 * Changed signs for elements 13, 14, 15 allow to have more similar constants
303 * and simplify subband filter function code.
304 */
306 ((sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1) + SBC_FIXED_EXTRA_BITS)
307 #define F_COS8(x) (FIXED_A) ((x) * \
308 ((FIXED_A) 1 << (sizeof(FIXED_T) * CHAR_BIT - 1)) + 0.5)
309 #define F(x) F_COS8(x)
310 static const FIXED_T cos_table_fixed_8[128] = {
311 F(0.7071067812), F(0.8314696123), F(0.9238795325), F(0.9807852804),
312 -F(1.0000000000), F(0.9807852804), F(0.9238795325), F(0.8314696123),
313 F(0.7071067812), F(0.5555702330), F(0.3826834324), F(0.1950903220),
314 F(0.0000000000), F(0.1950903220), F(0.3826834324), F(0.5555702330),
316 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.1950903220), F(0.3826834324), F(0.8314696123),
317 -F(1.0000000000), F(0.8314696123), F(0.3826834324), -F(0.1950903220),
318 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.9807852804), -F(0.9238795325), -F(0.5555702330),
319 -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.5555702330), -F(0.9238795325), -F(0.9807852804),
321 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.9807852804), -F(0.3826834324), F(0.5555702330),
322 -F(1.0000000000), F(0.5555702330), -F(0.3826834324), -F(0.9807852804),
323 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.1950903220), F(0.9238795325), F(0.8314696123),
324 F(0.0000000000), F(0.8314696123), F(0.9238795325), F(0.1950903220),
326 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.5555702330), -F(0.9238795325), F(0.1950903220),
327 -F(1.0000000000), F(0.1950903220), -F(0.9238795325), -F(0.5555702330),
328 F(0.7071067812), F(0.8314696123), -F(0.3826834324), -F(0.9807852804),
329 -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.9807852804), -F(0.3826834324), F(0.8314696123),
331 F(0.7071067812), F(0.5555702330), -F(0.9238795325), -F(0.1950903220),
332 -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.1950903220), -F(0.9238795325), F(0.5555702330),
333 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.8314696123), -F(0.3826834324), F(0.9807852804),
334 F(0.0000000000), F(0.9807852804), -F(0.3826834324), -F(0.8314696123),
336 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.9807852804), -F(0.3826834324), -F(0.5555702330),
337 -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.5555702330), -F(0.3826834324), F(0.9807852804),
338 -F(0.7071067812), -F(0.1950903220), F(0.9238795325), -F(0.8314696123),
339 -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.8314696123), F(0.9238795325), -F(0.1950903220),
341 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.1950903220), F(0.3826834324), -F(0.8314696123),
342 -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.8314696123), F(0.3826834324), F(0.1950903220),
343 -F(0.7071067812), F(0.9807852804), -F(0.9238795325), F(0.5555702330),
344 -F(0.0000000000), F(0.5555702330), -F(0.9238795325), F(0.9807852804),
346 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.8314696123), F(0.9238795325), -F(0.9807852804),
347 -F(1.0000000000), -F(0.9807852804), F(0.9238795325), -F(0.8314696123),
348 F(0.7071067812), -F(0.5555702330), F(0.3826834324), -F(0.1950903220),
349 -F(0.0000000000), -F(0.1950903220), F(0.3826834324), -F(0.5555702330),
350 };
351 #undef F
353 /*
354 * Enforce 16 byte alignment for the data, which is supposed to be used
355 * with SIMD optimized code.
356 */
358 #define SBC_ALIGN_BITS 4
359 #define SBC_ALIGN_MASK ((1 << (SBC_ALIGN_BITS)) - 1)
361 #ifdef __GNUC__
362 #define SBC_ALIGNED __attribute__((aligned(1 << (SBC_ALIGN_BITS))))
363 #else
364 #define SBC_ALIGNED
365 #endif
367 /*
368 * Constant tables for the use in SIMD optimized analysis filters
369 * Each table consists of two parts:
370 * 1. reordered "proto" table
371 * 2. reordered "cos" table
372 *
373 * Due to non-symmetrical reordering, separate tables for "even"
374 * and "odd" cases are needed
375 */
377 static const FIXED_T SBC_ALIGNED analysis_consts_fixed4_simd_even[40 + 16] = {
378 #define C0 1.0932568993
379 #define C1 1.3056875580
380 #define C2 1.3056875580
381 #define C3 1.6772280856
383 #define F(x) F_PROTO4(x)
384 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), F(3.83720193E-03 * C0),
385 F(5.36548976E-04 * C1), F(2.73370904E-03 * C1),
386 F(3.06012286E-03 * C2), F(3.89205149E-03 * C2),
387 F(0.00000000E+00 * C3), -F(1.49188357E-03 * C3),
388 F(1.09137620E-02 * C0), F(2.58767811E-02 * C0),
389 F(2.04385087E-02 * C1), F(3.21939290E-02 * C1),
390 F(7.76463494E-02 * C2), F(6.13245186E-03 * C2),
391 F(0.00000000E+00 * C3), -F(2.88757392E-02 * C3),
392 F(1.35593274E-01 * C0), F(2.94315332E-01 * C0),
393 F(1.94987841E-01 * C1), F(2.81828203E-01 * C1),
394 -F(1.94987841E-01 * C2), F(2.81828203E-01 * C2),
395 F(0.00000000E+00 * C3), -F(2.46636662E-01 * C3),
396 -F(1.35593274E-01 * C0), F(2.58767811E-02 * C0),
397 -F(7.76463494E-02 * C1), F(6.13245186E-03 * C1),
398 -F(2.04385087E-02 * C2), F(3.21939290E-02 * C2),
399 F(0.00000000E+00 * C3), F(2.88217274E-02 * C3),
400 -F(1.09137620E-02 * C0), F(3.83720193E-03 * C0),
401 -F(3.06012286E-03 * C1), F(3.89205149E-03 * C1),
402 -F(5.36548976E-04 * C2), F(2.73370904E-03 * C2),
403 F(0.00000000E+00 * C3), -F(1.86581691E-03 * C3),
404 #undef F
405 #define F(x) F_COS4(x)
406 F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.9238795325 / C1),
407 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.3826834324 / C1),
408 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.3826834324 / C1),
409 F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.9238795325 / C1),
410 F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(1.0000000000 / C3),
411 -F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(1.0000000000 / C3),
412 F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(1.0000000000 / C3),
413 -F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(1.0000000000 / C3),
414 #undef F
416 #undef C0
417 #undef C1
418 #undef C2
419 #undef C3
420 };
422 static const FIXED_T SBC_ALIGNED analysis_consts_fixed4_simd_odd[40 + 16] = {
423 #define C0 1.3056875580
424 #define C1 1.6772280856
425 #define C2 1.0932568993
426 #define C3 1.3056875580
428 #define F(x) F_PROTO4(x)
429 F(2.73370904E-03 * C0), F(5.36548976E-04 * C0),
430 -F(1.49188357E-03 * C1), F(0.00000000E+00 * C1),
431 F(3.83720193E-03 * C2), F(1.09137620E-02 * C2),
432 F(3.89205149E-03 * C3), F(3.06012286E-03 * C3),
433 F(3.21939290E-02 * C0), F(2.04385087E-02 * C0),
434 -F(2.88757392E-02 * C1), F(0.00000000E+00 * C1),
435 F(2.58767811E-02 * C2), F(1.35593274E-01 * C2),
436 F(6.13245186E-03 * C3), F(7.76463494E-02 * C3),
437 F(2.81828203E-01 * C0), F(1.94987841E-01 * C0),
438 -F(2.46636662E-01 * C1), F(0.00000000E+00 * C1),
439 F(2.94315332E-01 * C2), -F(1.35593274E-01 * C2),
440 F(2.81828203E-01 * C3), -F(1.94987841E-01 * C3),
441 F(6.13245186E-03 * C0), -F(7.76463494E-02 * C0),
442 F(2.88217274E-02 * C1), F(0.00000000E+00 * C1),
443 F(2.58767811E-02 * C2), -F(1.09137620E-02 * C2),
444 F(3.21939290E-02 * C3), -F(2.04385087E-02 * C3),
445 F(3.89205149E-03 * C0), -F(3.06012286E-03 * C0),
446 -F(1.86581691E-03 * C1), F(0.00000000E+00 * C1),
447 F(3.83720193E-03 * C2), F(0.00000000E+00 * C2),
448 F(2.73370904E-03 * C3), -F(5.36548976E-04 * C3),
449 #undef F
450 #define F(x) F_COS4(x)
451 F(0.9238795325 / C0), -F(1.0000000000 / C1),
452 F(0.3826834324 / C0), -F(1.0000000000 / C1),
453 -F(0.3826834324 / C0), -F(1.0000000000 / C1),
454 -F(0.9238795325 / C0), -F(1.0000000000 / C1),
455 F(0.7071067812 / C2), F(0.3826834324 / C3),
456 -F(0.7071067812 / C2), -F(0.9238795325 / C3),
457 -F(0.7071067812 / C2), F(0.9238795325 / C3),
458 F(0.7071067812 / C2), -F(0.3826834324 / C3),
459 #undef F
461 #undef C0
462 #undef C1
463 #undef C2
464 #undef C3
465 };
467 static const FIXED_T SBC_ALIGNED analysis_consts_fixed8_simd_even[80 + 64] = {
468 #define C0 2.7906148894
469 #define C1 2.4270044280
470 #define C2 2.8015616024
471 #define C3 3.1710363741
472 #define C4 2.5377944043
473 #define C5 2.4270044280
474 #define C6 2.8015616024
475 #define C7 3.1710363741
477 #define F(x) F_PROTO8(x)
478 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), F(2.01182542E-03 * C0),
479 F(1.56575398E-04 * C1), F(1.78371725E-03 * C1),
480 F(3.43256425E-04 * C2), F(1.47640169E-03 * C2),
481 F(5.54620202E-04 * C3), F(1.13992507E-03 * C3),
482 -F(8.23919506E-04 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
483 F(2.10371989E-03 * C5), F(3.49717454E-03 * C5),
484 F(1.99454554E-03 * C6), F(1.64973098E-03 * C6),
485 F(1.61656283E-03 * C7), F(1.78805361E-04 * C7),
486 F(5.65949473E-03 * C0), F(1.29371806E-02 * C0),
487 F(8.02941163E-03 * C1), F(1.53184106E-02 * C1),
488 F(1.04584443E-02 * C2), F(1.62208471E-02 * C2),
489 F(1.27472335E-02 * C3), F(1.59045603E-02 * C3),
490 -F(1.46525263E-02 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
491 F(8.85757540E-03 * C5), F(5.31873032E-02 * C5),
492 F(2.92408442E-03 * C6), F(3.90751381E-02 * C6),
493 -F(4.91578024E-03 * C7), F(2.61098752E-02 * C7),
494 F(6.79989431E-02 * C0), F(1.46955068E-01 * C0),
495 F(8.29847578E-02 * C1), F(1.45389847E-01 * C1),
496 F(9.75753918E-02 * C2), F(1.40753505E-01 * C2),
497 F(1.11196689E-01 * C3), F(1.33264415E-01 * C3),
498 -F(1.23264548E-01 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
499 F(1.45389847E-01 * C5), -F(8.29847578E-02 * C5),
500 F(1.40753505E-01 * C6), -F(9.75753918E-02 * C6),
501 F(1.33264415E-01 * C7), -F(1.11196689E-01 * C7),
502 -F(6.79989431E-02 * C0), F(1.29371806E-02 * C0),
503 -F(5.31873032E-02 * C1), F(8.85757540E-03 * C1),
504 -F(3.90751381E-02 * C2), F(2.92408442E-03 * C2),
505 -F(2.61098752E-02 * C3), -F(4.91578024E-03 * C3),
506 F(1.46404076E-02 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
507 F(1.53184106E-02 * C5), -F(8.02941163E-03 * C5),
508 F(1.62208471E-02 * C6), -F(1.04584443E-02 * C6),
509 F(1.59045603E-02 * C7), -F(1.27472335E-02 * C7),
510 -F(5.65949473E-03 * C0), F(2.01182542E-03 * C0),
511 -F(3.49717454E-03 * C1), F(2.10371989E-03 * C1),
512 -F(1.64973098E-03 * C2), F(1.99454554E-03 * C2),
513 -F(1.78805361E-04 * C3), F(1.61656283E-03 * C3),
514 -F(9.02154502E-04 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
515 F(1.78371725E-03 * C5), -F(1.56575398E-04 * C5),
516 F(1.47640169E-03 * C6), -F(3.43256425E-04 * C6),
517 F(1.13992507E-03 * C7), -F(5.54620202E-04 * C7),
518 #undef F
519 #define F(x) F_COS8(x)
520 F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.8314696123 / C1),
521 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.1950903220 / C1),
522 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.9807852804 / C1),
523 F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.5555702330 / C1),
524 F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.5555702330 / C1),
525 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.9807852804 / C1),
526 -F(0.7071067812 / C0), F(0.1950903220 / C1),
527 F(0.7071067812 / C0), -F(0.8314696123 / C1),
528 F(0.9238795325 / C2), F(0.9807852804 / C3),
529 F(0.3826834324 / C2), F(0.8314696123 / C3),
530 -F(0.3826834324 / C2), F(0.5555702330 / C3),
531 -F(0.9238795325 / C2), F(0.1950903220 / C3),
532 -F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(0.1950903220 / C3),
533 -F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(0.5555702330 / C3),
534 F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(0.8314696123 / C3),
535 F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(0.9807852804 / C3),
536 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), F(0.5555702330 / C5),
537 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), -F(0.9807852804 / C5),
538 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), F(0.1950903220 / C5),
539 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), F(0.8314696123 / C5),
540 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), -F(0.8314696123 / C5),
541 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), -F(0.1950903220 / C5),
542 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), F(0.9807852804 / C5),
543 -F(1.0000000000 / C4), -F(0.5555702330 / C5),
544 F(0.3826834324 / C6), F(0.1950903220 / C7),
545 -F(0.9238795325 / C6), -F(0.5555702330 / C7),
546 F(0.9238795325 / C6), F(0.8314696123 / C7),
547 -F(0.3826834324 / C6), -F(0.9807852804 / C7),
548 -F(0.3826834324 / C6), F(0.9807852804 / C7),
549 F(0.9238795325 / C6), -F(0.8314696123 / C7),
550 -F(0.9238795325 / C6), F(0.5555702330 / C7),
551 F(0.3826834324 / C6), -F(0.1950903220 / C7),
552 #undef F
554 #undef C0
555 #undef C1
556 #undef C2
557 #undef C3
558 #undef C4
559 #undef C5
560 #undef C6
561 #undef C7
562 };
564 static const FIXED_T SBC_ALIGNED analysis_consts_fixed8_simd_odd[80 + 64] = {
565 #define C0 2.5377944043
566 #define C1 2.4270044280
567 #define C2 2.8015616024
568 #define C3 3.1710363741
569 #define C4 2.7906148894
570 #define C5 2.4270044280
571 #define C6 2.8015616024
572 #define C7 3.1710363741
574 #define F(x) F_PROTO8(x)
575 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), -F(8.23919506E-04 * C0),
576 F(1.56575398E-04 * C1), F(1.78371725E-03 * C1),
577 F(3.43256425E-04 * C2), F(1.47640169E-03 * C2),
578 F(5.54620202E-04 * C3), F(1.13992507E-03 * C3),
579 F(2.01182542E-03 * C4), F(5.65949473E-03 * C4),
580 F(2.10371989E-03 * C5), F(3.49717454E-03 * C5),
581 F(1.99454554E-03 * C6), F(1.64973098E-03 * C6),
582 F(1.61656283E-03 * C7), F(1.78805361E-04 * C7),
583 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), -F(1.46525263E-02 * C0),
584 F(8.02941163E-03 * C1), F(1.53184106E-02 * C1),
585 F(1.04584443E-02 * C2), F(1.62208471E-02 * C2),
586 F(1.27472335E-02 * C3), F(1.59045603E-02 * C3),
587 F(1.29371806E-02 * C4), F(6.79989431E-02 * C4),
588 F(8.85757540E-03 * C5), F(5.31873032E-02 * C5),
589 F(2.92408442E-03 * C6), F(3.90751381E-02 * C6),
590 -F(4.91578024E-03 * C7), F(2.61098752E-02 * C7),
591 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), -F(1.23264548E-01 * C0),
592 F(8.29847578E-02 * C1), F(1.45389847E-01 * C1),
593 F(9.75753918E-02 * C2), F(1.40753505E-01 * C2),
594 F(1.11196689E-01 * C3), F(1.33264415E-01 * C3),
595 F(1.46955068E-01 * C4), -F(6.79989431E-02 * C4),
596 F(1.45389847E-01 * C5), -F(8.29847578E-02 * C5),
597 F(1.40753505E-01 * C6), -F(9.75753918E-02 * C6),
598 F(1.33264415E-01 * C7), -F(1.11196689E-01 * C7),
599 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), F(1.46404076E-02 * C0),
600 -F(5.31873032E-02 * C1), F(8.85757540E-03 * C1),
601 -F(3.90751381E-02 * C2), F(2.92408442E-03 * C2),
602 -F(2.61098752E-02 * C3), -F(4.91578024E-03 * C3),
603 F(1.29371806E-02 * C4), -F(5.65949473E-03 * C4),
604 F(1.53184106E-02 * C5), -F(8.02941163E-03 * C5),
605 F(1.62208471E-02 * C6), -F(1.04584443E-02 * C6),
606 F(1.59045603E-02 * C7), -F(1.27472335E-02 * C7),
607 F(0.00000000E+00 * C0), -F(9.02154502E-04 * C0),
608 -F(3.49717454E-03 * C1), F(2.10371989E-03 * C1),
609 -F(1.64973098E-03 * C2), F(1.99454554E-03 * C2),
610 -F(1.78805361E-04 * C3), F(1.61656283E-03 * C3),
611 F(2.01182542E-03 * C4), F(0.00000000E+00 * C4),
612 F(1.78371725E-03 * C5), -F(1.56575398E-04 * C5),
613 F(1.47640169E-03 * C6), -F(3.43256425E-04 * C6),
614 F(1.13992507E-03 * C7), -F(5.54620202E-04 * C7),
615 #undef F
616 #define F(x) F_COS8(x)
617 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), F(0.8314696123 / C1),
618 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), -F(0.1950903220 / C1),
619 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), -F(0.9807852804 / C1),
620 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), -F(0.5555702330 / C1),
621 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), F(0.5555702330 / C1),
622 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), F(0.9807852804 / C1),
623 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), F(0.1950903220 / C1),
624 -F(1.0000000000 / C0), -F(0.8314696123 / C1),
625 F(0.9238795325 / C2), F(0.9807852804 / C3),
626 F(0.3826834324 / C2), F(0.8314696123 / C3),
627 -F(0.3826834324 / C2), F(0.5555702330 / C3),
628 -F(0.9238795325 / C2), F(0.1950903220 / C3),
629 -F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(0.1950903220 / C3),
630 -F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(0.5555702330 / C3),
631 F(0.3826834324 / C2), -F(0.8314696123 / C3),
632 F(0.9238795325 / C2), -F(0.9807852804 / C3),
633 F(0.7071067812 / C4), F(0.5555702330 / C5),
634 -F(0.7071067812 / C4), -F(0.9807852804 / C5),
635 -F(0.7071067812 / C4), F(0.1950903220 / C5),
636 F(0.7071067812 / C4), F(0.8314696123 / C5),
637 F(0.7071067812 / C4), -F(0.8314696123 / C5),
638 -F(0.7071067812 / C4), -F(0.1950903220 / C5),
639 -F(0.7071067812 / C4), F(0.9807852804 / C5),
640 F(0.7071067812 / C4), -F(0.5555702330 / C5),
641 F(0.3826834324 / C6), F(0.1950903220 / C7),
642 -F(0.9238795325 / C6), -F(0.5555702330 / C7),
643 F(0.9238795325 / C6), F(0.8314696123 / C7),
644 -F(0.3826834324 / C6), -F(0.9807852804 / C7),
645 -F(0.3826834324 / C6), F(0.9807852804 / C7),
646 F(0.9238795325 / C6), -F(0.8314696123 / C7),
647 -F(0.9238795325 / C6), F(0.5555702330 / C7),
648 F(0.3826834324 / C6), -F(0.1950903220 / C7),
649 #undef F
651 #undef C0
652 #undef C1
653 #undef C2
654 #undef C3
655 #undef C4
656 #undef C5
657 #undef C6
658 #undef C7
659 };