]> code.delx.au - refind/blob - refind.conf-sample
Version 0.8.5 release.
[refind] / refind.conf-sample
1 #
2 # refind.conf
3 # Configuration file for the rEFInd boot menu
4 #
6 # Timeout in seconds for the main menu screen. Setting the timeout to 0
7 # disables automatic booting (i.e., no timeout). Setting it to -1 causes
8 # an immediate boot to the default OS *UNLESS* a keypress is in the buffer
9 # when rEFInd launches, in which case that keypress is interpreted as a
10 # shortcut key. If no matching shortcut is found, rEFInd displays its
11 # menu with no timeout.
12 #
13 timeout 20
15 # Screen saver timeout; the screen blanks after the specified number of
16 # seconds with no keyboard input. The screen returns after most keypresses
17 # (unfortunately, not including modifier keys such as Shift, Control, Alt,
18 # or Option). Setting a value of "-1" causes rEFInd to start up with its
19 # screen saver active. The default is 0, which disables the screen saver.
20 #screensaver 300
22 # Hide user interface elements for personal preference or to increase
23 # security:
24 # banner - the rEFInd title banner (built-in or loaded via "banner")
25 # label - boot option text label in the menu
26 # singleuser - remove the submenu options to boot Mac OS X in single-user
27 # or verbose modes; affects ONLY MacOS X
28 # safemode - remove the submenu option to boot Mac OS X in "safe mode"
29 # hwtest - the submenu option to run Apple's hardware test
30 # arrows - scroll arrows on the OS selection tag line
31 # hints - brief command summary in the menu
32 # editor - the options editor (+, F2, or Insert on boot options menu)
33 # all - all of the above
34 # Default is none of these (all elements active)
35 #
36 #hideui singleuser
37 #hideui all
39 # Set the name of a subdirectory in which icons are stored. Icons must
40 # have the same names they have in the standard directory. The directory
41 # name is specified relative to the main rEFInd binary's directory. If
42 # an icon can't be found in the specified directory, an attempt is made
43 # to load it from the default directory; thus, you can replace just some
44 # icons in your own directory and rely on the default for others.
45 # Default is "icons".
46 #
47 #icons_dir myicons
49 # Use a custom title banner instead of the rEFInd icon and name. The file
50 # path is relative to the directory where refind.efi is located. The color
51 # in the top left corner of the image is used as the background color
52 # for the menu screens. Currently uncompressed BMP images with color
53 # depths of 24, 8, 4 or 1 bits are supported, as well as PNG images.
54 #
55 #banner hostname.bmp
56 #banner mybanner.png
58 # Specify how to handle banners that aren't exactly the same as the screen
59 # size:
60 # noscale - Crop if too big, show with border if too small
61 # fillscreen - Fill the screen
62 # Default is noscale
63 #
64 #banner_scale fillscreen
66 # Icon sizes. All icons are square, so just one value is specified. The
67 # big icons are used for OS selectors in the first row and the small
68 # icons are used for tools on the second row. Drive-type badges are 1/4
69 # the size of the big icons. Legal values are 32 and above. If the icon
70 # files do not hold icons of the proper size, the icons are scaled to
71 # the specified size. The default values are 48 and 128 for small and
72 # big icons, respectively.
73 #
74 #small_icon_size 96
75 #big_icon_size 256
77 # Custom images for the selection background. There is a big one (144 x 144)
78 # for the OS icons, and a small one (64 x 64) for the function icons in the
79 # second row. If only a small image is given, that one is also used for
80 # the big icons by stretching it in the middle. If only a big one is given,
81 # the built-in default will be used for the small icons.
82 #
83 # Like the banner option above, these options take a filename of an
84 # uncompressed BMP image file with a color depth of 24, 8, 4, or 1 bits,
85 # or a PNG image. The PNG format is required if you need transparency
86 # support (to let you "see through" to a full-screen banner).
87 #
88 #selection_big selection-big.bmp
89 #selection_small selection-small.bmp
91 # Set the font to be used for all textual displays in graphics mode.
92 # The font must be a PNG file with alpha channel transparency. It must
93 # contain ASCII characters 32-126 (space through tilde), inclusive, plus
94 # a glyph to be displayed in place of characters outside of this range,
95 # for a total of 96 glyphs. Only monospaced fonts are supported. Fonts
96 # may be of any size, although large fonts can produce display
97 # irregularities.
98 # The default is rEFInd's built-in font, Luxi Mono Regular 12 point.
99 #
100 #font myfont.png
102 # Use text mode only. When enabled, this option forces rEFInd into text mode.
103 # Passing this option a "0" value causes graphics mode to be used. Pasing
104 # it no value or any non-0 value causes text mode to be used.
105 # Default is to use graphics mode.
106 #
107 #textonly
109 # Set the EFI text mode to be used for textual displays. This option
110 # takes a single digit that refers to a mode number. Mode 0 is normally
111 # 80x25, 1 is sometimes 80x50, and higher numbers are system-specific
112 # modes. Mode 1024 is a special code that tells rEFInd to not set the
113 # text mode; it uses whatever was in use when the program was launched.
114 # If you specify an invalid mode, rEFInd pauses during boot to inform
115 # you of valid modes.
116 # CAUTION: On VirtualBox, and perhaps on some real computers, specifying
117 # a text mode and uncommenting the "textonly" option while NOT specifying
118 # a resolution can result in an unusable display in the booted OS.
119 # Default is 1024 (no change)
120 #
121 #textmode 2
123 # Set the screen's video resolution. Pass this option either:
124 # * two values, corresponding to the X and Y resolutions
125 # * one value, corresponding to a GOP (UEFI) video mode
126 # Note that not all resolutions are supported. On UEFI systems, passing
127 # an incorrect value results in a message being shown on the screen to
128 # that effect, along with a list of supported modes. On EFI 1.x systems
129 # (e.g., Macintoshes), setting an incorrect mode silently fails. On both
130 # types of systems, setting an incorrect resolution results in the default
131 # resolution being used. A resolution of 1024x768 usually works, but higher
132 # values often don't.
133 # Default is "0 0" (use the system default resolution, usually 800x600).
134 #
135 #resolution 1024 768
136 #resolution 3
138 # Launch specified OSes in graphics mode. By default, rEFInd switches
139 # to text mode and displays basic pre-launch information when launching
140 # all OSes except OS X. Using graphics mode can produce a more seamless
141 # transition, but displays no information, which can make matters
142 # difficult if you must debug a problem. Also, on at least one known
143 # computer, using graphics mode prevents a crash when using the Linux
144 # kernel's EFI stub loader. You can specify an empty list to boot all
145 # OSes in text mode.
146 # Valid options:
147 # osx - Mac OS X
148 # linux - A Linux kernel with EFI stub loader
149 # elilo - The ELILO boot loader
150 # grub - The GRUB (Legacy or 2) boot loader
151 # windows - Microsoft Windows
152 # Default value: osx
153 #
154 #use_graphics_for osx,linux
156 # Which non-bootloader tools to show on the tools line, and in what
157 # order to display them:
158 # shell - the EFI shell (requires external program; see rEFInd
159 # documentation for details)
160 # memtest - the memtest86 program, in EFI/tools, EFI/memtest86,
161 # EFI/memtest, EFI/tools/memtest86, or EFI/tools/memtest
162 # gptsync - the (dangerous) gptsync.efi utility (requires external
163 # program; see rEFInd documentation for details)
164 # gdisk - the gdisk partitioning program
165 # apple_recovery - boots the Apple Recovery HD partition, if present
166 # windows_recovery - boots an OEM Windows recovery tool, if present
167 # (see also the windows_recovery_files option)
168 # mok_tool - makes available the Machine Owner Key (MOK) maintenance
169 # tool, MokManager.efi, used on Secure Boot systems
170 # about - an "about this program" option
171 # exit - a tag to exit from rEFInd
172 # shutdown - shuts down the computer (a bug causes this to reboot
173 # many UEFI systems)
174 # reboot - a tag to reboot the computer
175 # firmware - a tag to reboot the computer into the firmware's
176 # user interface (ignored on older computers)
177 # netboot - launch the ipxe.efi tool for network (PXE) booting
178 # Default is shell,memtest,gdisk,apple_recovery,windows_recovery,mok_tool,about,shutdown,reboot,firmware
179 #
180 #showtools shell, gdisk, memtest, mok_tool, about, reboot, exit, firmware
182 # Boot loaders that can launch a Windows restore or emergency system.
183 # These tend to be OEM-specific.
184 # Default is LRS_ESP:/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/LrsBootmgr.efi
185 #
186 #windows_recovery_files LRS_ESP:/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/LrsBootmgr.efi
188 # Directories in which to search for EFI drivers. These drivers can
189 # provide filesystem support, give access to hard disks on plug-in
190 # controllers, etc. In most cases none are needed, but if you add
191 # EFI drivers and you want rEFInd to automatically load them, you
192 # should specify one or more paths here. rEFInd always scans the
193 # "drivers" and "drivers_{arch}" subdirectories of its own installation
194 # directory (where "{arch}" is your architecture code); this option
195 # specifies ADDITIONAL directories to scan.
196 # Default is to scan no additional directories for EFI drivers
197 #
198 #scan_driver_dirs EFI/tools/drivers,drivers
200 # Which types of boot loaders to search, and in what order to display them:
201 # internal - internal EFI disk-based boot loaders
202 # external - external EFI disk-based boot loaders
203 # optical - EFI optical discs (CD, DVD, etc.)
204 # netboot - EFI network (PXE) boot options
205 # hdbios - BIOS disk-based boot loaders
206 # biosexternal - BIOS external boot loaders (USB, eSATA, etc.)
207 # cd - BIOS optical-disc boot loaders
208 # manual - use stanzas later in this configuration file
209 # Note that the legacy BIOS options require firmware support, which is
210 # not present on all computers.
211 # The netboot option is experimental and relies on the ipxe.efi and
212 # ipxe_discover.efi program files.
213 # On UEFI PCs, default is internal,external,optical,manual
214 # On Macs, default is internal,hdbios,external,biosexternal,optical,cd,manual
215 #
216 #scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
218 # By default, rEFInd relies on the UEFI firmware to detect BIOS-mode boot
219 # devices. This sometimes doesn't detect all the available devices, though.
220 # For these cases, uefi_deep_legacy_scan results in a forced scan and
221 # modification of NVRAM variables on each boot. Adding "0", "off", or
222 # "false" resets to the default value. This token has no effect on Macs or
223 # when no BIOS-mode options are set via scanfor.
224 # Default is unset (or "uefi_deep_legacy_scan true")
225 #
226 #uefi_deep_legacy_scan
228 # Delay for the specified number of seconds before scanning disks.
229 # This can help some users who find that some of their disks
230 # (usually external or optical discs) aren't detected initially,
231 # but are detected after pressing Esc.
232 # The default is 0.
233 #
234 #scan_delay 5
236 # When scanning volumes for EFI boot loaders, rEFInd always looks for
237 # Mac OS X's and Microsoft Windows' boot loaders in their normal locations,
238 # and scans the root directory and every subdirectory of the /EFI directory
239 # for additional boot loaders, but it doesn't recurse into these directories.
240 # The also_scan_dirs token adds more directories to the scan list.
241 # Directories are specified relative to the volume's root directory. This
242 # option applies to ALL the volumes that rEFInd scans UNLESS you include
243 # a volume name and colon before the directory name, as in "myvol:/somedir"
244 # to scan the somedir directory only on the filesystem named myvol. If a
245 # specified directory doesn't exist, it's ignored (no error condition
246 # results). The default is to scan the "boot" directory in addition to
247 # various hard-coded directories.
248 #
249 #also_scan_dirs boot,ESP2:EFI/linux/kernels
251 # Partitions (or whole disks, for legacy-mode boots) to omit from scans.
252 # For EFI-mode scans, you must specify a volume by its label, which you
253 # can obtain in an EFI shell by typing "vol", from Linux by typing
254 # "blkid /dev/{devicename}", or by examining the disk's label in various
255 # OSes' file browsers.
256 # For legacy-mode scans, you can specify any subset of the boot loader
257 # description shown when you highlight the option in rEFInd.
258 # The default is "LRS_ESP".
259 #
260 #dont_scan_volumes "Recovery HD"
262 # Directories that should NOT be scanned for boot loaders. By default,
263 # rEFInd doesn't scan its own directory, the EFI/tools directory, the
264 # EFI/memtest directory, the EFI/memtest86 directory, or the
265 # com.apple.recovery.boot directory. Using the dont_scan_dirs option
266 # enables you to "blacklist" other directories; but be sure to use "+"
267 # as the first element if you want to continue blacklisting existing
268 # directories. You might use this token to keep EFI/boot/bootx64.efi out
269 # of the menu if that's a duplicate of another boot loader or to exclude
270 # a directory that holds drivers or non-bootloader utilities provided by
271 # a hardware manufacturer. If a directory is listed both here and in
272 # also_scan_dirs, dont_scan_dirs takes precedence. Note that this
273 # blacklist applies to ALL the filesystems that rEFInd scans, not just
274 # the ESP, unless you precede the directory name by a filesystem name,
275 # as in "myvol:EFI/somedir" to exclude EFI/somedir from the scan on the
276 # myvol volume but not on other volumes.
277 #
278 #dont_scan_dirs ESP:/EFI/boot,EFI/Dell,EFI/memtest86
280 # Files that should NOT be included as EFI boot loaders (on the
281 # first line of the display). If you're using a boot loader that
282 # relies on support programs or drivers that are installed alongside
283 # the main binary or if you want to "blacklist" certain loaders by
284 # name rather than location, use this option. Note that this will
285 # NOT prevent certain binaries from showing up in the second-row
286 # set of tools. Most notably, various Secure Boot and recovery
287 # tools are present in this list, but may appear as second-row
288 # items.
289 # The file may be specified as a bare name (e.g., "notme.efi"), as
290 # a complete filename (e.g., "/EFI/somedir/notme.efi"), or as a
291 # complete filename with volume (e.g., "SOMEDISK:/EFI/somedir/notme.efi").
292 # The default is shim.efi,shim-fedora.efi,shimx64.efi,PreLoader.efi,
293 # TextMode.efi,ebounce.efi,GraphicsConsole.efi,MokManager.efi,HashTool.efi,
294 # HashTool-signed.efi,bootmgr.efi
295 #
296 #dont_scan_files shim.efi,MokManager.efi
298 # Scan for Linux kernels that lack a ".efi" filename extension. This is
299 # useful for better integration with Linux distributions that provide
300 # kernels with EFI stub loaders but that don't give those kernels filenames
301 # that end in ".efi", particularly if the kernels are stored on a
302 # filesystem that the EFI can read. When set to "1", "true", or "on", this
303 # option causes all files in scanned directories with names that begin with
304 # "vmlinuz" or "bzImage" to be included as loaders, even if they lack ".efi"
305 # extensions. Passing this option a "0", "false", or "off" value causes
306 # kernels without ".efi" extensions to NOT be scanned.
307 # Default is "true" -- to scan for kernels without ".efi" extensions.
308 #
309 #scan_all_linux_kernels false
311 # Set the maximum number of tags that can be displayed on the screen at
312 # any time. If more loaders are discovered than this value, rEFInd shows
313 # a subset in a scrolling list. If this value is set too high for the
314 # screen to handle, it's reduced to the value that the screen can manage.
315 # If this value is set to 0 (the default), it's adjusted to the number
316 # that the screen can handle.
317 #
318 #max_tags 0
320 # Set the default menu selection. The available arguments match the
321 # keyboard accelerators available within rEFInd. You may select the
322 # default loader using:
323 # - A digit between 1 and 9, in which case the Nth loader in the menu
324 # will be the default.
325 # - A "+" symbol at the start of the string, which refers to the most
326 # recently booted loader.
327 # - Any substring that corresponds to a portion of the loader's title
328 # (usually the OS's name or boot loader's path).
329 # You may also specify multiple selectors by separating them with commas
330 # and enclosing the list in quotes. (The "+" option is only meaningful in
331 # this context.)
332 # If you follow the selector(s) with two times, in 24-hour format, the
333 # default will apply only between those times. The times are in the
334 # motherboard's time standard, whether that's UTC or local time, so if
335 # you use UTC, you'll need to adjust this from local time manually.
336 # Times may span midnight as in "23:30 00:30", which applies to 11:30 PM
337 # to 12:30 AM. You may specify multiple default_selection lines, in which
338 # case the last one to match takes precedence. Thus, you can set a main
339 # option without a time followed by one or more that include times to
340 # set different defaults for different times of day.
341 # The default behavior is to boot the previously-booted OS.
342 #
343 #default_selection 1
344 #default_selection Microsoft
345 #default_selection "+,bzImage,vmlinuz"
346 #default_selection Maintenance 23:30 2:00
347 #default_selection "Maintenance,OS X" 1:00 2:30
349 # Enable VMX bit and lock the CPU MSR if unlocked.
350 # On some Intel Apple computers, the firmware does not lock the MSR 0x3A.
351 # The symptom on Windows is Hyper-V not working even if the CPU
352 # meets the minimum requirements (HW assisted virtualization and SLAT)
354 # http://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Activating_the_Intel_VT_Virtualization_Feature!
355 # for more on this subject.
356 # The default is false: Don't try to enable and lock the MSR.
357 #
358 #enable_and_lock_vmx false
360 # Include a secondary configuration file within this one. This secondary
361 # file is loaded as if its options appeared at the point of the "include"
362 # token itself, so if you want to override a setting in the main file,
363 # the secondary file must be referenced AFTER the setting you want to
364 # override. Note that the secondary file may NOT load a tertiary file.
365 #
366 #include manual.conf
368 # Sample manual configuration stanzas. Each begins with the "menuentry"
369 # keyword followed by a name that's to appear in the menu (use quotes
370 # if you want the name to contain a space) and an open curly brace
371 # ("{"). Each entry ends with a close curly brace ("}"). Common
372 # keywords within each stanza include:
373 #
374 # volume - identifies the filesystem from which subsequent files
375 # are loaded. You can specify the volume by label or by
376 # a number followed by a colon (as in "0:" for the first
377 # filesystem or "1:" for the second).
378 # loader - identifies the boot loader file
379 # initrd - Specifies an initial RAM disk file
380 # icon - specifies a custom boot loader icon
381 # ostype - OS type code to determine boot options available by
382 # pressing Insert. Valid values are "MacOS", "Linux",
383 # "Windows", and "XOM". Case-sensitive.
384 # graphics - set to "on" to enable graphics-mode boot (useful
385 # mainly for MacOS) or "off" for text-mode boot.
386 # Default is auto-detected from loader filename.
387 # options - sets options to be passed to the boot loader; use
388 # quotes if more than one option should be passed or
389 # if any options use characters that might be changed
390 # by rEFInd parsing procedures (=, /, #, or tab).
391 # disabled - use alone or set to "yes" to disable this entry.
392 #
393 # Note that you can use either DOS/Windows/EFI-style backslashes (\)
394 # or Unix-style forward slashes (/) as directory separators. Either
395 # way, all file references are on the ESP from which rEFInd was
396 # launched.
397 # Use of quotes around parameters causes them to be interpreted as
398 # one keyword, and for parsing of special characters (spaces, =, /,
399 # and #) to be disabled. This is useful mainly with the "options"
400 # keyword. Use of quotes around parameters that specify filenames is
401 # permissible, but you must then use backslashes instead of slashes,
402 # except when you must pass a forward slash to the loader, as when
403 # passing a root= option to a Linux kernel.
405 # Below are several sample boot stanzas. All are disabled by default.
406 # Find one similar to what you need, copy it, remove the "disabled" line,
407 # and adjust the entries to suit your needs.
409 # A sample entry for a Linux 3.3 kernel with its new EFI boot stub
410 # support on a filesystem called "KERNELS". This entry includes
411 # Linux-specific boot options and specification of an initial RAM disk.
412 # Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes, even in the initrd
413 # specification. Also note that a leading slash is optional in file
414 # specifications.
415 menuentry Linux {
416 icon EFI/refind/icons/os_linux.png
417 volume KERNELS
418 loader bzImage-3.3.0-rc7
419 initrd initrd-3.3.0.img
420 options "ro root=UUID=5f96cafa-e0a7-4057-b18f-fa709db5b837"
421 disabled
422 }
424 # A sample entry for loading Ubuntu using its standard name for
425 # its GRUB 2 boot loader. Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes
426 menuentry Ubuntu {
427 loader /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi
428 icon /EFI/refind/icons/os_linux.png
429 disabled
430 }
432 # A minimal ELILO entry, which probably offers nothing that
433 # auto-detection can't accomplish.
434 menuentry "ELILO" {
435 loader \EFI\elilo\elilo.efi
436 disabled
437 }
439 # Like the ELILO entry, this one offers nothing that auto-detection
440 # can't do; but you might use it if you want to disable auto-detection
441 # but still boot Windows....
442 menuentry "Windows 7" {
443 loader \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
444 disabled
445 }
447 # EFI shells are programs just like boot loaders, and can be
448 # launched in the same way. You can pass a shell the name of a
449 # script that it's to run on the "options" line. The script
450 # could initialize hardware and then launch an OS, or it could
451 # do something entirely different.
452 menuentry "Windows via shell script" {
453 icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_win.png
454 loader \EFI\tools\shell.efi
455 options "fs0:\EFI\tools\launch_windows.nsh"
456 disabled
457 }
459 # Mac OS is normally detected and run automatically; however,
460 # if you want to do something unusual, a manual boot stanza may
461 # be the way to do it. This one does nothing very unusual, but
462 # it may serve as a starting point. Note that you'll almost
463 # certainly need to change the "volume" line for this example
464 # to work.
465 menuentry "My Mac OS X" {
466 icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_mac.png
467 volume "OS X boot"
468 loader \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
469 disabled
470 }